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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. I just realized the kerbal, he's wearing Das's headphones and hat!
  2. Yeah that was it, he was coming down to visit SQUADs office for the 1.1 update. They said that in the devnotes last week. It's definetly Turbocharged Update and Das Valdez goes to Moho, or maybe Mexico.
  3. I can only make out the letters HO, or maybe HD, not enough to make a connection. And again, wasn't Das doing something special for 1.1?
  4. New piece on the puzzle up. I can make out the Dez in Das Valdez's name. Isn't Das doing something special for the 1.1 launch? I heard something about that. edit: Das, not Dan.
  5. Looks like one of those caps that astronauts wear when wearing the helmet.
  6. Okay. Got an update, but it's just the thing reversing itself back to 1.0.5.
  7. Well, theres nothing horribly gamebreaking, but something can always pop up between now and release.
  8. Well, it's the public one that was released earlier anyway.
  9. Pretty sure it's just the 1228 they released earlier.
  10. Same here, and they really do need to give the fonts a once-over. It just looks really bad for them when compared with mods which have crystal clear text.
  11. There was a release earlier this morning, mostly to fix a rather bad bug. Yeah, it feels like they are falling into the 'MUST MEET DEADLINE!' trap. They probably also feel like they're under pressure from the community to get this released.
  12. I noticed that a couple min ago and reported that in the kerbal network section. I agree though, it's still too soon, theres still some bugs to fix, the landing legs may still be slidy and so are kerbals. Plus they need to do an optimization and readability run.
  13. Sounded a bit like he had family issues interfering.
  14. /me is that someone Also, for the record, the game didn't crash, it just went into *windows hourglass proccessing* mode and was still churning, just took a long time. WIndows only thought it wasn't responding.
  15. Where do I find the rad/s measurement? I'm trying to find it to help with a bug report, but not having used V.O.I.D. before, I have no clue. I don't see it in the screenshot on the OP either.
  16. I wondered why the video was set to private....
  17. Slight bug I found with version 1.2.1, the GOREsat part is actually floating above the parent parts surface a little.
  18. nvm, thought I was in a diff section.
  19. This bug has been around for a while in 1.0.x and DMagic has said that he couldn't figure out the reason why it was happening and this is a frustrating bug and I've tried reporting it over the months with no resolution. The only reason I decided to put up with it is because I was hoping it'd be gone in 1.1, but it isn't, so, can someone help with this one? Also, for some crazy reason, I'm the only one actually experiencing this bug! Which makes it all the more frustrating. KSP Version: 1.1 pre-release build 1196 64bit exe, Windows What Happens: After restoring the micro Goo containment pod and the SC-901 Science Micro and waiting for the autosave, the game generally bugs out after the autosave Mods / Add-Ons: 1.1 prerelease compat DMagic Orbital Science 1.2.1 Steps to Replicate: 1. Load the provided craft onto the pad, make sure you have a scientist. 2. Exit pod, do observe and collect twice for both parts. 3. Restore the two parts. 4. Wait until the autosave. 5. After the autosave, try right clicking on things. Nothing works. Then re-enter pod and have a chance of being cloned. Result: Right click no longer works, generally bugs out and gets attacked by the kraken. Sometimes if you re-enter the pod, the kerbal gets cloned. Fixes/Workarounds: Going to KSC and back fixes it. doing a quicksave and reverting it will temporarily fix it until next time. Files including logs, craft file, output log, DXdiag log, the mod folder, etc: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iwimsjyf27m8scf/DMOS%20bug%20report.zip?dl=0 Right now I feel like just screaming HELP and posting this stuff on this section and in the other help section and in the bugtracker, that's how frustrated I am with this because nobody else is getting this bug and DMagic has no clue how to fix it, I think.... edit: I tried setting the experimentLimit bit to 1 and it bugged out instantly.
  20. ARG!! The EVA freezeup bug is still there! Going to have to try to figure out whether it's a stock problem or a DMOS problem..... Are there like, advanced debugging in the debug log or what?
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