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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Wait until you see the ship that brings the hab to Laythe While the gibberish with subtitles would really make my life easier. Part of me wants to do them silent or with multiple English voices but the "English" part makes it less internationally friendly and there are some Russian / Chinese viewers on my channel. This next video I'm currently working on may end up being voiceless and subtitless for now. And as interest in the "show" grows / dies I will see what to do with it. I've also considered having other you tubers like hookswords and av9joe collaborate on the voices if they had any interest in the project
  2. The whole ammo debate is still up in the air. (And totally open to suggestions) Any ammo used for FPS is automatically duplicated into the Fuel, BD and KIS tabs. Therefore I don't want to add any more ammo than necessary unless we can find a better way of handling ammo. With all the new guns coming in the next update. I would personally rather have the ammo in the guns only. But that causes physics issues where the kerbal will rotate slowly but uncontrollably. And often drop the guns. This is why we were currently using the backpack ammo boxes, which don't exhibit this problem, due to being spawned as a "part" not "physic"
  3. I love how the Kerbal with the mini gun has the biggest smile.
  4. Kerbal animation suite likes to argue with KIS in this regard as well. They each use AG to either use an animation or equip an item. So it makes it interesting to use both. I'd also love to see even a true / false in a cfg.
  5. HAB: 6062 At the suggestion of Legoclone09, I'm starting a thread for ideas, suggestions and general discussion of an upcoming KSP series I'd like to start doing. It's going to be called HAB: 6062 (no significance - Just the numbers on one of a Nebula decals) Here's a Teaser trailer of what you can expect to see. The main Ideas I'm trying to sort out are (1) Speech / no speech? (2) Ongoing storyline / new story every episode? The goal is 10 minutes or less an episode. (3) Plain English / Scrambled kerbal speak with subtitles? - This is a tricky one as I'm currently the only person working on this endeavor. (4) Stranded crew or intrepid explorers? (5) What do you crazy people want to see? Goals (1) Very Kerbal animation heavy - Also movement of several Kerbals at once using EVA Fallowers and Kerbal Animation Suite (2) Introduction of something new every so often (3) Light comedy but mostly serious maybe even a little dramatic.... we'll see
  6. I just heard the news. I'll work on getting it sorted tonight when I get home.
  7. Where did you hear KS is "closing"? They've been down before. Granted two days is kind of new. But are they really shutting down there page?
  8. I'm curious. I have been having issues trying to make an animation from scratch. All the scenes become duplicated as I go. But if I load an existing animation and then save that under a new name. It works great. Anybody else experiencing this? Granted I am using Animation suite on 1.0.5 so this may be the whole issue. Otherwise I love this mod! Hopefully I'll be using this heavily in my next video.
  9. Works on anything with a command pod / probe core. Airborn or ground based.
  10. COM is Center Of Mass. So what it does is lock the camera on the COM of whatever craft is in your crosshairs. Keeps your aim tracked to a target while it or you is moving.
  11. Yes indeed. Spanner has made some really great additions! - I must admit. You two have been the heavy hitters when it comes to FPS. I only came up with the basic idea. You two are the ones that actually did something great with that idea.
  12. If you select fuel for the wing, that would also make it heavier. How much weight are you needing to add? Usually fueled wings or using Monopellant as ballast works well for weight distribution. on aircraft.
  13. Wow! Just realized FPS has passed 10,000 downloads! Thanks everybody for all the support.
  14. Ok. Baby steps, but I'm starting to get a handle on using Kerbals in videos. - Also played around with Kerbal Animation suite for the first time.
  15. That's totally do able. The other thing I can do for people that have the inclination is setup a separate batch of cfg files for "Prop only" guns. The props will not fire but will act the same as a ProProps parts. This would be for people using Kerbal Animation Suite to be able to have the Kerbal move a gun around in a more realistic fashion for videos which will respond the the bone mesh's in the Kerbal's hands. Then when you need them to fire, you can swap the prop out for an actual "BD turret" gun. Just a thought. If enough people are interested I may release a side download for the diehard cinematic guys. Or just instructions how to convert the cfg's on your own.
  16. So which part of that list are you working on? Hmmmmm thanks to Kerbal animation suite, I could in theory do a reload animation. But the guns are spawned in such a way they don't move... So I have no idea how you'd actually do a reload using the systems we are using. Just don't spend all your energy here. I want to see Boomstick resurrected
  17. You can request it if you'd like. I was honestly waiting for others to suggest adding it. looks like I'll need to post Spanners work in the OP, because you two just buried it in about 10 seconds
  18. Dude! That looks fantastic! Looks like you turned the recoil back on though Can't wait to merge your additions into FPS! Oh I'm also adding you to the list of contributors just realized I hadn't done that yet.
  19. This is a setup parameter in Unity when you first build the part. So this would need Toadicus' attention. For now The pros far outweigh the cons. I can deal with floaty lines if it means my folding wings, ramps and payloads don't flex like a wet noodle
  20. I think I found something that explains why the strut gun will misalign the strut while at speed. - From the BD Armory thread - "You just have to uncheck "Simulate World Space" in the editor for things like muzzle flashes that you don't want trailing in the wind. There's a bug in the KSPParticleEmitter script so in unity it looks like it's not pointing the right direction, but as long as it looks right with Simulate World Space checked, it will look right in game with it unchecked, and the particles will stay relative to the local space of the emitter." It doesn't seem to slow things down. But in my case that white message perfectly covers the part count in the editor. So the only way I know how many parts I'm using on a craft, is to check in the craft load list.
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