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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Oh, I'm sorry. There's another mod that works that way as well. I should have checked first. Well thanks for the update. Really see this helping out with future videos.
  2. I have finally entered the ranks of thankful users of your mod. Really love the fine tune-ability of everything. This is actually more stable for a couple of my, more unstable planes than Mechjeb. I do have one request though (I know you just released this update and it works great btw) I wanted to know if you would have any interest in adding toolbar support to pilot assistant in the future?
  3. Kospy, may we please have resource transfer on "Undocked" winch lines? Pretty please?
  4. Some more "Refueling" pics. Flying an X-47B and a KC-10 Extender. Using a KAS Winch in "Undocked" Mode with infinite electricity so green lights would glow on scoop. Undocked gives you the best control but no actual resource transfer.
  5. Found tethers to be way easier! Also less buggy
  6. A 980ti and you are getting nasty FPS... Wow. Do you have V-sync turned off? That's a huge performance hog. And the 64bit Hack Joe mentioned works great I use it as well. I run scatterer and a custom mess of AVP and old KSPRC myself, and can see over 60 fps on a GTX 780. Also what is you AA set to? Also what processor are you running?
  7. Looks like this challenge has been around a while, with not a whole lot of takers..... The docking port is a custom cfg for the squad docking port. Heavier, stronger and grabs farther away. But it's still the size of a postage stamp.
  8. Did you enable the Doppler effect in the camera tools GUI? It won't change anything just using the new .dll, you have to check the button that says "enable Doppler effect" That button was not there previously.
  9. Dude that is fantastic! You should build more cranes that's the best one I've ever seen!
  10. This has been suggested a few times now by various people. No official answer but I'm sure if not B D someone will make a patch.... At least I sure hope they will cause I'd love this as well.
  11. Thanks! And yeah, unfortunately KOS is beyond my abilities and skills at the moment. But you are absolutely right. Be really cool if someone could improve on my idea and code a docking sequence using KOS. I have an X-47B that would love a brain upgrade.... hint hint to all those KOS geniuses out there
  12. Ok, I found that Mechjeb was working just fine and was not the culprit it was the connection and method I needed to improve (needed undocked mode on the winch). I managed to dock two planes together using a different method and they flew for about 20-30 stable seconds before spontaneously exploding.... Think there is still something not right about docking in atmosphere at 150m/s and KSP losses it's mind. Also working on a better way to dock with a small scoop at the end of a KAS winch. As long as you have the scoop attached to the winch in undocked mode it works great! Provides independent control of the two planes while tethered. That will be the next video.... Hopefully. Still I think that a magnetic "docking" port with the ability to "dock" in "undocked mode" would be extremely useful. (well it would make this a lot easier anyway )
  13. Grab the item and hold the left mouse button, drag the item into the open inventory window (Tab key) and let go of the mouse button. The item will now be in your inventory.
  14. Welcome to the forums. This works just fine with 1.0.5 you say you're crashing on loading. Are you running other mods? Windows / Linux, how much ram do you have? On a 32bit install you are only able to utilize about 3.5 GB of ram for KSP mods will eat that for lunch. Sounds like you have a botched install. Try deleting and reinstalling BD Armory and if that doesn't fix it try reinstalling the whole game (always wanna keep a vanilla copy of the game's .zip file around)
  15. Hey Joe, dig'n the new avatar. That plane you built was really cool! And it still has that hint of 80's Lego space man..... Benny Hey the highlighting only gets disabled during certain circumstances. If I can reproduce I will post the steps. On my phone ATM.
  16. There where some changes to the cfg files for both the white and black Orion. On the black Orion pod the internal node was fomented out with "//" before it. Just open the cfg in notepad and remove the "//" to deactivate the jade and the parachute will attach. I'm on my phone else I would have shown you the exact line in the cfg. If you still have questions just ask and I'll post the code you need and how it works.
  17. Yes, so it's either / or. Not both. So just use dx9 or OpenGL. Check your log file and it will tell you how it's running.
  18. oh sorry let me try that again setup ship 1 with action grout to toggle struts in hanger. launch ship 1 - works as expected revert to hanger load and launch ship 2 upon launch switch back to ship 1 with both ships in flight and action group no longer works
  19. Yup, x64 Win 10 in -dx9 with -popupwindow.DirectX 9 seems to run the best for Scatterer. But you need to have the memory for it unfortunately.
  20. Hey hopefully I'm not repeating anything but... I've noticed the strut gun will not show the "strut" in the proper place when moving at a high rate of speed. Here's a video with an example. The refueling boom is secured back to the tankers tail with two strut guns and the fuel boom extension is secured to the Tweakscaled b9 intake with one. You can see all 3 of them hovering just behind the fuel boom. If you activate a strut gun at a stand still, the strut is right where it should be. But start moving and it begins to be pulled straight back and begin to float. The connection is still ridged as it should be but its a little bit of a visual bug. Could be related to drag.... If I find anything I will pass it along. https://youtu.be/i2k19UHm7n8
  21. Zodious, I have a slight bug for ya. Setup an action group to toggle the link from a grapeler to a target, launch, toggles just fine. Revert to space station launch a second craft. Switch to the craft with active struts and the toggle nolonger functions.
  22. Do you have module manager installed? Also I suggest a full reinstall of everything IR.
  23. Yup. So any time you update B9 you need to remember to reinstall p-wings as well. There is an alternate texture available from the regular download. It works with the unofficial one. I personally like that texture better but it's all preference.
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