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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. That's strange... I also run the x64 hack so that's not it. You may have something goofed in your install. Try a fresh instal of Camera tools. Then replace that .dll. If the issue persists. You may want to do a fresh install of the game and all your mods. Just be sure to back up your saves and what not. Now you are (replacing) the .dll right?
  2. B9 P-wings are absolutely outstanding! There's no other way to build stuff like this without them Thanks guys!
  3. In honor of Trollkowski I reconstructed an RAH-66 Comanche primarily out of B-9 P-wings. This one surprisingly is only 170 parts.
  4. We all were where you are now. It takes time to figure everything out. Just ask lots of questions, but be as specific as you can. And remember, screenshots help a lot for some of the harder to explain stuff.
  5. Trollkowski, I know you haven't logged in for a while. But I wanted to say you are freaking amazing! I decided to try my hand at duplicating your build using the new B9 P-wings and adjustable landing gear. I figured I'd post here before tossing up some pictures later this evening of my own build. Maybe move this to some more recent posts and give credit where credit is due. Thanks for the inspiration!
  6. "Older" .dll? There is a newer one on the github page that's like 3 months old. That is the one with the Doppler button. The .dll in the normal release does not have Doppler enabled at all. Did you replace the just the dll? What is "not working" exactly? I have it running with Doppler enabled on 1.0.5 so if you need some help just let me know.
  7. Weird? Are you pasting and hitting enter? I kept pasting just a link at first but I thought that was because I was using the main URL. Hmmm not sure then. Well hey really looking forward to that VVA-14!
  8. Ah ha! Win 10 will bog down KSP for some stupid reason. Add ( -dx9) or (-force-opengl) to the end of your shortcut target field. Win 10 will, for some weird reason not run KSP correctly in dx9 unless you tell it to. If you don't know how to do this Right click the KSP shortcut Click properties Under "Target Field" type in (.....ksp.exe" -dx9) or (....ksp.exe" -force-opengl) Don't forget the space before the additional tags I also suggest running KSP in "borderless windowed mode" This will allow you to alt-tab in and out of the game much smoother and also add a slight fps boost - just need to set KSP to the native resolution of your screen in this mode Add ( -popupwindow) to the end of everything so (....ksp.exe" -dx9 -popupwindow) just don't forget the spaces If you still have questions on this just PM me or ask on my Advanced Aircraft thread edit I also have info for running KSP in 64bit mode there
  9. I would assume no. But for the sake of argument. Just start fresh with no saves and see what happens. Then once it's working toss the save in. If you see an issue then you will know where problem is.
  10. When you installed the rework pack. You didn't happen to drop "GameData" into the GameData folder did you? It should just be the MagicSmokeIndustries folder. So if you open (KSP/GameData) you do not see another GameData folder in there right?
  11. Are you running win 10? also what are your system specs? OpenGL or even x64 might be an option? I'm up over 80 mods at this point with LLL.
  12. Why can't you use it? It works fine in 1.0.5. There are a couple of parts that are broken like one of the landing legs and the stationary grid fin. But 99% of the mod works just fine. That pic I posted above was taken from 1.0.5. Besides when the new version of KSP comes out there is a good chance most of the mods out there will be broken. 1.1 will bring some very substantial changes with it.
  13. Can you post a pic? This sounds really strange. This is on a fresh install of 1.0.5 with absolutely no other modifications? Or mods that where previously removed? I only ask because a lot of us are running this with no issue on 1.0.5.
  14. Hey Hookswords, If you click "Share" on YouTube and copy that link it will imbed an image / button instead of a link. Great video man!
  15. Welcome to the forum. What have you installed? Have you installed the Infernal robotics Core Mod as well as all 3 of the Rework packs listed in the OP? Sounds like you just installed the "Utility" pack from the OP. There is also a Beta Release of the new Rework pack Here
  16. I believe you just assign it to an action group and (hold) that button until you are fully detached and away. Not the best solution but the last time I used the grasper I think that's what worked for me.
  17. I believe that limit is something like 150%. Past that you start having weird issues in flight. It'll work just fine in the SPH / VAB. But once launched, the super sized IR parts will break. This is why Zodius locks the sizes of his Rework parts and they aren't free scale like the legacy parts.
  18. By running the game in 64 bit mode. The info for that is at the top of the mod list spoiler tab in the OP. 32bit can't even get close to 80+ mods. Expand the "how to hit 60-100fps" spoiler tab in the OP. There's some good info there as well.
  19. Opted to make something a little "softer" "flowy" this weekend.
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