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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. If you don't like FPS in its current state no one is forcing you to download it. Arguing the ignorance of the people maintaining the only First person weapons mod won't help your case.
  2. Really appreciate all you guys and what you do. It's always a downer when a new update breaks as much as 1.2 has. Feels as bad as .90 to 1.0 all over again
  3. @blackrack You are flippen amazing! This new update looks outstanding. and as @Galileo said. Runs super smooth. I only wish I had more mods in my 1.2 and 1.1.3 installs to use them more. (this may be insentive enough to just push me into the new updates. Hey a quick visual question. I have not seen anyone ask or answer this yet on the forums. The new system in 1.1.3 / 1.2 will cut through textures at an increased distance when zooming in for close ups. (You can see inside parts and Kerbals heads when zoomed way in) Does anyone know of a way to tweak this to have a feel more like 1.0.5? This will hurt me on a Youtube series I have been procrastinating on continuing. May need to keep a 1.0.5 install around just for close ups indoor filming.
  4. You've been struck by the bouncy Kraken If you level losing distance around 5k, and then return. The boat will launch into the air. If you use AirPark you can lock the vessel in place and it will act as though it is "Landded" you can then land on the ship, unlock and drive off into the sunset Kraken free. Where is it installed? And what section are you looking for the parts?
  5. The wheels required KF so I believe they were taken out of the most recent download. You'll need to run it in 1.0.5 and use an older version of Rework / IR / KF
  6. Not yet afaik. The IR team has not updated it yet. And I believe everyone has been taking a bit of a break until 1.2 officially drops (no Pre release) The newest version I'm aware of is 2.0.5 for KSP 1.1.3 found Here
  7. Correct Change Either line "scale = 1.0" Or it's "rescaleFactor=1.25" Can't remember for sure which. Another way is to simply copy the cfg file than change the name of the part and the scale and you will keep the original one and add a much larger part along side it.
  8. Legacy parts have problems scaling too large. I think the limit is like 190% If you need them bigger you can modify a cfg file with a larger default scale and that's how a lot of people have built massive IR stuff.
  9. C.V.X. Has me obsessed with carrier aircraft Edit Ok It's a two-fr kinda weekend.
  10. All hail the Lord of War Thank you Spanner for taking on all of these numerous weapons mods. Aviation freaks like me would be lost without them. (funny too I'm working on another video with some of these parts in it)
  11. Did that actually work? I remember trying the weapon manager in the guns direct in 1.0.5 but it didn't work before. And this last update was really all Spanner. It has really mutated into something more than I personally know how to work on.
  12. At first I had a problem with everything breaking apart on vessel load, detonating command pod, as well as the superstructure drooping through the hull. I wound up surface attaching a structural mount with a command pod attached to that to the super structure. Then changing the root part to that new command pod. Also used some unlimited length (tweaked cfg's) struts from the super to the hull. But that's just how I personally put it together. edit I recall a long time ago hearing KSP physics engine has a rough time with anything over 1k tons. So 100k is bound to cause some havoc but overall, once the boat is setup properly (and with the updated rudder) it works great One question. With 4 rudders installed. The ship will gradually speed up in a turn, I think I topped out at 150 - 160 m/s before the Nimitz looked like it was going to tip. Looked freaking cool though!
  13. My last post outlines a workaround Spanner came up with. BD and KIS aren't playing nice with 1.1.3. But with some patients you can make it work
  14. @Fengist actually has a working (in development) cat an arrestor system. Keep an eye on what he releases. It's something I and a couple other guys are all brainstorming on (translation, they are the mad geniuses behind this one)
  15. That's entirely possible. Well thanks for even acknowledging me on that one. I definitely don't expect perfection when I'm not using the mod as intended
  16. Is this a continuation of that self assembling robotic arm you had posted some information on a while back? That was a truly impressive bit of tech. I'm a bit late with this one but.... Good luck man!
  17. lifts 1 and lift 4 (lift just in front of the superstructure, and the lift at the back left of boat) So far those are the only ones I've really messed with.
  18. Lol! That exceeds the takeoff speed of most of my smaller and some large scale planes edit Still in 1.0.5 feel free to throw rotten vegetables. Is anyone having issues with ALG and the collider on the lower deck? I have tried about 3-4 times to lower a plane from the flight deck to the hanger then drive it in and park it. Each time I reach the edge of the lift / beginning of the hanger floor and the nose gear falls through like it's not even there. No such issues on the flight deck to elevator and back though. And btw, absolutely perfect on the scale. First plane launch and everything looked exactly the right proportions.
  19. Yeah I really want to make the jump to 1.1.3 - 1.2. I have a fully modded install. Just between KF and ALG a lot of my builds would be broken. Also IR seems to have a lot of new issues like misalignment creeping in. Still 1.2 looks very promising. Hopefully it fixes more than it breaks..... Or at least fixes enough to make up for what it will most definitely break
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