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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Dang, missed it, at least I can watch VoD Also, HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY HYPEITY edit: *also grabs a ticket for teh hypetrain and hops on*
  2. lol. Probably just being overly optimistic here. Not going to rush you or anything when 1.1 does come out.
  3. I thought my question wouldn't be covered by it, but fair enough. Also, roverdude said that his stuff was now prepped for 1.1 release, so, that's pretty much why I thought it would be okay. At most, it'd probably just need an API and version file update. Not critical or anything since theres other tools I can use to help monitor memory usage.
  4. Hey @sarbian, any idea if this will be compatible with 1.1 public beta from the start? I had a thought that I might use it to help monitor memory leaks, mainly the scene change one, but still useful for others.
  5. Oh yeah, the weaponized exhaust thing. The Kermulans would have to get pretty close though, might as well be a melee weapon.
  6. Nice new suits on the Kermulans, resembles the silver jackets worn by the Romulans in TNG. I forget what the TOS Romulans wore though. Also, something wierd is up with their mouths. Either they have a beard kind of thing or something else.
  7. There should be a 'release' or 'launch' button in the UI that comes up when you open up the UI for the dock or pad.
  8. KSP doesn't simulate n-body physics, so, it won't affect anything gravitationally.
  9. That was just Kerbin though, but yeah I guess he could have hyperedited Minmus back into Kerbin orbit.
  10. With Minmus orbiting Laythe? In-universe though, they fully expected it to be destroyed, so, only parkaboy knows what actually happened to it.
  11. True... Have you tried tweakscale? Really helps with that situation by reducing partcount.
  12. It really just has to be slower than the the impact rating of your most fragile part, or at least the part that you expect to take the brunt of the impact. If stagerecovery is going to catch it before it lands, as you might expect from a spent stage, it just has to be slow enough to have 100% recovery as far as speed goes.
  13. I've only had issues with 'land somewhere' with autowarp. You could probably let Sarbian know, but don't expect anything until after 1.1 is released, or at least the 1.1 open experimentials.
  14. You mean the 'land somewhere' guidance? That kind of problem with warping into the ground or past the suicide burn point has been around for a long time. I just don't let MJ warp itself.
  15. MechJeb doesn't know how to handle the chutes in RealChutes, but that shouldn't stop you I guess. Maybe I could look at RealChutes actually.
  16. I've used tweaksale to change the size of the chutes with success. Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (link below) has some big chutes which also work well.
  17. That was over two weeks ago, KSP-AVC only told me that there was an update today. I'm 99% sure it was just a false positive as it's happened a few times before.
  18. I DON'T use the filterextensions mod though and for me, it was the next tab below the SpaceY-Lifters category in position. There was also a SpaceY-Extended tab above the SpaceY-Lifters category.
  19. Release notes on 0.1.3? Unless I beat you to it. KSP-AVC said there was an update, but the releases still shows 0.1.2, not 0.1.3. It's possible that it's a false positive or something, it's done that a few times with other stuff before.
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