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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Seems really interesting. Also, the image in your first post breaks through the post, just letting you know. Edit: Also, this kind of thing would be great for the multi-generational colony ships that RoverDude has envisioned in the past. So, hopefully you have things that will also mesh with whatever RoverDude makes in the future.
  2. Good to hear that the mod is alive again. Hope that bug which was breaking pause is fixed though.
  3. It's magenta, not pink, but whatever. lol...
  4. I'm looking for that one, however, I heard that it had a name change, but... I forget what it changed to....
  5. I didn't see anything on who will be the new maintainer though.
  6. While in the proccess of loading up each mod and checking for errors (nearly all of the ones I currently have, have been updated, but doesn't hurt to check), I saw this one generated for one of the small pods: [ERR 11:53:03.068] File error: Failed to read past end of stream. at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.BinaryReader.Read7BitEncodedInt () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.ReadTextures (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.GameObject o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PartReader.Read (.UrlFile file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [WRN 11:53:03.070] Model load error in 'C:\1.1 modded KSP\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\ExpPack\AES\Spaces\AES_Internal.mu' In looking at it, looks like the IVA majorly broke. The HERP pod semi-broke in that the IVA isn't visible through the windows anymore (or do I need RPM for that one?). It's this github issue for the AES pod apparently: https://github.com/BobPalmer/ExplorationPack/issues/83
  7. Ask in the tech support section if you haven't already I guess?
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *Pings @godarklight like crazy* Okay, not really. Only pinging him once.
  9. Well, textures being a reasonable size and optimized models (not exactly sure what 'optimized models' entails specifically either) mainly.....
  10. Cool that this is a continuation of KWrocketry. May want to update the version number on spacedock because the one I downloaded yesterday was 3.0.0. Also, did you check whether the textures and models are optimized? Because there is an unity bug that causes lag when you scroll a list that has lots of parts (150+), so, unoptimized models and textures would make it worse. The devs know about the issue though and are working on it.
  11. Launching craft from the editor or KSC screen, going back to the SPH/VAB from flght is really all I have to go on. It was with old saves that I was trying to see how much things would explode on (unfortunately, things weren't as buggy or explodey as I expected, or hoped), so, I wasn't really doing any serious bugtesting. So, it would be better to do it with a fresh save or even stock only+BBT.
  12. @nightingale I'm 99.9% sure that is actually normal for the debris report window. I've seen it myself and in various ppls streams as well. I'll check if theres a bug report on it though. edit: Nope, it may have been like this in 1.0.5 as well though.
  13. Did you see whether there was a 'memory leak' (whether or not that's the correct term to be applied here) happening with it because GCmonitor showed a small, but steady, increase in memory usage over time. Without Better Burn Time, it didn't happen.
  14. I wasn't even using Blizzy's Toolbar when I checked, but if he removed the toolbar button temporarily, okay. Didn't realize he did.
  15. Really? This question comes up every version, even minor ones, heh. I'd say both because they complement each other.
  16. Yeah, I did a test for sure later and the button really isn't showing up in any scene, 32 and 64bit. I was able to change the font size so that it wasn't quite so big (20 down from 30) in the config, so the lack of a button not a major issue for me. Output log: http://sta.sh/02cqxibfzr2v
  17. Continuing the discussion from over in the Contract Configurator thread, I removed the ones without parameters and it stopped giving the error now,
  18. Oh right, sorry. Well, it's an older save transferred into 1.1, so it could easily be that. Also, it seems to be largely the anomaly contracts that are spazzing out, I'll continue the discussion in the DMOS thread though.
  19. In an old science mode (where Strategia shouldn't even be active) save that I transferred to 1.1, I'm getting a spam of this error when I research a tech: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Strategia.CurrencyPopup.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 It does stop, it just produces a lot of them for each instance. I haven't tested it out in a new save though, and I'm using CTT.
  20. Hey @nightingale I'm getting loads of NREs and some other exceptions coming from the DMagic anomaly contracts. I'm not totally sure if they are coming from CC or something else. This is when loading an old 1.0.5 save that was transferred to 1.1. Output log: http://sta.sh/0alf0a59d3 persistent file from that save: http://sta.sh/01pavwb7coa9
  21. Same here, I like having it so that I can see the exceptions and errors that come up (most of them anyway).
  22. Okay. I just wanted to confirm if other people were having the same issue or if it was just me somehow. edit: Turns out the button isn't showing up at all, and neither is the one for the makeitsmaller mod. I'll have to investigate a bit later.
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