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Everything posted by MatttheCzar

  1. Im a big fan of space shuttles in this game. Once you get past the challenges of designing and flying them, they prove to be very useful, even with no cost benefit. In my first 1.1 playthrough Ive done, I launched a satellite. Unfortunately, I had crossfeed enabled on my docking ports, and all the fuel drained out of the sat. No problem, I just redocked with it and pumped the shuttle's fuel into it. I also always carry an engineer onboard in case of a solar panel breakage. I've also been able to land my shuttle booster SpaceX style, making it have the same cost savings as an SSTO. Anyone want to debate the downsides of a space shuttle?
  2. Anyone know if the latest version works with 1.0.5? I want to add it to my current save.
  3. How about splitting it in the middle and making it 912 seconds? It seems more balanced that way.
  4. I've been able to make a part that acts like a parawing by taking a parachute and adding a wing module onto it. The only problem is that the wing module works before the chute opens. Any Idea how to make the module activate when the parachute stages?
  5. Stock clouds, mostly because the EVE ones hog memor- wait! *rushes off to reinstall EVE*
  6. I never got it to work completely, but sure. Ill get it on dropbox when Im home.
  7. I think the Juno is the best jet engine: efficient, easy to cluster, decent top speed, and keeps its thrust at high altitude. As for the goliath, people like playing Kerbal Plane Sim, myself included.
  8. Detected a teensy weensy inaccuracy with google dates.
  9. I like the idea of putting down seats. Imagine the kerbal clipping montstosities people would have. 74 kerbals in one Mk 1-2...
  10. I'm using KSC++, have the latest versions of both it and Konstructs, It is not working, here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4609vt2v90kdtb/output_log.txt?dl=0 EDIT: That's odd. KSC++ activated mid gameplay... EDIT II: Never mind. The changes just dont show up on the map. Silly me...
  11. Do you like the NASA worm? I do, so I made this for myself, and releasing in case other people like the logo. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/429/NASA%20%22Worm%22%20Flag%20Pack "Worm" logo is used by a national organization and is therefore in public domain unless noted otherwise. Logo designed by Danne and Blackburn. All rights reserved.
  12. Make a hanglider with a drogue chute and a command seat.
  13. My mistake, Service Module. If you could make its lenth extendable, users could have it short for in low kerbin orbit, or even longer for long range missions. EDIT: 100th page maker!
  14. Any way to shorten the Apollo LM? I'd like to do an Eyes turned Skywards save, but the regular LM is overkill.
  15. Tested my glider-capsule hybrid, imaginativly named by those on chat as the Glapsule.
  16. More of the N100: http://imgur.com/a/tx7yZ EDIT: Thanks @CliftonM!
  17. Just launched my N1-style rocket when my computer thought it was about time to update. I decided to shut off the first stage in a few second's time in true N1 style.
  18. Then hmm, desert, rocky land, canyon water... It's Space Arizona!
  19. Yeah. I tried to adapt the old texture, but it didnt work out. Now, think less Duna, more Dune.
  20. Working on a habitable Duna now. Not finished, blue is only where I want the sea level to be.
  21. I deleted random PQSs until it worked. Still need to work on the ground though. Its still that weird buggy navy and grey color.
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