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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. You can make AVP with all the game data add ons work. I had instructions pasted a few pages back as well as on my thread linked in my signature.
  2. This is the Cadillac of all IVA's it is a little taxing on integrated graphics as well as slower processors. One thing in particular, do you use vessel viewer? There are settings accessible through the MFD to set the refresh rate lower to offset some of the work load on your processor. But as for just the visuals.... You may need to turn down your settings. I have a few tips and tricks on my thread linked in my signature to help with graphics setup as well as a few other things if you are interested.
  3. Neat! Kinda reminds me of something from the movie Abys or the armadillo from Armageddon.
  4. Try deleting all the module manager files that are created along side and by MM in the game data folder. Some times it needs cleaning out. The Landing cams are viewable in the MFD screens only. Press the "pod cams" button and then there are soft keys on the screen to cycle between the cams. "EXT cams" are cameras placed on the craft inside the SPH / VAB.
  5. Just wanted to show this thread some love. BD I know you're super busy with your new game, as well as the major upgrades for BD Armory. But If you do find the time, this would be great to see resurrected.
  6. The integrated graphics as long as they are intel HD 4000 or above, can usually handle it. What I have been seeing is people trying to run a kitchen sink of mods along with graphics improvement mods. Really the only way to do this is to run x64. I run over 50 mods with EVE AVP and Scatterer. I have more details on tips and tricks a few pages back or on my thread linked bellow.
  7. I like the idea of reversing the rotation, I build a lot of tilt rotor aircraft and both / all 4 rotors spinning in the same direction can take away from the "scale" appearance. The trick with that is you would need an entirely reversed rotor and animation. I wonder if it could be done without adding additional parts to the editor. It's really just a nit picky visual thing but it would be great to have. And the speed changing in relation to throttle I thought the rotors already did that, but I could easily be wrong.
  8. Actually that's sounds about right for a proposed anti satellite weapon back in the 60's I think it was. It would launch a small unmanned vessel rendezvous near a satellite and then fire a barrage of ball bearings. Like an orbital shotgun. The idea was to at the very least take out the solar panels and then the satellites batteries would simply die. Only thing was this would introduce a ton of space junk Making future mission more dangerous. Then they came up with lasers and that pretty much rendered it obsolete. That was one of my more useful weapons platforms actually, 1-3 lasers and a compliment of HEKV's. Lasers are powered by solar panels and you now have an infinite supply of orbital destruction. And of course it wouldn't be very James Bond without missiles
  9. You could think about building a rocket, guiding it with Mechjeb's rendezvous autopilot and then when you are close enough, fire an HEKV from the rocket. Seems as though this would be a most feasibly method of delivery we currently have. I built an orbital missile platform in .90. It would just float in space until needed. I tested it by launching a shuttle on an intercept course with a satellite then deployed the missile platform to shoot down that satellite. It work well in my case.
  10. Really Great stuff on this thread. I started a similar one, but mine was a bit more mod intensive. My hat is off to you guys that figured out ways to make the stock parts look so much better! Well my little tid bit is a rotary bomb rack using IR RKE Kanadarm and BD Armory. The skewer is assembled from the front of the plane to the back. You attach a controlled Rotatron from IR Rework aimed toward the rear of the plane first with a tube from RKE Kanadarm. Then at the opposite end attach an uncontrolled Rotatron again pointed toward the rear of the plane. And some structural piece like a beam, RKE Spacer or what not. Attach that beam with two struts to the rest of the plane (you will probably be part clipping these struts in place). The skewer is now functional. To have 6 preset slots for identical munitions. Attach a bomb to a bomb support from BD Armory. Then attach that to the skewer in the slot facing out of the bomb bay (straight down) with radial symmetry turned on, as well as the angle snap tool turned on. For a simple press and hold to turn that's it. To setup 6 individual presets for the skewer with a symmetrical payload of bombs, so you can assign an action group for "next preset" and "previous preset" Build the above structure, then in the presets for the controlled Rotatron, assign your first preset on the 'Controlled" Rotatron at the front, to -180 fallowed by presets at 60 degree intervals like -180, -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 180 This will give you 6 bomb drop presets. If you want a variety of payloads with again 6 slots. You need to build the skewer with the presets setup and then put the bomb payloads in one slot at a time. And install the payloads in a first in, first out sequence. So build a bomb on a bomb support. Then install each of them in there drop location (straight down). Once you are satisfied with its location advance the Rotatron in 60 degree intervals to the next presets one at a time and repeat until the skewer is full. And remember the first bomb you install will be the first bomb in the weapon manager to select and fire. Mods BD Armory http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...v-Thread-May-8 RKE Kanadarm http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112881 Infernal Robotics http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...obotics-0-21-2 IR Rework http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365
  11. If the bombs are attached to IR components they will phase right through your craft without them exploding. Now as soon as they are dropped they will want to explode when they hit anything solid.
  12. Not too hard. Just setup 6 drop slots. And set the controlled Rotatron presets to 60 degree intervals with no limit locking (-180 -120 -60 0 60 120 180) this allows you to press one action group to advance and another to return. Also the presets must be setup in the SPH / VAB in order to save them. And remember bombs are launched in a first attached first launched order. This can get a little confusing when mirroring though.
  13. Nice! This will be a lifesaver for sure. Also make or some great youtube videos!
  14. I guess you just got me with the Mr. owl comment from earlier. THE DUNCE HAT IS MINE The counter measures are awesome BTW. I can't believe the progress you're making. This is shaping up to be one crazy update.
  15. Is that how the countermeasures on an M1 Abrams work? Honestly I've never seen them deploy I always thought they where just flare launchers. (sorry)
  16. Kind a creepy with Jade Helm 15 going on right now too.....
  17. Did you install the mod in the OP along with these new cfg files? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Test%20Parts/ASET.zip Sounds like you just installed the updated cfg's without the .mu files and texture files in the main mod. with the updated cfg files you nolonger need advanced animator. If it's still not working just holler. edit I believe the wheel / torque settings are all over the place. (it flips really easy) I have a tweaked version at home that worked in 1.0.2 for sure if you need additional help.
  18. Blackrack I can't tell you enough just how great this mod is. The view from space is amazing! No more blue soup indeed. But any hardware upgrades my box undergoes, I'm going to blame on you
  19. You will still need BD Armory, this is a plugin mod to allow BD Armory to work with DMP.
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