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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. How is he going to show that they haven't been read.
  2. Has anybody been able to get the contract to check off the bathymetry data? It's the bathymetry instrument from roverdudes 'Otter' submarine mod. Going to try and get deep water measurements for it though.
  3. Yeah I could have linked to my solution, sorry. You're forgetting ExoticMinerals Also, jd284 made a pastebin MM config over here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72032-105-usi-kolonization-systems-mksoks-0331-planetary-logistics-and-kolony-rewards/&page=583#comment-2396360
  4. This is MKS/UKS I'm talking about. Anyway, seems like it's the Planetary Survey Camera that scans Gypsum and Hydrates, not sure. I was able to get the scanning to work though. Don't know if dirt is supposed to be a scannable resource.
  5. How do I get the new resources in UKS (Gypsum and hydrates) to show up in SCANsat? Edit: Actually, I think I may have it figured out.
  6. Theres a huge revamp and rework with the wheels in Unity 5 and 1.1, they're going to work like real world wheels. So, no getting stopped by something you could easily just roll over.
  7. Not sure on the icon for stagnated resesarch (though honestly, I'm not sure what would work in there), but everything else looks good, My first thought would have been the church or some symbol for conservatism, but that'd be getting really political and we don't want to go there.
  8. @Kuzzter If you don't mind getting yet another mod, you can use the Action Groups Extended mod to help out with the action groups. Looks like you've got it handled though.
  9. @allista nvm the spam of reverts, the spreadsheet was screwed up for me, but that was because I had done a vid card update and forgot to restart firefox which had screwed up slightly from that. Turns out the spreadsheet is fine.
  10. I'm aware of those two conflicts, but it's just saying 'conflicting contracts, so can't activate' (basically) without any obvious reasons why or what it's conflicting with and I even looked at the configs and there shouldn't be any conflicts. Here is my current setup minus scientist focus II(I actually had less science, but I temporarily boosted up the science to show that the conflict is there even when I have science):
  11. Dang, sorry to hear about that, was wondering what happened with the sudden absence. Anyway, been using an older beta version for a while due to a docking port related bug which I had somehow thought was a stock bug, resulting in it getting missed for so long. I've detailed it both on the spreadsheet and here on the thread.
  12. Sure, I'll grab a KSP log before I go to bed. Also, do you know whether Contract Slot Machine III and To Boldly Go III conflict with Scientist Focus III somehow? While it's true that I might not have the rep (though I don't have the science now anyway, now that I spent it), I looked at the configs for those strategies and didn't see anything that would conflict with scientist focus III, besides, I was able to get scientist focus II. http://sta.sh/01xrvt36uyz4
  13. When I open CAPCOM, I get the debug log spammed with [warning] null texture passed to GUI.DrawTexture. Any idea what is causing that? I'm using Strategia and theres a current mission activated by it, but the Strategia flag is blank (I'm assuming it's unfinished), no idea if that has anything to do with it.
  14. Also, minor bug with the messaging for modified rewards via contracts, namely the 'to boldly go' strategy. It'll pop up the notification for science transmitted, but any other science transmitted while the notification is still there don't get added to it (like I've seen for those distance and speed records you get early on). I'm pretty sure the bonus is still getting added. editwhiletyping: Hm, it doesn't seem to trigger for normal flats. edit: No bonus for this one? I'm doing the Minmus crewed program strategy.
  15. Was the bug preventing the plane from taking off somehow? I mean, I get how having the situation be correct is critical, but I don't see how it would prevent the plane from taking off....
  16. Forgot about it earlier today, but anyway, here: http://sta.sh/025gvnnbg9m2
  17. Wheres a link to that album with the stuff that a clever person managed to find? Or maybe I'll look in general discussion.
  18. The waypoints usually go away when I complete the waypoint though, that's what I'm saying. Also, it's just one of the contracts that I currently have that Editwhiletyping: Actually, I looked at the waypoints sorted by contract and it turns out that the one which isn't having the waypoints go away is a duplicate of one of the contracts. I haven't completed the contract that the waypoints are for yet, but will let you know. Edit: Just completed the contract and while the real one did disappear, the ghost duplicate ones are still there. edit2: I tried a bunch of things and those didn't work and then I restarted KSP which cleared out those duplicate waypoints. I did save the output log if you want that.
  19. Is anybody getting situations where the waypoint gets completed in the contract but doesn't get removed from the map and waypoint manager? I've apparently been getting that a whole bunch this morning. They're with the stock survey contracts and I suspect that it may have something to do with me barely being in range of the spot, so, it gets checked off in the contract, but waypoint manager doesn't realize that I've completed it. For the general situation, I'm doing it from Kerbin orbit as low as I can get without going into atmosphere. I do have it on compromise for distance calculation though, so, maybe I'll try it on straight line and see if that completes them better.
  20. Theres also been something odd going on that I've been noticing where it looks like I'm actually losing a small amount of rep for some reason because I get notifications that such and such strategy is no longer available due to rep after completing a contract. Editwhiletyping: Wuh, the rep actually IS going down... what's going on here??? For example, right now, rep is 727.1346, then after I completed two waypoints close to each other and the contract itself which should have added 4 + 4+ 8(which has a -4 modifier due to contract slot machine II, which is also the only active strategy atm) which should have made it 743, but it's actually at 270. What in the wierd??...... Maybe this is actually a contract configurator problem, I don't know. Only reason I'm posting in here is because Strategia is noticing the changes when they cross a threshold. edit: And it happened again with another contract completion. I was getting them with the historical contracts as well, so, it doesn't seem to matter what contract it is.
  21. Oh, it certainly looked like it was the slot machine strategy. Wierd that it's affecting the contracts in that way, and it's a bad thing that it's affecting the contracts like that.
  22. Hey @nightingale, I've stumbled upon an exploit/bug (well, it's both a bug and an exploit because it could be exploited to reroll contracts without declining) in relation to the slot machine strategy by accident. At least I THINK this is coming from strategia. I was flipping between KSC screen and tracking station while using the CAPCOM mod to look at the contracts while going to tracking station to see locations of survey type contracts when I noticed that the numbers for a contract that I was looking at that moment kept changing as I switched scenes. Also, at one point, I noticed that the company for the 'explore mun' contract changed, though it doesn't show that in the screenshots. I think I saw that change anyway. KSP log and output log during all that: http://sta.sh/0m929hjhd8v
  23. 96 O.o geeze, and yeah, using the USI reactors or Nerteas reactors will save massively on part count. Also, Near Future Solar has some big solar panels that could work way out at Jool, also has some larger batteries.
  24. I've noticed this as well, it's easier to spot when theres lots of FPS lag going on, especially when you're declining lots of contracts. Edit: It just happened to me in a new career game after opening MC, and again when I closed and re-opened mission control. edit2: It's doing it several times a minute right now. It keeps reshuffling three 'focused observational surveys of kerbin' contracts. edit3: When it happened previously, I thought it was due to lag or something, but theres absolutely no lag here. Also, the log is generating this line each time the shuffle happens: [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract: Generated contract: CONTRACT_TYPE [FS_Experiment] edit4: I can see it happening in the debug log in the main KSC screen.
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