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Everything posted by yorshee

  1. Today I almost ran out of money in my career save by launching a load of things, but I got it all back by completing a load of contracts with said things. One of the contracts was to get a class E asteroid into orbit around Eve... Never again. I also landed a Kerbal on Dres, and another is on his way to land on Eeloo.
  2. I've got satellites to orbit every body in KSP, I've landed probes on everything except for Bop and Pol. But for this poll I selected the planets I haven't put a Kerbal on - Eve (because I haven't made a ship design that can get back yet), Dres (because I don't really have a reason to go there), and Eeloo (no reason why I haven't been there, I might go there soon).
  3. See title. Basically, I have tried every ship design I have seen, but they're all outdated and they're all for <0.90. They just don't have the TWR to lift off anymore, or they use the external command seat which can't be used now because the pilot will overheat. Has anybody figured out a reasonable way to leave Eve? Or am I just doing something wrong?
  4. I use them for interplanetary transfers and rendezvousing but that's it.
  5. Finally completed my manned Moho mission I've been working on for the past few days! The thing that took most of the time was assembling that huge rocket for the mining vehicle. I had to turn the graphics down while piloting it because the lag was so bad.
  6. The Kerbals have their IVA expressions though, it looks like it's a mod that puts the IVA model in the seat, instead of the EVA model.
  7. I like mods that add more features to the game, like KIS/KAS that gives EVA more purpose, RPM that gives IVA more purpose, Extraplanetary Launchpads and MKS/OKS to give space stations and ground stations more purpose. I also like the mods that add essential information to the game, like Kerbal Alarm Clock that lets me manage multiple missions at the same time, and KER to give me important information on my ships so I can plan them out properly. I tend not to use part packs a lot, I'm pretty happy with the stock parts.
  8. Did this mod used to have two sorts of smelters? Or did it always just have the one (with varying sizes of course)? I remember there being two sorts of smelters but one of them is gone now, though it could have been from a different mod.
  9. Okay, here's the video (profanity warning!): Yeah, it probably isn't. I would still like to know what it is though, I've been trying to find it for months now.
  10. I noticed this seat mod in some of Robbaz's older videos. I dunno if I can link to them because they contain swearing so I took some screenshots of it. I'm aware this mod probably hasn't been updated in forever if it does still exist, so it might not work, but it looks like a fun little part and I'd love to have it if it does still work.
  11. We were forced to use only male Kerbals for the longest time - I think it's a cool idea to have a female-only save file. Each to their own, though. Coincidentally, in my current career save, my highest-level Kerbals are female. Magie Kerman and Zeli Kerman. Zeli was the first Kerbal who set foot on another planet - Duna; Magie was the first to flyby Moho (along with Valentina and Bill), and was the first Kerbal to set foot on another planet's moon - Gilly.
  12. OP here - I know I'm not a mod or anything but I'm seeing a lot of tension between people in this thread. Please don't start arguing with one another if you have different opinions, it would be disappointing to see this thread get locked. I'm sure this subject has been brought up before, but I don't check the forums every day, and it's against the rules to bump a thread that's too old, so you must make a new thread. I made this thread just to see what people thought on the matter. I only use offset clipping to make things more streamlined and aesthetically pleasing. I also sometimes clip fuel tanks into each other, but never all the way, and I take fuel out to compensate. Unless I'm just messing about on Sandbox mode, then I just do whatever.
  13. This is something I've been curious about - do you consider using the Offset tool to clip things inside one another cheating? Examples of this include clipping multiple fuel tanks inside each other so your rocket isn't too tall, or offsetting engines far inside the fuel tanks so they don't stick out so much.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTkksfQ33DE This weird thing happened yesterday, I have no idea what caused it. Rebooting the game fixed it.
  15. I have a craft in orbit of Dres but I haven't checked up on it since I got the level 3 Tracking Station, I might need to switch to it for 'em to start spawning.
  16. When you have to lose a near-full tank of fuel because you're landing soon and your landing legs are attached to the next stage.
  17. I think you need to at least flyby Dres before they start spawning.
  18. I do lots of missions at the same time - KAC helps notify me when things need to have attention paid to them. I could do hundreds of missions that require me to go to the Mun or Minmus in the time that it takes me to get to Jool, after all.
  19. Do I just need to upload the .sfs file or do I need other files with it too to get it to work on other peoples' games?
  20. There's no NaNs in the save file in the section of the craft, only for flags, which is how I think it's meant to be.
  21. I have this craft in LKO and I was adjusting its trajectory to try to capture an asteroid. I ran out of fuel in the previous stage so I decoupled it, but after a few seconds, the FL-T800 fuel tanks with aerospikes attached under the nosecones start vibrating for no reason and it soon shakes itself apart. Sometimes it explodes, sometimes it doesn't, but it always breaks apart. I managed to quicksave, go back to the space centre, and delete the debris of the previous stage - I had turned down the force percentage of the decouplers which made the debris linger behind the craft for a long time if I didn't throttle up, and it might have been clipping into the ship and making it go weird. This isn't the cause of the jiggling because I deleted the debris and it's still happening. You can see that some of the fuel tanks still have some decouplers attached, that's because I decoupled them manually to see if decoupling them all at the same time was making this weird thing happen, and it isn't. I have tried doing this with SAS turned on and off, I've tried throttling up for a few seconds to see if it straightens itself out, I've tried doing absolutely nothing. No matter what I do, this happens. What is actually happening? I don't mind sending up a new craft that's been fixed since this didn't cost a lot at all but I'd like to know what the issue is before I send another one up. I'm not using any mod parts in this ship - everything is stock, I only have things like KER and KAC installed.
  22. I've been trying to make an SSTO but I just can't seem to do it. I've tried making small, fast ones to large, fuel-heavy ones, but no matter what I do, the same thing happens. I tend to use Turbojets and Nervas and I have seen people make SSTOs with just these two types of engines, but whenever I try it, I get to around 20km (apoapsis is around 35km) and then the turbojets run out of air so I switch to the nuclear engines, but the TWR is so bad that I get to my apoapsis of around 35km and start to fall again. I have tried using RAPIERS but I don't like how you have to carry oxidizer to fuel them - it weighs you down a lot and I find that it chews through oxidizer like no tomorrow. I never carry enough oxidizer to get to 70km, and if I do decide to make my entire spaceplane out of rocket fuselages then it barely has enough fuel to do anything - I now have to halve the amount of liquid fuel I had to make room for the oxidizer. I have only managed to make one successful SSTO, and even then, it barely even had the fuel to deorbit itself and land - there's no way I could even flyby the Mun with that. Does anyone have any tips? D:
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