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Everything posted by Monsterlunch

  1. I look forward to driving your cars when the 1.1 wheel overhaul is out! +1
  2. I like this as much as I find it confusing
  3. Tried this while it was still in Dev, glad to see it being released!
  4. I agree. Something like THIS would be really nice! Also yes, we need hinges!
  5. This. Had so much fun designing something that was capable of touring the Kerbol system!
  6. This be wat you wanna build: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72764-Request-Kessler-bomb Good Luck.
  7. I'm playing on a Surface Pro 2. Has been an enjoyable experience until 1.04 rising. I back then even used some mods, didn't play on lowest settings and the game was running fine. Diskspace definetely is not your issue here. I only have the 64GB Version and I'm fine. I've been mainly using the SF for design purposes when an idea manifestated. Everytime possible, i try to use my lil brothers gaming tower. Its just nicer for the sake of Visual Enhancements. Speaking of screensize and Surface comaptibility you should really consider getting an external screen. And we don't even have to talk about KSP-touch-features. So yes, a top end SF Pro 4 shall definately pass. And other games? What is "other" games?
  8. Working on my mun mission... Awesome challenge! Edit: We are making progress! Can anyone tell me why this thing keeps falling apart when I touch the ground?
  9. You got some really nice missions going on here! Keep the good stuff coming!
  10. Holy cow. Im stoked. This is art! Can't wait to test this as soon as I get home.
  11. So you're basically prizing a kerbals profession over his life?! Sarcastic mode off. Seriously, that would be a nice feature! I'd also like some procedual information in the contact to relate to those stranded souls.
  12. I'm not aware of such a mod, but it has been mentioned that a 1.25m ISRU converter will be added to stock soon: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136915-Squadcast-Summary-2015-10-16-Two-Types-of-DC-and-Two-Types-of-ISRU Cheers
  13. I would only add a few more planets. E. g. Gas Planet II aka Keptun/Kuranus with a "Titan"-style moon and a moon which is somewhat resembling to Oberon with its big canyons so we can do this: [https://vimeo.com/108650530] New planets aside, adding detail to the existing bodies is key. Whilst i could spend hours watching scenic shots from The Martian, i get tired of looking at Duna's red desert after a few minutes. Therefore, I would add weather, geological structures and more dangerous terrain to the existing bodies. Maybe. One day. In KSP 2.0 .....
  14. Powered by Clipping Inc. , making bricks fly since 2013! +Rep
  15. Ok, so the difference between the good and the bad picture simply is that in the good picture, you get this mysterious "interjectory trajectory to the Mun" whereas in the bad picture you don't. The only differnce in the manouever node however is its location in the current Orbit. In the BAD picture, the moon is too far away from your vessel, when its planned orbit crosses the orbit of the Mun. Point is that you want to get pulled in by the muns gravity so you can land there. You can achieve this by departing from your circular orbit around kerbin at a different time. (Dragging the manouever Node around.) Cheers
  16. Hi Jack, interjectory trajectory just means, that at the time your orbit passes the Muns circular orbit, the mun has to be near your vessel. You do not have to use the handles on the manouever node itself for that. An intersection between your ship an the mun will show up in map view as soon as you have plotted an intersectory trajectory. Ill have some pictures up for you shortly. Edit: Cheers
  17. You should definitely try the Chatterer Mod! It greatly improves the games ambience. besides that i would highly recommend Kerbal engineer Redux, displays some very handy numbers about your craft. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-1-0-4-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v1-0-18-0 Happy Gaming!
  18. It has to be the Rhino! So much power and so much ISP!
  19. Proposterous! Do you even lift bro?
  20. Hahaha you're taking the Add most boosters philosophy quite serious,aren't you?
  21. Looks unique! I like it! But what are those Fuel tanks on to of the SRB's for?
  22. My attempt at a SSTEEEAT (Single Stage To Everywhere Except Eve And Tylo) is going well, though this thing will have to undergo some major improvements before official release! Special thanks go to all those people who helped me figure out how to exploit adapt to the new aerodynamics and optimize the resource harvesting process in SSTEEAT crafts! Also, flying across the surface of minimus at 440m/s is quite an exciting thing to do.
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