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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Except that the forum search function is crap
  2. Hope you saw my bug report for the search engine in the feedback thread.
  3. Maybe. The Universial Storage versions of the DMagic Orbital Science instruments use the same textures as the regular ones, I know that for sure. As for the Karbonite tanks and the propfan engines.... The engines definetly have the same textures as the radial propfans, but I'm not sure what the deal is with the Karbonite tanks.
  4. Okay, just wanted to be sure as I thought I had seen it with texture before.
  5. That fixes the NRE and some texture problems, however, there are still some broken textures: The fore (front) and aft (back) propfan engines from Karbonite and the karbonite tanks Some of the Universial Storage versions of DMagic Orbital Science instruments (shown here from top clockwise) are the soil moisture sensor, GORESat, Orbital Telescope, and Multi-Spectral imaging platform.
  6. Hey@RoverDude, is the scuba pack actually just not textured atm? I don't see a texture for it and since DTL is causing a couple texture issues, I'm not sure whether it's also borked or just isn't textured.
  7. I deleted the cache after putting the new one in and I got some of these exceptions while starting up: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at DynamicTextureLoader.DatabaseLoaderTexture_DTL.Load (.UrlFile urlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DynamicTextureLoader.DatabaseLoaderTexture_DTL+<Load>d__7.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) :MoveNext() Going to restart to see if I still get those. Edit: Yeah, still there. edit2: Yeah, it's breaking some textures, the decouplers from Heat Management, SpaceY got hit pretty hard too, making many parts pure white (completely lose the texture), the engine bells of some SpaceY engines got blanked out, the fore and aft mount propfans from Karbonite got turned charcoal, the karbonite tanks (from, you know, Karbonite) got blanked out to white, and some other stuff.
  8. That was the amount KSP was using, I did it without DTL and while there was a FPS drop for a moment, it went back to normal, so, I'm pretty sure it's DTL. As for system memory, I have 8gigabytes, graphics memory is 2048 according to GPU-Z Edit: Actually, without DTL, it goes away after I get out of physics range of the station I was at.
  9. @rbray89 Okay, had it happen again after I did a force revert (went to KSC while still in atmosphere) because I was landing in a bad place in the mountains. I was suspecting something with reverting previously as well. I'll give it a look without DTL to make sure it isn't something else. Current memory usage atm: 3.255MB (GCmonitor) 2673 (taskmanager) 1509 (GPU-Z)
  10. I didn't look at that moment, but I'll check it the next time I run into the problem.
  11. Hey zodiusinfuser, the bug where toggling the enforcement after doing a 'straight up freeattach' throws an exception is still around. Though this one may be in a particular situation or type of part, in this case, the habring from UKS. Screenshot showing what I mean:
  12. @rbray89 I'm getting those FPS drops again while in flight that I reported earlier. Not sure whether it has to do with reverting flight or the RAM getting filled up or what. edit: After a restart of the game (RAM usage was at 3.4something GB ), it went away, so, maybe something with high ram usage??
  13. @xEvilReeperx I'm just letting you know that whenever I destroy a part with UKS's scrap/salvage function, Sciencealert spits out this exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ScienceAlert.StorageCache+<Rebuild>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  14. Are you having the problem with the same command pod mentioned in the steam community forum?
  15. Your mod load is like twice as high as mine though and for me, it does help a little, so, it probably varies by mod load somewhat.
  16. Pulling the discussion over from MJ thread: ^quote of @Fury1SOG It is certainly heavy, yes, but I don't think it's 1000 tons, closer to 100, one of the two asteroids is mined out, so, it's lighter than it looks, I'll give it a look though and report back. The station that I was trying to rendezvous with at the most recent point was 111 tons.
  17. first mentioned in a response to my post in the MJ thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/111978-part-105-anatid-robotics-mumech-mechjeb-autopilot-v255-dec-3rd/&page=51#comment-2350048, there is something strange going on with rendezvousing and it happens when I enter physics loading range. What's even stranger is that the problem went away after I removed TCA. I wouldn't have suspected it was TCA until someone else mentioned about it because TCA, afaik, does absolutely nothing with orbital physics or physics loading range.
  18. I've seen him test it out on Eve, so, it works, just need to adjust the buoyancy accordingly.
  19. Constructive/helpful criticism is fine of course, as long as it isn't rude obviously.
  20. @rbray89 I'm just letting you know that I've been getting an about 10-15 framerate drop from 22-24 (which is normal FPS for me) with large/complex ships while in flight when I have DTL installed. Any idea what would be causing that? Edit: nvm, seems fixed in 1.5 (you really need to version number the zip files which are downloaded at the very least).
  21. I don't see anyplace to post forum related bug reports, besides this section anyway. I could make a new thread, but it doesn't really need an entire thread for it. Anyways, bug with the search engine: After you try doing a search within a forum section and you go to the next page of the search, it suddenly goes to 'whole community search'. Also, the search engine is being rather laggy on my browser, I'm using FireFox. reproduction steps: 1. Go to any forum section. 2. Click in the searchbox, use the dropdown to select 'this forum', type whatever you want, search. 3. Click page 2. Also, while opening the second page as a new tab works, it doesn't remember that I set it to sort by date and keeps reverting to 'relevance'
  22. Sounds more like something that should be a guideline rather than a rule.
  23. I know it would be site:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-modded-installs/ , but it keeps searching outside of the section? I'm asking because the search engine in here is really bad.
  24. You could look at the 'how to get help' thread to do a proper bug report Also, since you put this in the modded section, what's your modlist? I'll note that I haven't run into that problem mentioned in the OP.
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