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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. I know this may come across as a bit harsh but. Have you at the very least attempted to read back one to two pages?.....
  2. If by 'block engines" you mean engines shaped like rectangles or "boxes" then yes. LLL does have several boxy engines.
  3. Asking a legitimate question is never annoying. The rest of us are here to help with those questions. What's annoying is when people post stuff like "1.1 update please" or "when will this mod be updated" a day or two after a KSP update. But a question about how something works... Ask away, that's what we actually enjoy helping with.
  4. Guys this is what @BahamutoD had to say just one page back on the status of his mod. Just be patient.
  5. Just drop it dude. Mods are not products. Therefor to place expectations of Instant updates on something that was free, is rather ludicrous. Devs are people that mod in there spare time. And comments like those, make them pack up shop and stop developing a mod all together. Give the devs some time. Besides 1.1 is a "pre release" why would you expect them to provide mods for something that will not be playable in a week or two?
  6. Best practice with mods is. Keep the .zip files from your mods and your original unmodified game instal. Then when either a mod becomes unavailable or you simply have an issue with a given mod. You always have those master files to go back to. I keep every file I have ever worked with by game version back to .90.
  7. @blackrack Is there a way currently (or potentially in the future) to adjust the opacity of the water? Subs are next up in my videos and I thought it would be great if I could lighten up the water to see them while they are at parascope depth skimming just under the surface. If not no biggie.
  8. Did you put the HX folder in the GameData folder or did you put it in the B9 aerospace folder? B9 and HX get installed like two seperate mods.
  9. Hey @Puggonaut These looked great! Which texture pack was this?
  10. Here is what I do. Use two crafts a drone (targeting) and a some other weapons platform (missiles point of origin) Lock the target then send GPS coordinates to the weapons platform. Select that GPS target using the GPS coordinator. Fire missile then vessel switch to the missile. Missile will then fly all the way to the target (as long as it has enough fuel, and as log as that target is not moving) Like this
  11. Very cool. I figureed you did the Russian parts first because they had more charicter. Well right on man. Just make sure you pace yourself, it can be easy to get burned out when everybody asks for more. And no one stops to say thanks for what you have already given to us. So thank you my friend!! We really appreciate these parts!
  12. Well it's really fantastic! I've been obsessed with building boats and subs the last couple of weeks I finished a typhoon with the new sub parts and they look amazing! Do you have any plans for American sub parts? Just round tubes maybe a bump for the missile silos along its back.
  13. @Laythe2 I noticed some of the nodes are inverted / rotated 180 out. I've been using the non Strick cheat. But I figured I'd let you know. also as far as that IR issue I mentioned before..... I'm an idiot. I up scaled the docking washer which breaks the legacy IR parts. So ignore me, you're all good there.
  14. @Columbia Nice camera work. I noticed you're using KerbCam. If you turn on the Dev features under KerbCam's settings, you can smooth the transitions between angle changes. It opens up three new buttons under the right side of the screen select the far right button to smooth everything.
  15. 5 posts up, this is the one to download. https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWings-Fork/releases
  16. Probably not as "Water Collision" isn't how anything would be written in a cfg. It could be "waterCollision = false) but that seems too easy. I've been messing with it too and so far nothing yet. But I did manage to build a Typhoon with 16 quad quad VLS tubes. If you can get the sub in the water soft enough. You can launch missiles from under water just like RL I really want to get this water collision thing working too. As I really want to launch bigger missiles. Also IR Gantry's and RKE Kanadarm tubes and HullCam VDS work perfect for parascopes. They seem to be fine with water collision.
  17. Did you scale a legacy IR part? This happens if you double the size of any of the old IR parts. (I just did this too so don't feel too bad)
  18. Hey guys, I'm trying to work on a MM Patch to make BD weapons work better with Large Boat Parts. More specifically. To keep missiles / turrets from blowing up when you launch a ship in the water. The issue comes from when a ship is finding it's floating point in the water and if the VLS tubes hit the water a little too had they break. If they are set into the water soft enough. A sub with working VLS tube's is totally possible. I managed it a couple times now. I can't seem to get it working, does anyone here know how to mess with MM and BD?
  19. Awesome. I'm starting to mess with the settings now. We can compare notes and get you up and running when you get to that point. I have a feeling you're going to get it running before me but I'll do my best to help you out
  20. Would you be interested in putting together a MM Patch that would change those values in missiles? You and I could put one together that would alter BD, Malfunc and whatever other BD Adon you can think of. It would take some time but if we can find a good batch of settings for one missile. We could then apply those settings to every other missile? And by using a MM patch we could leave the other mod folders alone.
  21. Guys as @Red Iron Crown has mentioned we have derailed far enough. Lets stop / move this discussion to a more suitable thread. I am equally blamed for this as well but lets move on.
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