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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Hey can you do this with any Steam game? Play it independent of Steam entirely?
  2. If you want help trimming down a parts mod... We are here to help. Just delete the folders for the parts you don't want and boom less to load. (and while it may be light hearted to say things like "can't wait for 1.1" That's kinda like sticking your finger 2 inches from someone's nose and saying "not touching you") While you didn't technically say it, you really did at the same time...
  3. In Lo-fi's defense. You did ask twice.... Go check Spacedock it's up there. A 3rd party put it there and all of the KF Guru's let it be for now until the official release is ready. (also I know you were asking for 1.0.5 but be careful saying anything about downloads or updates for the next few weeks. All the devs are getting hammered with 1.1 request.... Which is now banned per forum rules) Worked on a lot of engines and mechanical.... Never had the privilege of stickin my Cotten picked hands in a steamer. Some amazing engineering though considering the era they are from. So is it mostly trains? Or do you also tend to play with tractors and the like?
  4. Oh, now this looks cool! Gives me another reason to get my 1.1 mod install sit'n purdy. Nice work @Eskandare
  5. One day isn't enough to loose sleep over. 1.1 has brought some very substantial changes with it. And it will take some time to update everything. So as Deimos007 stated. Keep calm and enjoy a heavily modded 1.0.5 and just wait a couple weeks before asking about 1.1 updates. (Just a heads up the moderators have instituted a ban on repeatedly asking for updates, so just be aware and read back a few pages before asking / repeatedly asking)
  6. I Finally got around to doing a video with these parts - Thanks @Laythe2 for all your hard work
  7. Yes Sir I downloaded it, as soon as I got home today
  8. The new pre release does not include parts anymore. In the OP there is a link for the Rework parts Zodiusinfuser has put together
  9. You're freaking amazing @lo-fi! Thank you for code bashing KF back into existence once again can't wait to see what comes out of the foundry next!
  10. I'm away from my computer right now but... As I recall the BD animation plugin is used from BDynamics. Go grab the latest version of that and snag its plugin the same way. I think that should solve the last of the issues. If not just let me know and I'll look a little closer - sorry been a busy couple I days.
  11. Still drooling in a Corning waiting for 1.1 but looking at the gifs Ziw posted, it really looks great. Fits much more inline with the overal style of your rework parts and really brings the whole package together. Nice work Zodius
  12. Oh, for a .dll like that. You can either download all of Firespitter. Or just grab the .dll from the download and just place that in your game date folder. A .dll for a mod usually doesn't care which folder its in. You will see some mods like IR and others that will share the same plugins / dll's. Best practice is comb through a mod and just make sure you keep the newest o the two plugins.
  13. I currently use this in 1.0.5. Bundled in the download are plugins. Such as the firespitter.dll and a couple others. These plugins are often the only problem in an outdated mod (not always just usually) try grabbing the most recent Firespitter and any other plugin. If you still have problems just post back here.
  14. There ya go. So yeah BDA and KIS are required plugins for this mod to function.
  15. Does this also happen with the weapon manager stuff removed? This was one of the bugs exhibited with adding the weapon manager to the kerbals. That's why I broke it out separately. edit N/M you already answered that. I have not tried any of this with KIS 1.2.6 there may be an issue there. I will mess around with it this evening and see if I can reproduce.
  16. Are you fallowing the instructions in the OP? You are right clicking the gun while it is pointing forward? And are you using this on 1.0.5? It and BD Armory are not updated to 1.1 yet.
  17. I have If the LBP Engines are scaled too large and there are too many. If the boat / engines raise out of the water slightly. The boat can fly due to the ridiculous thrust produced by the engines
  18. I'm still one of those "uncool" 1.0.5 users (didn't buy it on steam) But I wanted to say thank you for everything you've been doing to get IR working again!
  19. Was this carrier built with Large Boat Parts? I also had a few different weapons misfire depending on which part they where attached. I believe it is somethin to do with LBP / Tweakscale and collider issues. I don't wanna sound like I'm bad mouthin LBP I love that mod! But I have seen some weirdness when using weapons with those parts.
  20. @BahamutoD I swore I'd never ask but.... Any ill effects trying to used 1.6.0 in KSP 1.0.5?
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