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  • About me
    Ballistic Missile Pilot
  • Location
    The landmass between New Orleans, LA and Mobile, AL
  • Interests
    Nerd Stuff (et al), Fixing Things (Old House), KSP (obviously)

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  1. Innovative and impressive, now I can theme my rockets bv holiday - the Mardi Gras craft should be interesting.
  2. The OP says JNSQ compatibility coming soon. In a slightly outdated vernacular, Mad Props Dude - skimming the GEP config it looks like a brutal undertaking. Watching with interest and drooling like a Saint Bernard.
  3. Holy crap, I've completely lost track of the number of mods you're currently maintaining - somewhere over 200 would be my estimate. Thanks for saving two more excellent mods from the trash heap of yesterkerb.
  4. It's the IT department - Did you try turning it off then turning it back on? We're happy to have assisted you today.
  5. Just stopped by for my regularly scheduled obsessive checking and saw 1.73-2 in the header. I shall now step away from the computer, cry just a little bit, and continue my waiting. It's cool, totally manly crying. A little shoulder heave as I wipe a way the single tear of pure Louisiana Red Dot Tabasco sauce running down my cheek. On a more serious note, thank you to the whole team for the dedication you show to this community and the mods that take KSP to the next level; after reading the Discord I'm really looking forward to the hostile body mechanics and (potentially) roasting or freezing several of our intrepid Kerbal explorers on hostile planets and/or muns.
  6. The second post on page 146 contains the texture fix (quoted from the third from the bottom on 145) it's a DDS conversion just overwrite the files in the AirplanePlus folder and the parts will be textured. Blackheart612 is already planning to include them in the next update but they're available there if you want the fix sooner. I've already tried and everything works perfectly.
  7. Sorry, you already caught them.
  8. If 1.9 comes out I play on my 1.81 install and wait for everything to catch up. Well, that is unless the devs announce they're stopping 1.81 development and moving to 1.9 in which case I play 1.73 till everything catches up.
  9. @Dr. Omicron Or do like I do and obsessively check several times per day while building out a 1.81 install with your favorite mods and writing a Sigma dimensions config to leave the JNSQ planets alone and rescale Real Exo Planets to 2.7 while trying to get Kerbalism to play nice with TAC LS for an awesomely, sucktasticly painful play through when the update drops and planet packs get updated. According to my wife I suffer from "Kerbal Masochism" and only really enjoy the game when I'm angry at it.
  10. @AdmiralSirJohn Scroll to the bottom of your log and you'll see your Firspitter dll is outdated. Google firespitter 1.8 and it should give you Palmer's github page where you can pull the latest version - 7.15.
  11. @Nertea @CDSlice Just tested on a 1.81 build with the same results as Nertea,, no connection with the default range but as soon as I boost the value in difficulty I get a connection to Kerbin. This was a new sandbox with no other probes or relays in orbit anywhere. First attempt failed but that was because I didn't have the feeder aligned properly 'cause sometimes I'm just not as bright as I think I am, the red line not turning green probably should have been my first clue.
  12. They say patience is it's own reward. . . they're liars. But, I suppose I can suck it up for another day or so .
  13. So @Nertea I get off work a little early today and decide to check the status of Kopernicus, maybe a few of my other favorite mods and settle in to play on my 1.73 install for a little while - perfectly content for Kopernicus to take as long as needed and not even remotely tempted to display the horribly bad manners of bugging the devs about the status. Then, I find a whole new suite of Nertea level sexy parts which will require me to play on a boring stock size Kerbol system this evening. Damn it, I was this close to a manned "kerbbed?" landing on JNSQ Duna and now. . . Well, now I guess I'll squash the urge to bug busy devs and go build and test fly probes in a 1.81 sandbox game so I can import the craft files when everything else catches up. Amazing work as always, your skill and attention to detail never fail to impress the hell out of me.
  14. More effects, Chatterer and Ship Effects add a lot to the ambiance of the game and I'd like to see that become stock. We've also heard Saturn's rings singing and the sounds of Mars, these seem like valid additions to an outstanding game. Singing rings may get really irritating if constant ubt the general concept remains sound. Stock Final Frontier, those little medals for the Kerbals when they accomplish something are an addition with a surprising level of impact. I was very proud of Lamdry when he received his medal as the first Kerbal to walk on Eve, unfortunately do to a subsequent katastrophe during his team's departure it was awarded at his memorial service.
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