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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Hey Zodius. Any word on these beauties? Also with the new forum update I lost the page the mecanum / bearings are on I found a post with just the mecanums But not the bearings. Edit Never mind I'm blind I was looking right at it.
  2. Oh, Gotcha. I was wondering if that was the case. Because they acted as though they were clipped through the rest of the Orion spacecraft. So when jettisoned they were ripping the ship apart. Thanks man
  3. Hey does that mean the Orion fairings are working again? For some reason the will explode when they are jettisoned.
  4. Well if you still are having issues, let me know and I'll do my best to help you track them down.
  5. Well the crashing during scene change is usually due to very large crafts like 250+ parts. I tend to build ships as close to 200 parts as possible. But I have noticed I get a lot more scene changes out of x64 in 1.0.5 though. Also if you are in Windows 10, I suggest forcing directx 9. For some wired reason win 10 tries to run KSP in dx12. Last suggestion I have is grab GC monitor. It will show you how much ram you are using. You may just be running out during scene changes. KSP still has a slight memory leak.
  6. Yukon, I have some game setup tips on my thread linked in my signature. Not sure if it will help you much if you are as low as 5fps. But give it a shot.
  7. This is due to a change in the node behavior from .90 to 1.0.x to fix this open the cfg for the affected part and look for the lines: node_stack_top = 0.0, 4.442, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -4.442, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 And change them to: node_stack_top = 0.0, 4.442, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -4.442, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 The highlighted lines are the direction the node is facing. Invert the bottom one by adding a " - " infront of it. And likewise if the top node has a " - " infront of it remove it. and poof. node's fixed for 1.0.x compatibility
  8. Well the waves to the water has been done Scatterer Also on my thread linked in my signature there is a spoiler tab with how to hit 60-100fps as well as EVE AVP setup. I'm at over 60+ mods and running 30 fps with a 268 part shuttle on launch
  9. Well I can fix one but the other is a quote of me by Francis. But yeah I don't know what happened I haven't gone back and downloaded the file from kerbalstuff till last night and I don't think what I uploaded was right. Sorry all 1,000+ of you that grabbed it I'll try and fix it up a little bit this weekend like I said. I have it running on my install at home and I'm making a few more tweaks to the auroras and such. Yeah I kinda miss it too. But I believe Rbray is still working on adding Auroras / Luminescent clouds to EVE reboot.
  10. Dude this update blew my mind! Thank you for throwing the water shader into the wild. Win 10 1.0.5 x64 work around in DX9 and it runs great. This one deserves video's for sure. Just need to build more seaplanes and boats now. You finally gave me a reason to visit the water. You made that ugly blue carpet of an ocean, a destination.
  11. He guys. With the new release of scatterer. I started tinkering with this again. And realized just how jacked up the .zip I put on Kerbalstuff really was. I'll try and show it some love and get it straightened out this weekend. (As long as I can carve out the time) I have a better structured .zip on another computer I thought I already uploaded, but apparently I was wrong. This won't fix the luminescent clouds or lightning. That was a feature of the old 7-4 eve. Doesn't work in Eve reboot anymore.
  12. Because good videos take time. a screenshot takes 2 seconds. Videos will come. Awesome work Blackrack! Why don't I ever see this stuff when I am actually at home. Now I have to wait all day before I can see it for myself
  13. Which craft specifically? I've built a lot of planes and ships. The Osprey? That was Fantom Works. A link is under the mod list spoiler tab in the OP if you need it.
  14. [quote name='Rutuu93']Are you ever going to add in a nuke?[/QUOTE]This has been directly answered as No a few times now. North Kerbin dynamics has nukes though.
  15. [quote name='stryker2279']i seem to be getting this weird bug where the parts themsleves dont move, but the parts attached do move, heres a pic: [URL]http://imgur.com/DBpJvRT[/URL][/QUOTE]looks like you have them attached backwards. There is a "rotor" and a "reverse rotor" the RKE parts are not marked as clearly as zodious's rework parts but all IR parts have a "root node" which must be attached first. This is the reason for the "revers rotor" basically the node facing the rear of the hanger or the base of the VAB will alway be your "root mode"
  16. [quote name='Chickadapus']I'm just going to re-install KSP and AVP again just to see if that fixes it. I'm on Win10 and how can I tell if im in OpenGL or DX11?[/QUOTE]Oh! Alright so since you are running Win 10 same as me. Right click your shortcut. look at the "shortcut target field" at the very end type " -dx9" don't forget the space between (....ksp.exe" -dx9) and that helped me run scatterer, Eve and AVP properly.
  17. [quote name='VenomousRequiem']Yes, it seems to work fine. Can anyone provide me with a subassembly of a [I]working [/I]​arm? I'm not very good at this...[/QUOTE]On my thread I have a demo arm. The mod list is there as well. [URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114508-Advanced-Aircraft-Screenshots-and-Building-Techniques[/URL]
  18. [quote name='Chickadapus']I have an AMD A8-6600K APU 3.9GHz a 2GB GTX 960 and 8GB of ram. There are large red tinted patches on all bodies with clouds, on kerbin they cover about 1/3 of the planet with a sheet of clouds covering the rest. The auroras work fine though. It looks like theres an additional cloud layer on each body? I have altostratus, aurora1 and 2, cirrus, detail1, detailAurora, detaileve1, duna1, eve1, jool1, joolLayers1 and 2 and kerbin1 in the boulderCo clouds texture folder. Does that sound right?[/QUOTE] Yup sounds like you got it installed right. Are you running Windows 10 by chance? Windows 10 gave me some grief until I forced Directx 9. And are you run in OpenGL / DX11?
  19. [quote name='FrancisPT']Sorry for this question, but where can I see some pics or videos from the Lightning included in the pack? I'm so curious! :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LRrZ9QSjGw This is EVE 7-4, Scatterer and the original AVP. Lighting was redone and here is the cfg I used
  20. [quote name='Chickadapus']I uninstalled Planetshine and installed Module manager, assuming it's just the .dll I need? This didn't work, but I'm going to delete the files created by MM and launch again. That didn't work either xD[/QUOTE] Next question. What are your computer specs? I don't like leading with that question but I aught to ask. AVP is very graphics intensive to begin with. So this requires some fairly substantial hardware. And are you seeing the red dots on Kerbin? Just strange since the cloud layer is the same but a different color.
  21. [quote name='Chickadapus']My GameData folder has ActiveTextureManagement, BoulderCo, Chatterer, DistantObject, EVE, KerbalTek, kerbCam, PlanetShine, Squad and TextureReplacer in it. Are some of these meant to be inside each other then?[/QUOTE]No, Sounds like you have it installed right, except for planetshine. I didn't go through everything to make it play nice with planetshine yet. Try removing that as well as deleting all the files created by Module manager. Oh yeah you have that one right? MM?
  22. [quote name='Joshwoo69']sorry. I have forgotten to reply! :P Github is out of the question.. I tried uploading it to git and it was taking AGES. V8 didn't I said that I updared ALL the textures to dds? (feels that his efforts was wasted D: )[/QUOTE]I just skipped the .dds conversion because I wanted to just toss what I had out. I was going to do a second pass. But since Astronomer has returned I'.ve been hanging back. We will see what happens. [quote name='Chickadapus']I have no idea what I've done wrong, but kerbin, Jool, Laythe and Eve are all completely covered in clouds with random red tints, does anyone know how to fix this? :confused:[/QUOTE]How did you install EVE 1.05 Reboot and AVP Reboot? AVP is broken into steps. Such as open core mod then only extract what you need. Your game data folder should only have two new folders placed in it. "Environmental Visual Enhancement" and "BoulderCo". Then each step you add will only add files to those two folders.
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