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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Or we could do a new texture and use the existing model for ammo boxes which I already have rigged up? Be a very easy deal. But a backpack about the same size as the existing ammo box but with more detail like 3-4 84mm AT4 Rockets on a platform of some kind would be really cool.
  2. I was wondering about that. I'll redo it when I am back at my real computer. Also should we think about an ammo back pack to reload?
  3. If you don't like it don't download it... Not sure why you feel the need to put down someone else's ideas.
  4. Looking forward to what you've already dropped into the pipeline behind the scenes Welcome!
  5. I just tried it again with blizzy installed this time and now it shows up in the stock toolbar and blizzy.
  6. OK I feel like such a dummy here. I don't see the node helper button on a fully stock install. What am I missing here?
  7. That's planned using Pro props. Just need to setup the models in Unity
  8. The wheels only tilt side to side, they do not rotate to allow for 90 deg folding. They will only fold front to back.
  9. Kerbalstuff has all the current and previous versions listed. Click "changelog" and look for the latest version with .90 compatibility.
  10. I only named it fps because more people would respond or search for that. And with Hullcam VDS, it could become FPS
  11. That's actually on my future "hopeful" todo list in the OP. I currently have no idea how to setup a turret in Unity. There are blaster sounds and laser cfg already on the forum, just need the model rigged up in Unit and I should be able to do the rest. If anyone would like to help me setup the guns in Unity, I'd welcome the help.
  12. I can't redistribute the asset file as it is something squad made and there are rules against that.... But I can give you a walkthrough of how to make the asset file. Astronomers Visual Pack Lens Flare To get the lens flares working in 1.0.x you will need to extract the sun_flare.tex files one at a time from there old .25 asset files and place them in the new 1.0.x asset files one at a time in the KSP_Data folder using Unity asset explorer. DDS Converter http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter Back up your original asset file first! Unity Asset Explorer http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/27/? Using Unity asset explorer 1.3 or newer First open "sharedassets10.assets" from the astronomers visual "jj Abrams" Lens flare. Right click "sun_flare.tex" click "extract" this is the file you will need. Rename Folder created by unity asset explorer from "sharedassets10" to "sharedassets9" (folder will be automatically created in the same directory as the asset explorer .exe file) Now back up and open "sharedassets9.assets" from your ksp_data Directory. In Asset Explorer Right click "Sun_flare.tex" and click 'Import" (It will Import from the folder you already created and renamed) Save the changes and, boom the asset9 file in your ksp_data folder has now been modified with the new lens flare. The same process can be used for the AVP main menu logo from interstellar V1. Repeat the above process with "sharredasset2.assets" and the file you are looking for is "logoFullRed_alt.tex" Lightning The lightning does not work in 1.0.x without cfg editing. Here is an updated .cfg file, just replace everything in the lightning .cfg with this. Using notepad++ or equivalent. Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.7.8.2.html
  13. This mod isn't perfect by any means and is still pretty buggy. But I'm going to be gone all weekend so I figured I'd just toss it into the wild and let everybody mess around with it. If anyone has any ideas how to improve this I'd be happy to hear them.
  14. If you run into symmetry issues hit me up. I've figured out a lot with the osprey and V-44. I now have limits assigned to all the rotors, so I can use action groups to toggle between flight modes. That way I can leave the HUD of for videos.
  15. Oh wow! The p-38 looks great! I love scale builds like that. Just sucks you need some substantial hardware when you need a couple hundred parts to pull it off. But it looks like you did a nice job of keeping the part count down as well. What is the part count on the P38 and the Corsair? Also do the wings work on your F14
  16. You should see how long 50 mods take to load you'll be begging for your load time
  17. Glad to hear that. Also welcome to the forum, and I'm honored this thread was your first stop
  18. The big issue here is that there is going to be a sweet spot for the guns to intersect. Since the guns don't move they cannot correct for varying distances. So this becomes more of a trial and error kind of thing. Easiest thing to do would be aim the plane at a flat wall of the VAB when in flight to see where each of the guns is pointing. Take note, and adjust accordingly in the SPH. Unfortunately that's one of the limitations with fixed guns.
  19. I think I see what happened. Attach the flaps before you rotate the wings. They appear to be rotated down slightly or you are just trying to attach the flap to the top surface of the wing instead of the trailing edge. I have noticed this as well. Just build the wing with the snap-to tool on at first then rotate the whole assembly. A little cumbersome but it works.
  20. That's actually the one from B9 Aerospace. Quiznos was showing it as an example B9 Maintenance port download https://bitbucket.org/blowfishpro/b9-aerospace
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