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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Hey @SpannerMonkey(smce) I have a request for you. The main guns from the USS Zumwalt
  2. That last pic of Jool looks fantastic! Every time I think you've plateaued with this mod. You show us something new that continues to blow us away. Nice work Blackrack
  3. That's just how they act in the VAB / SPH. Launch it and everything works perfect. (But do not try to move any of the RKE parts until you have launched or they will misalign like that.)
  4. Kerbalstuff no longer exists. Www.Spacedock.info has replaced it. Scoundrel has been away with, Johnny go fast military stuff. So for now, we are waiting for his return.
  5. First time playing with the "Large Boat Parts" mod. Really love how easy it is to build..... Well large boats
  6. These parts are fantastic! Thank you for putting this together. I had been holding off building a large boat due to part count issues. But thanks to you I am able to run my 200 part Comanche alongside a 112 part ship at over 30 FPS! I have one request though. Can you Setup the models to use the FireSpitter Splash effects? Like the floats from either FS or SXT? I'm reluctant to tinker with it myself as I don't want to listen to the endless splash sounds..... But just the visuals would be quite welcome.
  7. Ah, yup since you made the engine bigger, when scaling them back to the size I had them at it makes them much less powerful. Oops, I'm sorry I guess I missed that - Also didn't realize the pylons are integrated now! Very cool I'll have to mess with that this evening. I like this idea much better actually, thanks. Oh I meant it disappeared with the HX Parts installed. I found everything and got it all installed. I have also experienced the same issue if I install the KW Community fixes. I think it may be something to do with how decouplers are handled.... That one is over my head unfortunately.
  8. Personally I love Vertical Velocity Control and taking the time to balance the COM / COT on a VTOL. It will hold a hover fly to a spot also ascend or descend by a preset speed. Makes for butter soft landings with perfect accuracy. Here is a video where I used it to stabilized a 300T Drop ship with two cable suspended Hab modules - which where then assembled by the drop ship while hovering https://youtu.be/3a9Q880YnWU?t=1m53s
  9. @blowfish have the default scales been altered for the Tweakscale configs? I noticed the engines seem a bit underpowered since the last update. My seaplanes using the (forgive me) the "big jumbo jet engine" won't pull out of the water so easily anymore. And the engines looked huge when I first loaded everything up. Also noticed you removed all 4 of the structural engine mounts. I personally used those every time (I just modified everything to put them back in for now) Just got around to updating last night. Looks like the only real casualty was one ship built primarily out of HX parts (most of it disappeared) And 90degree offset airbrakes which is no big deal to just rotate and save. All in all Thanks for fixing the engine FXs and airbrakes. Those two alone made it worthwhile to update.
  10. Not quite. The cable is not infinite in length. Also the physics distance is too great, you won't have a landed craft and orbiting craft loaded at the same time.
  11. Ooo! I see that solid axle in the background, there's no hiding that one my friend
  12. That's something @ZodiusInfuser has had on the back burner a while. As a roboticist I'm sure he keeps super busy in real life Slides Gantry
  13. Thank you JPL! We all really appreciate you breathing life back into the endurance once again
  14. Make a cfg file by opening notepad. Paste the bellow code and save as a (.cfg) not a (.txt) with any name you'd like. Save it in the "MagicSmokeIndustries" folder and poof! No more ATM texture headaches for IR ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = MagicSmokeIndustries enabled = false OVERRIDES { MagicSmokeIndustries/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } You may be able to just use this as well ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = MagicSmokeIndustries enabled = false }
  15. Oops my bad. I just copied the link in your signature like always. I forgot about that seperate download page. Thanks for looking out for us.
  16. It's there in the download. The folder is named "B9_Aerospace_HX " Just click "Download ZIP" on the right and that will give you everything.
  17. https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9-Aerospace
  18. @Enceos I have found when putting together BD FPS. That if you spawn a part in "physic" it will retain it's original characteristics but will not be movable with Kerabal hand movements. Here is an example of the Module used in FPS to allow the BD Weapons to still function while held by kerbals. If anyone wants to give it a shot here it is. MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem allowPartAttach = 1 shortcutKeyAction = equip equipRemoveHelmet = false volumeOverride = 0.004 equipable = true equipMode = physic editorItemsCategory = true equipable = true equipSlot = rightHand equipMeshName = body01 equipBoneName = bn_r_mid_a01 // Shift F/B ,Shift L/R, Shift Up/Dn equipPos = (0.02,0.025,-0.03) //ROT Up/Dn, ROT L/R, Spin equipDir = (0.08,90,-95) runSpeed = 0.8 }
  19. That helps. So do you have any other mods installed? And do you have the latest version of Module Manager installed? Are you running 32 Bit or the 64 bit workaround? How much ram does your computer have?
  20. Sorry MSD I'm not sure how I messed that up. Thanks for the update, looking forward to checking it out when I get home.
  21. Here is the interim link this will be removed when the new update of KF is done. Kerbal Foundries ps: Welcome to the forums
  22. Welcome to the forum. If you are experiencing an issue with a mod. The best way to get help is to give more detail of what is wrong. "The engines are low on thrust" "parts fall through runway" "animations aren't working" If you simply say "mod is broke" no one will know how to help you.
  23. I built something similar. I used two uncontrolled IR Pivitrons clocked 90 degrees to each other for up/down as well as side/side pivoting. Two Quantum struts to hold each hitch in place when undocked. And an RKE Kanadarm PDGF Docking ports as the actual hitch itself (With a custom Tweakscale patch added) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGteU4-juUg
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