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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Currently investigating http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9152 (yes it's my own bug report, that's why I'm looking into it myself).
  2. The 1.1.1 thread in Daily Kerbal dissappeared for some reason. Anyway, I'm testing out http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9152 and things seem to be WORSE, but I'm still testing.
  3. Where did the 1.1 announcement thread in the Daily Kerbal section go??
  4. Reposting question: How do I tell CKAN that I already have some mods that it's not actually seeing (all of RoverDudes stuff for one), but tell it to NOT download and overwrite what's already installed?
  5. Okay, no problem. Resizing the UI so that the text size is readable and then scaling back the rest of the stuff is a workable solution for now. Edit: What about the editor UI? While I don't think theres many complaints from that, it would still be nice to have the option at least.
  6. They're in a better state than when the open pre-release experimentials started, I'll definetly give them that. As Nathan said, it's not so simple that it can be hotfixed away.
  7. WHOO! Thanks @TriggerAu! Also, @TriggerAu, think you could slip in a slider for the text scale? Because that's the last remaining UI problem to tackle. Unless you guys want to try and solve that without using the scaler.
  8. Cool, thanks. Also going to check out testing of it and stuff. Multiple craft shouldn't cause lots of lag anymore.
  9. I think you may need an engineer to do that. Anyway, sounds like the kerbal duplication problem is a KerbalKrashSystems related issue, I hope.....
  10. I haven't tried out the new version yet, but is there a way to disable the tech tree requirements if I wanted to?
  11. How do I tell CKAN that I already have some mods that it's not actually seeing (all of RoverDudes stuff for one), but tell it to NOT download and overwrite what's already installed?
  12. Coolness. Though I got word of it from TheReadPanda's stream. Also, your post is breaking the forum formatting and extending off to the right. Just letting you know on that.
  13. Yeah, and sattelite orbits would slowly drift off from their designated orbits (I think) and n-body physics is a really complicated thing. The devs wouldn't have time to do anything else, or have room for anything else even.
  14. I didn't have RPM. Roverdude's fixed the bug in the github issue tracker anyhow.
  15. The map mode text is really my main complaint though, but yeah, probably better to just change the text size rather than fiddle with the editor UI.
  16. I was gonna ask if there was a safe version to use, but then again, when has Hyperedit ever been 'safe'. The kraken is always waiting around the corner, waiting for you to do something dumb, or just randomly wrap it's tentacles on everything.
  17. It's still the same kind of scale needed though.
  18. Would it also be possible to resize the editor UI? Because the text (in map mode, elsewhere) is clear with an UI size of 1.2 using my resolution, but the editor UI gets bigger than neccesary.
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