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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. "* Fixed problem with airbreathing engines being stuck in flameout state after game reloading when landed." I thought that was a stock bug, but good that a workaround was found.
  2. Lol, Mort would love the Stage Recovery mod. Also, why do Tedus and Samantha have orange suits? That's supposed to be reserved for the main 4.
  3. At least you know about it Nertea. Also, what size is that engine model?
  4. Don't worry about it @Snark, to be fair, even stock seems confused by it and the Nuclear Rockets mod has HUMONGOUS amounts of deltaV anyway, so, I don't expect this to actually be set up in order to read those and I'm not asking for it to be. Probably the main thing that is confusing both this and MJ is the fact that the engines in that are pulse engines, not continuous thrust.
  5. That makes sense. edit: Lol, this thing is utterly confused by the Orion nuclear pulse engines from RoverDudes Nuclear Rockets mod as well as it's giving totally ridiculous times.
  6. Also, a thought occurred to me, shouldn't Jeb and Bill be worried about people eavesdropping on their conversations? Whether accidentially or intentionally. Unless the concept of espionage is alien to them.
  7. Love the hippie-esque personality of Olivia (also fairy tattoo on her, well, somewhere). Also, does she have different hair? Looks like it.
  8. This would be useful as MJ is utterly confused by the Orion nuclear engines. Just a thought regarding the time display (haven't used it yet), is there a way to have it display the minutes when it goes over 60 seconds?
  9. When I tried to use this, I got a massive spam of this exception when I launched a ship: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'MuMech.GLUtils.DrawPath'. at RenderingManager.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Also, all of the blizzys toolbar icons were greyed out and the esc key wouldn't work, had to force exit KSP. Using dev build #567. Output log
  10. @allista Theres a successor up though: http://spacedock.info/
  11. You could think of it as the pilot flying more efficiently, but yeah, as nightingale said, some suspension of disbelief is required.
  12. Yeah, that's the idea I was getting at. Did you ever figure out what was up with the pilot focus III strategy decreasing the vacuum ISP of the lightbulb engine? If you've gotten around to it yet.
  13. Just a thought, would it be possible to add some sort of toggle that shows the changed deltaV in the VAB/SPH when pilot focus III is on? Maybe when a pilot is in the crew roster, I don't know. The other issues would have to be solved first of course.
  14. Are there any mods with a command pod that has a capacity of four? Because I have an idea on a ship that I want to build, but I'd rather use something more, I dunno, pod-y, than the shuttle command module clone that's in stock.
  15. Field Science may still be implicated since it seems to be firing after the scansat stuff goes, sometimes, but the problem was happening with Field Science off, so....
  16. I think what Bill was trying to say is that having different inline sizes would be good for when you are minimizing weight or it's a small probe. 1.25 inline would be more like 5m expanded, a 0.62 inline that expands to maybe 3.5m would be good for those little probes. EDIT: Or perhaps tweakscale support could be added through the mod itself, so, that's an alternative. Yes, like you would with the regular heatshields unless you don't care that part which extends out burns up on reentry.
  17. All of them? Though with the current narrowed down state of advanced progression, SCANsat official, strategia, DMsurveycontract, and worldfirstcontract (stock) , it seems to be mainly the Official SCANsat since they're kind of popping in and out of existence. I thought that contract bug with the launch clamps was fixed a few KSP versions ago?
  18. Is anybody else noticing flickering of the contracts? It resembles the issue reported back here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91625-105-contract-configurator-v196-2016-02-17/&page=98#comment-2387071 except that the contracts load and disappear in a blink and its not clear that they are tied to any specific contract. It may possibly have partially to do with limiting what contracts there are, but theres something going on.
  19. I think I ran into that one once. I think it happened because I just happened to have docking ports on a vessel that were close enough to activate magnets or something. I can understand it being single use only (though technically theres nothing stopping anybody from re-using it in the deployed state if it still has ablator), but what's the reasoning behind it not being re-foldable once it's out? I'm sure the NASA one (which this is based off of) isn't re-foldable, but I'm just wondering what your reasoning is.
  20. Hey @DMagic I just had something wierd happen. When I warped through the Kerbin SoI, it started spamming the exception below for no obvious reason. I don't have any SCANsat or DMOS parts on the craft, so, I don't know what mod of yours it's coming from. Contract window plus maybe? NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at DMagic.Parameters.DMOrbitalParameters.vesselOrbit (.Vessel v, .CelestialBody b) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`2[Vessel,CelestialBody].Fire (.Vessel data0, .CelestialBody data1) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPAchievements.CelestialBodyOrbit.onVesselSitChange (HostedFromToAction`2 vs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[GameEvents+HostedFromToAction`2[Vessel,Vessel+Situations]].Fire (HostedFromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.updateSituation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 output log: http://sta.sh/01u3ps2n4xgn
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