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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. If you guys want to ignore the warning till Kospy has a chance to update KAS / KIS. You could just delete the AVC and .version files in the plugins folder. Then it wont bark at you. (But do this under the understanding that KAS and KIS are currently for 1.0.4 (but it seems to work just fine in 1.0.5)
  2. I think I just figured it out - Sorry for for not trying a little longer before I gave up. This is the patch that worked. //Firespitter Patch @PART[FSstrutConnectorWire]:FIRST { @maxLength = 100 } }
  3. So I am trying to not be dummy but it's not working. I'm trying to make a MM patch to lengthen the firespitter strut wire. I'm missing something painfully obvious here. Could some one please tell me wht I'm doing wrong? //Firespitter Patch @PART[FSstrutConnectorWire] { @MODULE[StrutConnector] { maxLength = 100 } }
  4. As always one step ahead of us Thank you, I'll give that a shot. I just can't remember how I got it to work the first time but I do remember whatever it was it makes the sky black on first launch. Then you have to scroll out and back, then everything works perfect. So like I said, I think I installed a mod that "broke" scatterer and that's how it wound up working. But for now I'm gonna stop sounding like I'm complaining I absolutely love scatterer and I just can't play KSP without it anymore.
  5. I think another mod will alter that. Maybe texture replacer? I'm going to sit down for round 2 of mod setup tonight. All I remember is in 1.0.4 I had the same issue. Install a lens flare and it works. Install scatterer and it overrides it. Then at some point something changed. But actually on that note. If scatterer overrides the stock lens flare.... Could we replace the flare through scatterer? That would be fantastic.
  6. Hey I know I solved this once before but, I don't recall the solution. Custom lens flares inserted into the asset files. It was working fine until I installed Scatterer then it no longer showed up throw the atmosphere. It's driving me crazy because I have it working on my 1.0.4 install. But I can't remember the fix.....
  7. Jim..... That video was outright inspiring! Amazing work. I'm honestly blown away right now. From the models to the audio, the filmagraphy everything. Just perfect man.
  8. Hey the slideshow isn't showing up else I'd probably coment on that... How did you pull off the igloo? Looks like skillful armor plates. That's really cool! Also love the use of a command pod for a rover cockpit.
  9. Just has to be said.... Darren9 That walker was absolutely fantastic! And don't even get me started on the promo video you did. Really great work man!
  10. Joe, I've been using a lot of KAX / Fantom works in my builds. I used Windowshine in one of my latest videos showing off the shuttle cockpit and it makes all the other windows look like garbage. Any chance you could work your magic on there windows?
  11. Love this mod! I added Tweakscale to the plane floats and I thought I'd share the outcome. Grumman HU-16 Albatross. Or more recently known.... The plane from the first Expendables. It can take off and land on either water or land.
  12. Grumman HU-16 Seaplane. It can take off and land on water or land.
  13. When you set the default scale in the cfg you didn't change the amount of fuel held by the tank nor the mass. Only its visible size. The bellow values are from a T100 tank but.... Change the values under resource, mass and scale to change the default size capacity and weight. That should get you what you're looking for. mass = 0.0625 RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 45 maxAmount = 45 RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 55 maxAmount = 55 } }
  14. Ok, Quick update. LordPrometheus has stepped away from KSP for a bit as some RL stuff has come up. So there will probably be only one new weapon in the next release of FPS. As it stands right now. Weapon manager / locking radar added to kerbals - Working but, does not deactivate when sitting in a command chair Guard mode - Working MK.19 Grenade launcher - Working / done AT4 - Working / not done. Needs a single axis length adjustment SADM - In game but no nuke fantastic-ness yet E11 Blaster - cfg and sound is ready, model is in hand. Needs to be rigged up as a turret Ammo Resource Handling - Still up in the air using BD Armory ammo resources for now Butterfingers Issue - Fixed Bottle Rocket Issue - Fixed Uncontrolled turning - Fixed Too much recoil - Fixed I'm thinking about just tossing what I have into the wild as I am dead in the water without Blender Unity help. If anyone is interested in modeling and Unity setup I'd welcome the help.
  15. Life always needs to take precidant over KSP man. Take care of yourself and we will all be here when you get back.
  16. Here's a video of an improved version of the previously posted shuttle and Dextre. Demonstrates how I have my IR controls set up for 5 individual IR devices on one ship. Coms dish Canadarm Canadarm extension arm Dextre Extendable Docking port
  17. Hey does anyone know how to set the max radius for the KIS bomb in its cfg to start higher than 10m?
  18. I have another one, Is there a way to ignore a part with the BD module in the BD Tab? I'm trying to make a BD weapon but not have it show up in the BD Tab.
  19. Anyone know if there's a way to setup in a missile cfg to automatically set "decouple direction" to either forward or lateral?
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