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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Install like any other mod. Just open the zip, if the first folder you see is labeled "GameData" open it, and then put it's contents into your KSP/GameData Folder in your KSP install.
  2. Actually a fairly central COM with very strong SAS would probably work better as It needs to reenter upside down. But then flip over to fly / land on its VTOL engines. of the COM is perfect for upside own flight it may make right side up flight much more touchy.
  3. @ZodiusInfuser What do you think about a double length Extendatron? The half length are great and a double would be a welcome addition for building things like cranes or boom lifts with long booms.
  4. Are you using winrar or equivalent to open the rar file? I downloaded it (a while ago) with no issues, and it had all the parts.
  5. Hey would anyone be willing to help me out? I have AVP I2 pretty much converted and running on 1-05-4. Auroras and clouds look good, Asset file Lens flare is converted to run on Scatterer.. But the cloud Particles aren't working right, (nonexistent really) as well as the clouds themselves seem.... Shaped different I guess.... Something is just off about them. I think I need to convert them some how. Do I need to invert the transparency or something? Don't mean to jump in and sound like "Fix my problem now" I hope I'm not asking something that has been answered repeatedly. Admittedly I haven't been keeping up with the EVE thread lately.
  6. 6 posts oh ho, fresh meat! Welcome to the forums If you run into problems, one of us will be more than happy to help you get an arm working. IR can be a bit of a learning curve. But it's well worth the effort.
  7. Hey man, Quantum struts or Active struts can really increase your load capacity. Sometimes you just need to science the .... Out of it If you want to bounce some design ideas around, feel free to jump over Here
  8. Sorry for the late response not sure how I missed it. No luck yet. Maybe one of these days a suitable solution will present itself.
  9. I didn't even know how to make Gif's If you'd like some video help let me know.
  10. On the other hand. The more Dev's break up a given mod. The more there is to keep track of. As well as, more troubleshooting for new players that will absolutely ask. "Where are those hover thingy's" Honestly, control of what is or is not included in a mod should probably be left to the end user. If you don't want them, just remove them from the folder. A good Dev will have an organized and easy to understand file structure. And me personally, I think CKAN has spoiled everyone into thinking mods come from a button and not a person. But that's just my 2 cents worth. Ok maybe a buck 25
  11. Here is something I just thought about... I've been working on rockets instead of planes the last few days. Would jumping in and out of map view and manipulating nodes (general rocket stuff) have anything to do with how Scatterer works? I did notice map view was experiencing similar "Blue" texture issues. Like a Blue Moon yes I said it :) As well as dark blue trajectory lines. Also whatever was blue would change color as I zoomed in / out from it. And lastly planets would be covered by huge square Shadows that would render like something more inline with Minecraft. (Squares would move based on where you where looking. Really strange stuff, It honestly seems to have cropped up out of no where. And before you waste too much time. DX11 wont corrupt anything if you are trying DX9, DX11 OpenGL right? I recall seeing someone mention that the -nosinglethread command would corrupt saves. But I have never seen anyone have issues switching between DX11 or DX9. This was also something I was playing with the last couple of days. I have been running DX9 almost religiously, but tried DX11 when 233 came out, to try an further optimize everything. Hopefully I'm not just forming a rabbit trail here. Nah, there's only one of them. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't play KSP.
  12. @blackrack So everything turning blue (I honestly have never seen it before now ) I even went as far as rebuilding my install. It looks like it appears in versions 232 and 233. It accurse before a normal crash due to the normal memory leak in the base game. So I don't really see this as a "Bug" for you to fix. Really hope 1.1 brings with it a more stable use of memory. So again as I said previously. Amazing job man! I truly can't believe this is the same game after everything you've done. Thank you!
  13. Sounds good. And I agree, don't go crazy with fixes as you said 1.1 will be the bane of every modders existence for a while. We are all looking forward to, and dreading it at the same time.
  14. @JPLRepo I have another bug for ya. The landing gear on the ranger is not functioning. Works in the SPH / VAB but not in flight. Also the gear falls through the runway (may be another collider issue) Also the throttle response on the ranger main engines is super slow. Floor it and it takes about 4 seconds to get full throttle not sure if this was deliberate as the engines are super powerful. And it looks like you already had a report of RCS issues but I didn't see the (J) (L) keys do nothing on the ranger for docking control. Otherwise everything looks great! Thank you for taking the time to resurrect this. Interstellar was a great movie!
  15. Welcome to the forum. You can make a swept wing aircraft using the "Docking washer" from the main IR Pack found Here What I did in this video was, use a Docking Washer on each wing (Assembled one at a time. Docking washer's don't work using symmetry). Then I also used Quantum Struts to secure the wings in either swept or forward positions.
  16. Sounds good to me sir. Just noticed today for the first time, and it was causing havoc with my little lander. But I totally see now why you upped the mass. Thanks!
  17. @YANFRET Was there a reason the Nasa docking ports were 5 tons? Took a functional lander and made it over budget on weight and crashed as soon as I added the port. as a comparison the Squad Docking Port SR is only "mass = 0.2" .....stuff..... title = CHAKA / NASA Docking System manufacturer = Boeing description = The NASA Docking System (NDS) is a spacecraft docking and berthing mechanism for US human spaceflight vehicles, such as the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and the Commercial Crew vehicles. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 -------mass = 5----- .....Stuff.....
  18. You know.... Your at absolutely right I'll remember that for next time. I really haven't played with RP yet but I've seen it before.
  19. @blackrack I have to commend you on the new lens flare system. It works so much better than the systems we previously had. The color fading and lightening as your angle to the sun changes looks fantastic! I converted the asset file lens flares Astronomer made for AVP. As he has been absent for some time. Here is a link to those lens flares. If he has any objections I'll be happy to take it down. Scatterer Lens Flares
  20. I was just too stoked about this, I have to share. So I put GEM FX on top of everything (Scatterer EVE AVP) and this was the end result
  21. Well, you do already have tone mapper as a stand alone.... And if Scatterer is broken up into multiple seperate mods. It may confuse a lot of people. also @daniel l. the lens flare is fairly easy to modify. I ripped the textures from an asset file for AVP I2 and was able to modify it to work with scatterer. And modders can use a similar approache as texture replacer. Just make there own textures and you would over right existing scatterer textures. Then you would have a new flare with fewer mod folders to keep track of.
  22. Absolutely! I don't have a lot to bring to the table, but I love KF and am more than willing to lend a hand.
  23. Yes, this was from the newest release on space dock. I also for the first time have a.... I guess "digital camo" pattern on the moon. I'm afraid to give you my log though, I'm over 100 mods at this point. But since it worked on the pre memory optimization. I figured I'd at the very least mention it.
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