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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. I think that's just Roverdudes version of 'compressed water', just a method of using water as a ballast. Shamefully, I have the mod, but haven't used it yet XD Actually, there's a 'male' and 'female' port mod that's been around for a while. Androgynus something something I think.
  2. 'Astronaut Training Program' doesn't really sound like something that would go under financial. Would be good to have other types of financial type strategies. Also, with six strategy groupings, is it possible to increase the number of allowed strategies at any one time (dependent on admin building level)?
  3. @nightingale Could you add support for the Surface Mounted Lights mod? Because those use the 'surface light' module rather than the 'light' module and I'd like to have those count for the Space Casino.
  4. @nightingale Just letting you know that I've updated my entry in the spreadsheet.
  5. Well, for one, theres going to be a LOT of work to be done for 1.1 and at this point, with 1.1 entering QA (I think it did recently or is very soon), allista might as well wait.
  6. For those not seeing the GPU numbers, you may need to update the video card. I just updated mine to try and fix some crashing it was having with OpenGL and the GPU numbers are showing up after the update. As for why it worked, I have absolutely no idea.
  7. Pretty sure it uses less for me. Anyway, still room for improvement though, right?
  8. Did you try it with DTL+OpenGL? Because it does help, not by a huge amount, but enough to make a difference.
  9. I meant folders, not files, my mistake. Or at least the zip file if anything.
  10. Yeah it's fixed now with that version. Also, you STILL need to version number your downloadable files! come on.
  11. @rbray89 What about the problems going on with IR model rework and SpaceY expanded? I guess you can ask Zodiusinfuser and NecroBones respectively about it if needed.
  12. Also, @rbray89, DTL is apparently causing issues with some textures in SpaceY expanded.
  13. Gave it a check and yep, it's DTL. I'll let rbray know.
  14. Hopefully you can fix the black textures for IR model rework. Also, minor thing, whenever an asteroid leaves physics loading range, DTL gives this exception: ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[DynamicTextureLoader.TexRefCnt]].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DynamicTextureLoader.TextureUnloaderPartModule.Unload (Boolean force) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DynamicTextureLoader.TextureUnloaderPartModule.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Seems pretty harmless though. I guess since asteroids are technically a part, it might do something wierd for them.
  15. Looks like one of your textures broke, no idea if DTL has anything to do with it. I'm using the latest version of both SpaceY packs. I actually removed the old folder and placed in the new one because of the texture move. Edit: Yes I have both packs installed Edit2: Also, I tried switching skins in VAB, didn't help as they were all magenta.
  16. Yeah, I was just letting you know in case support requests end up over here about it. I've already let rbray know about it anyhow.
  17. I'm just letting you know that the latest version of Dynamic Texture Loader causes the same black textures as ATM is known to cause. I have no idea if rbray is going to be able to fix or if there needs to be an MM config made in order to make it ignore IR model rework.
  18. @rbray89 I guess I'll give you one for my bug report without DTL. http://sta.sh/0cjodcznjed Also, anybody know how to make a MM config that makes DTL ignore IR model rework?
  19. The revert flight thing is the scene change memory leak I think. As for the tab out/in, I haven't noticed that one. Want me to give an output log without DTL? I just checked and the IR model rework parts are fine without it.
  20. @rbray89 I've got a problem with the latest DTL version which resembles a problem which used to arise from ATM and has been reported on the thread for the mod, it's turning the IR model rework parts black: Output log: http://sta.sh/014z6mu7thvb
  21. Love the slightly deranged look Fabien has there. I wonder if he is 'a little bit crazy' in the sense of "It's full of stars!!", like the second voice is the entity/intelligence in or perhaps, behind, the monolith.
  22. Good to know it's a known bug and looks like it's fixed now for 1.9.2.
  23. I'm going to test it out on my stripped down branchoff KSP, maybe get better data that way or something, and also reduce the noise in the output log. @magico13 Did some testing last night in an attempt to try to understand when it was happening. Output log: http://sta.sh/0qkyhawuo77
  24. I'll have to reproduce it because I don't have the log anymore due to needing to restart due to memory leaks. edit: I noticed that it wasn't spamming explosion sounds, so, that's progress I guess.....
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