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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. I haven't tried out the new version yet, but is there a way to disable the tech tree requirements if I wanted to?
  2. How do I tell CKAN that I already have some mods that it's not actually seeing (all of RoverDudes stuff for one), but tell it to NOT download and overwrite what's already installed?
  3. Coolness. Though I got word of it from TheReadPanda's stream. Also, your post is breaking the forum formatting and extending off to the right. Just letting you know on that.
  4. Yeah, and sattelite orbits would slowly drift off from their designated orbits (I think) and n-body physics is a really complicated thing. The devs wouldn't have time to do anything else, or have room for anything else even.
  5. I didn't have RPM. Roverdude's fixed the bug in the github issue tracker anyhow.
  6. The map mode text is really my main complaint though, but yeah, probably better to just change the text size rather than fiddle with the editor UI.
  7. I was gonna ask if there was a safe version to use, but then again, when has Hyperedit ever been 'safe'. The kraken is always waiting around the corner, waiting for you to do something dumb, or just randomly wrap it's tentacles on everything.
  8. It's still the same kind of scale needed though.
  9. Would it also be possible to resize the editor UI? Because the text (in map mode, elsewhere) is clear with an UI size of 1.2 using my resolution, but the editor UI gets bigger than neccesary.
  10. Seems really interesting. Also, the image in your first post breaks through the post, just letting you know. Edit: Also, this kind of thing would be great for the multi-generational colony ships that RoverDude has envisioned in the past. So, hopefully you have things that will also mesh with whatever RoverDude makes in the future.
  11. Good to hear that the mod is alive again. Hope that bug which was breaking pause is fixed though.
  12. It's magenta, not pink, but whatever. lol...
  13. I'm looking for that one, however, I heard that it had a name change, but... I forget what it changed to....
  14. I didn't see anything on who will be the new maintainer though.
  15. While in the proccess of loading up each mod and checking for errors (nearly all of the ones I currently have, have been updated, but doesn't hurt to check), I saw this one generated for one of the small pods: [ERR 11:53:03.068] File error: Failed to read past end of stream. at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.BinaryReader.Read7BitEncodedInt () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.ReadTextures (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.GameObject o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.Read (.UrlFile file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [WRN 11:53:03.070] Model load error in 'C:\1.1 modded KSP\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\ExpPack\AES\Spaces\AES_Internal.mu' In looking at it, looks like the IVA majorly broke. The HERP pod semi-broke in that the IVA isn't visible through the windows anymore (or do I need RPM for that one?). It's this github issue for the AES pod apparently: https://github.com/BobPalmer/ExplorationPack/issues/83
  16. Ask in the tech support section if you haven't already I guess?
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *Pings @godarklight like crazy* Okay, not really. Only pinging him once.
  18. Well, textures being a reasonable size and optimized models (not exactly sure what 'optimized models' entails specifically either) mainly.....
  19. Cool that this is a continuation of KWrocketry. May want to update the version number on spacedock because the one I downloaded yesterday was 3.0.0. Also, did you check whether the textures and models are optimized? Because there is an unity bug that causes lag when you scroll a list that has lots of parts (150+), so, unoptimized models and textures would make it worse. The devs know about the issue though and are working on it.
  20. Launching craft from the editor or KSC screen, going back to the SPH/VAB from flght is really all I have to go on. It was with old saves that I was trying to see how much things would explode on (unfortunately, things weren't as buggy or explodey as I expected, or hoped), so, I wasn't really doing any serious bugtesting. So, it would be better to do it with a fresh save or even stock only+BBT.
  21. @nightingale I'm 99.9% sure that is actually normal for the debris report window. I've seen it myself and in various ppls streams as well. I'll check if theres a bug report on it though. edit: Nope, it may have been like this in 1.0.5 as well though.
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