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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. How's the next update going? I'm interested in doing the probe and kerballed missions and stuff without the timelimits.
  2. Oh I see, well, you'd have to play the historical pack to see what I mean. Got bored with it anyway when I realized that there weren't as many probe missions as I thought there were and decided to start a new career game.
  3. @nightingale How is this bit of code supposed to work? REQUIREMENT { name = CheckSoyuzMission type = Expression expression = HM_DOS6_Ready == 1 } I'm just wondering about it because it's required for the SoyuzT-6 mission in the historic missions packand the mission itself is required for a whole chain of missions to appear, The whole '<vessel> dock with another <vessel>' part is really buggy anyway because it's unable to distingush which craft are which and it seems to have problems recognizing that the salyut-# or whatever name station is the station required for the mission. Don't know if this is a stock issue or a thing with CC.
  4. Is anybody else having problems getting SoyuzT-6 to show up? It's required for a whole string of Soyuz missions to appear.
  5. @RoverDude What do you think of the idea of making a drone core for the submarine?
  6. You could just disable it from being used as a root part, but yeah people could use the root gizmo to set it as a root part.
  7. Yeah, anyway, what I had done was that I decided to just match planes with Moho and wait for an encounter, which I had checked and wasn't all that far off. And yeah, course corrections are going to be part of it anyhow.
  8. The first attempt I tried to go by the graph and go by a date which looked good, but it ended up not working very well since I was coming in from the wrong place (on the outbound path rather than inbound from the suns periapsis), but in using the SlingShotter thing to look at planetary positions, I THINK there might be a chance to alter the inclination at apoapsis to meet Moho. Don't know if I have the fuel for it though. Edit: I found a solution to get to Moho. Now I'm trying to get a Jool and then Eeloo flyby (Voyager 2). I had the app working, but when I was trying to narrow it down to the closest launch window, it stopped showing that.
  9. Cool thanks @Whitecat106 Also, reposting from the Contract Configurator thread: While doing the Soyuz-Salyut 'dock with station and wait a period of time to do experiments' missions, I'm noticing problems with the docking contract, namely that when the two crafts dock, the Docked: <shipname > and <shipname> become the name of the station, essentially turning the contract to a 'dock with self' contract and it makes it impossible to actually complete the contract. Undocking and redocking did work a few times, but generally it doesn't. Since they are unable to complete correctly, I'm forced to complete them via alt12. I am doing the actual docking though, so, it really isn't cheating, just fixing a broken contract. I don't know if it's a stock problem, a problem with the historical contract pack, or something with Contract Configurator. additional note not in the CC thread: I wonder if the hitchhiker part I put on the station is confusing it or something. It's also happened with the Skylab missions and other 'dock with craft' missions. Ran into another bug, I had both the soyuz 25 mission and the 'launch salyut 6' missions active at the same time and somehow the 'craft besides salyut 6' part chose the station for the vessel. Edit: And when I docked with Salyut-6, both names turned into the name of the soyuz vessel. Edit: It might have been because I set the salyut 6 station into a ship in an attempt to fix.
  10. I thought he'd have it on Kerbalstuff, but nope. From the OP, it doesn't look like he has an alternate download.
  11. I had a thought earlier today, you know what this submarine needs? A drone core, because you can't always send a kerbal to man the sub or maybe you don't want to.
  12. While doing the Soyuz-Salyut 'dock with station and wait a period of time to do experiments' missions, I'm noticing problems with the docking contract, namely that when the two crafts dock, the Docked: <shipname > and <shipname> become the name of the station, essentially turning the contract to a 'dock with self' contract and it makes it impossible to actually complete the contract. Undocking and redocking did work a few times, but generally it doesn't. Since they are unable to complete correctly, I'm forced to complete them via alt12. I am doing the actual docking though, so, it really isn't cheating, just fixing a broken contract. I don't know if it's a stock problem, a problem with the historical contract pack, or something with Contract Configurator.
  13. How do I use this to find an optimal flyby window for eve and then moho and plot the appropriate nodes because this is confusing because maths and I don't get how I'm supposed to read the graph or find what I want or how I'm supposed to get node info, and yes I looked at the imgur album in the OP.
  14. Um, the latest release (1.0) isn't compiled and I don't know how to compile it.
  15. Okay. I was suspecting CorrectCOL but since the exception was coming from this mod, I decided to post here about it.
  16. Any idea what would cause this exception to trigger when I enter the VAB/SPH? NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RCSBuildAid.RCSBuildAid.setupMarker () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RCSBuildAid.RCSBuildAid.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  17. 'Final release' as in final beta release or final release before 1.1 comes out or final release before feature complete?
  18. O.O Da-amn...... He does have MechJeb though, remember the Jebsats at Minmus, or was that Kerbfleet?....
  19. Using contracts packs and contract configurator does help (along with stagerecovery to get back some cash), but yeah, it;s often sending me things that I don't want to (thanks to Strategias 'slot machine' strategy, I can decline contracts free of penalty, Or I guess one could set that to 0 from the start) and honestly, I would rather do exploration and other stuff rather than have to do moneymaking stuff. One good way to gather cash is to chain contracts together, like tourism or survey contracts. Atm though in my career game, I'm going through the historic mission contract pack.
  20. Why is mediafire a choice on there? We can't use that on the forums here. Also, could you make the poll multiple choice?
  21. This is definetly neat. One probable issue though, how come there's a tilt with the same craft in both editors? Edit: I looked at the stock crafts and those are fine, but when I remove all lifting surfaces, that tilt appears. Is it supposed to do that?
  22. I'm currently running through the historical missions and while it would have been cool to do say, the Eve strategy while doing the Venera missions, or even Duna, but the problem is that there is a long time between missions (heck, look at history), so, the short time of within a year pretty much mandates that you do it in one big mission rather than several over time. Also, the astronaut training ones seem kind of useless because of the way the hire costs are currently exponential. So, if I did Astronaut training III, which is 400%, so, you'd be paying four times as much, which would make it go to astronomical costs FAST. The other perks are nice, but unless you do something about the way that the hire costs increase exponentially, there's little point to it. If it was 4x some flat non-increasing cost, then sure.
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