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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Is anybody else noticing flickering of the contracts? It resembles the issue reported back here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/91625-105-contract-configurator-v196-2016-02-17/&page=98#comment-2387071 except that the contracts load and disappear in a blink and its not clear that they are tied to any specific contract. It may possibly have partially to do with limiting what contracts there are, but theres something going on.
  2. Hey @DMagic I just had something wierd happen. When I warped through the Kerbin SoI, it started spamming the exception below for no obvious reason. I don't have any SCANsat or DMOS parts on the craft, so, I don't know what mod of yours it's coming from. Contract window plus maybe? NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at DMagic.Parameters.DMOrbitalParameters.vesselOrbit (.Vessel v, .CelestialBody b) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`2[Vessel,CelestialBody].Fire (.Vessel data0, .CelestialBody data1) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPAchievements.CelestialBodyOrbit.onVesselSitChange (HostedFromToAction`2 vs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[GameEvents+HostedFromToAction`2[Vessel,Vessel+Situations]].Fire (HostedFromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.updateSituation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 output log: http://sta.sh/01u3ps2n4xgn
  3. Took a few seconds to register but that worked. I have no idea whether it's a mod/part incompatibility or what it's conflicting with.
  4. Okay, you did see where I changed the maxterrainaltitude part and mustimpactterrain= False? Because that would be different for sure. edit: It's not giving more info in the contracts app.... not in the KSC screen anyway and yes I edited the persistent file. Edit2: Still not giving me more info. I think I saw a 'hide children' parameter for the root of the contract, so, I'll try that. nope edit3: Going to cancel the strategy and re-enable it after editing the config for the contract. I've been using a copy of the main save, so, doing that isn't a problem. edit4: STILL not giving me more details. Going to give it a try though. I'll note that I've done impact probes before with the historical contracts and had no problems with those. They were body specific though. quicksave and the later output log: http://sta.sh/018ilolfi4jo
  5. http://sta.sh/0uykbq5tbwb I hyperedited the craft into Moho orbit.
  6. It was also erroneously saying there was an update for WildBlue tools, so, *shrug*
  7. Oh whoops, I've been changing the contract file, didn't know I was supposed to edit the savefile as well. I've been going for total destruction of the craft, so yes, I can confirm the probe core is being destroyed. I'll try the mustimpactterrain=false. I know that one works because it's used for the historical contracts. edit: Tried both mustimpactterran= False and max alt thing at 100,000 and it still doesn't work.
  8. Is there a new update? Because KSP-AVC told me there is one but I don't see one. Also, @DMagic, you'll have to fix the link that KSP-AVC uses for the download because that goes to Kerbalstuff, which is down.
  9. @nightingale Are there additional conditions required for an impact probe impact to count for the impact probe contract? I tried one at Eve, but that one burned up nearly instantly, so, I assume that doesn't count, then I impacted one into Moho and that didn't count either. For the ones at Eve and Moho, I just put the periapsis inside the planet and let the impact happen, didn't try to circularize or anything. edit: Going to try the contract with the max altitude set to 1,000 instead of 100, maybe that's where the problem is. Edit2: That didn't work, going to try 10,000 100,000. edit3: That didn't work either, I'm out of ideas (as far as what I have to work with anyway).
  10. Theres also the fact that the strategy is even affecting unmanned craft at all.
  11. The only things that would remotely impact ram are texture mods and part mods. That said, I can attest that I haven't noticed any significant increase in RAM usage from this or it's dependencies.
  12. How do I make the rotatron part bigger? Like 3.75m size or bigger? Because I have an idea to use it on the craft in the screenshot below to rotate the airbrakes instead of having to hold down q or e, but I'd like to have the rotatron be 3.75m to match the profile of the craft.
  13. Hyperediting to Moho and back did the trick. As for the ship, the first image shows it before turning pilot focus III on, and the second is after. Starting from top to bottom, the engines are the stock 'spark' engine, Lightbulb from Atomic Rockets, R1 'Ratite' from SpaceY heavy lifters, R7 'Super Ratite' from SpaceY. The boosters are also from SpaceY heavy lifters. It's very strange that the ISP actually decreases for the lightbulb engine.
  14. Main menu > settings > gameplay tab or one of the others > set the 'pixel light count' to wherever (I set it to max). The instructions on how to fix are right in the OP......
  15. Yeah, the wierd thing was that the atmosphere deltaV was the same but the vacuum deltaV was less. I screenshotted the going ons. The last (topmost) engine is one of those little 0.62m engines, forget which one, and I guess the increase in ISP was so small that it simply didn't show in MJs deltaV window. I'll look again at that particular craft a bit ater and give the screenshots, and yes the persistent file with the pilot focus weirdness is the same save with the contract for the impact probes not appearing. Might not show anything anyway because I cancelled the strategy after it ended up not working. I didn't try the decline contract trick. I also had a whole lot of active contracts at the same time, so it might have gotten backlogged. As for the Moho thing, I have no idea what made it bug out. The kerbal has the planted flag on Moho experience even. I'll probably just hyperedit the kerbal over to Moho and hyperedit back.
  16. Also, is the 'impactor probes' strategy supposed to generate a contract/mission? Because I didn't get one. Trying to see if it'll work anyway, already impacted a cheap probe into kerbin, don't know if I maybe needed to achieve orbit first. edit: Nope, just smacked a probe into Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus and it didn't work. Seems like it's missing the contract it needs to work. edit2: Okay, this is really wierd, the pilot focus III thing seems to be messing with the deltaV of unmanned probes.... heres the output log and a persistent file at the moment that I'm in flight with an unmanned craft which is having the bonus negatively applied. Edit: Turns out that the bonus was being applied to all engines, but somehow the bonus was going negative for the lightbulb engine.. http://sta.sh/01ijb3i6qst6
  17. Sure, http://sta.sh/02440vrzdgq0 , also, the kerbal that set foot on Moho is Jansa.
  18. Found another issue, when I looked in the admin building to see if there was something for probes for Jool and I saw that the crewed one for Jool was unavailable due to me not having landed on another planetary body yet. Only problem is, I had just gotten crew back from Moho. I recovered the crew in flight.
  19. Well damn, there goes one of the better hosting places and a good place to look at for updates.
  20. I loaded up the game this morning and went to the craft and the misapplied bonus went away. Okay, this is wierd, when I went back to the ship and redocked, I found that the bonus was no longer there. I did a quicksave, went back to KSC, cancelled the strategy and came back to it and then it was back. Reloaded the quicksave, went to KSC and back and saw for a brief second that the deltaV doubled, but that went back down. MechJeb is also being a bit funky with the deltaV and not really showing the deltaV of the docked craft as well, but that's a completely separate issue. edit: Wuh? Now it's not working at all. I think.... *tries to get it working* edit2: Arg, I can see the bonus briefly being applied and then removed, still trying a few things. edit3: http://sta.sh/016jp0ul0ng3 I've also made a github issue. edit4: Okay, cancelling the strategy before exiting the game and then re-enabling it when I get back worked.
  21. I tried to switch vessels thinking maybe that would clear it, but it didn't, if that's what you mean by reloaded. They were both well out of physics range of each other.
  22. The probe core in the Asteroid Day pack has gold foil on it, kind of, it's hexagonal though. I don't know of any other mods that have a probe core that looks like modern probes.
  23. Is anybody else noticing any oddities with the Pilot Focus III bonus to ISP getting applied to crafts that it shouldn't? In my case, the bonus is getting applied to the lander which used to be connected to the main craft, but the kerbal onboard the lander is a scientist, not pilot. I can tell that the bonus is being applied because when I switch to the lander, MJ's deltaV readout shows the number that would be expected for a second beore increasing due to the bonus.
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