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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Can filters be ORed together? I'm trying to use Filter Extensions along with Procedural Tanks and the liquid fuel filter doesn't include the Procedural Liquid Tank. the other procedural tanks/batteries show up where I'd expect them to be. I assume the liquid tank isn't included because its resources are changeable. I was thinking about adding an "OR name= proceduralLiquidTank" to the standard liquid tank filters but I don't know if OR is supported. Is there another (better?) way to get the procedural tanks included?
  2. I don't see any "deploy something" type options other than the indexer, which doesn't replace the node. Removing TweakableEverything does restore the node so that is the problem. I will give rasta013's suggestion of deleting that DLL a try. As to my actual docking problem, it looks like it was a construction error. I put a fairing base right under the Agena docking adapter and for some reason the opening of the adapter was half-filled with fairing base support structures. I redesigned my craft to omit that fairing base and now I can dock! Thanks again for all the help!
  3. And I just tried docking two things on the surface with the gemini docking adapter and the agena... and it worked fine. I must be doing something wrong when I dock in space. I'll try it again later (I reverted my previous save since the gemini knocked my agena out of control). Thanks for the help!
  4. Sure, I'll post pics of the docking problem later but here are some images of my construction issues. I don't get that node (see images above) Is it possible I have something installed that is removing it?
  5. I've got a couple of (what I hope are) silly questions about some of the SPICA/Gemini parts. How do I attached the areodynamic nosecone on top of the docking adapter? There isn't a visible node on top of the docking adapter so the nosecone never "clicks" into place. When I try my best to put it in the right spot, I don't get the option to decouple node to remove it. For now I'm resorting to copy/pasting the entire assembly from the craft I downloaded from KerbalX. How do you use the gemini docking port? I tried docking two of them together but they never seem to capture. I also tried docking one with the agena adapter but those also failed to capture. I did extend the indexer and that helped with alignment but the docking craft just pushes the other craft around. Is there a part I'm missing in this configuration? Or something else I need to turn on to allow docking? Thanks
  6. Ah, that makes sense. Stupid question: Where would I find this in-game dialog box? When I click on the green cube, it gives me the current stats but no option to edit anything.
  7. I'm trying to alter my BaseHabTime but the game doesn't seem to be picking it up. I'm now thinking another mod may be overwriting the values i'm setting in the config. I'm playing with Stock Scale Real Solar System so it wouldn't surprise me if some numbers are off but I'm seeing 7days of hab time/crew spot. I edited both the USI-LS.cfg (in the MKS folder) and the Settings.cfg (in the LifeSupport folder), changing BaseHabTime from .25 to 1. I expected that to give me 28 days of Hab time but I'm still seeing 7 days. I did a scan of my gamedata folder for .cfg files with BaseHabTime in them and found that WildBlueTools had an MM_USILS.cfg but that had the value set to 1. I tried bumping that up to 4 just to see what would happen. And it didn't do anything... Where should I be making that change? Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm hoping to do an apollo style moon landing but 7 days isn't long enough and I don't want to turn off the penalties of not having life support. Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm trying to get ScanSat working in SSRSS and I'm running into a few problems. I don't see a "scansat" value but I do see scanAltitude in the SigmaDimensions section of the config file. I tried setting that to 0.1 but that lowered the required altitudes. So I went the other way and bumped it up to 10 which gives the RADAR Altimeter a range from 9k to 47k (versus the advertised 10k to 50k so I think that number needs to be tweaked to 10 and change). The problem I'm having now is that my satellite says it is at an "ideal" altitude but nothing is scanning. I don't get the green scanning beam in the map view and nothing shows up in the scansat map. Is there another config value that needs to be tweaked? Thanks EDIT: And I just realized I have to stop and restart the scanner for it to work. It's all good now.
  9. I removed all my mods except what SSRSS requires + SCANSat and started a sandbox game and scansat worked fine in that. I incrementally added my mods back and it kept working. So after I had all my mods back I loaded my career game and my scansat was still not scanning. Then I stopped scanning with it and restarted. And it started mapping. I forgot the second rule of tech support - "Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again" (in my defense, I restarted KSP repeatedly but it didn't occur to me to restart the satellite!)
  10. Any idea how to get SCANSat working in SSRSS? Initially I was getting "too high" status when I was at 100km. I saw an early post in this thread saying that deleting the scansat config files in the SSRSS and SigmaDimensions folders would resolve this. It did get rid of the "too high" status but I'm not getting a map. Is there some other configuration change that is required?
  11. Odd, with the new version i'm getting the Hall of Fame open even if I'm not in EVA. I've turned off the hotkey since the menu works well enough. Thanks for looking into it.
  12. Is there anything I can do (ship logs, take screenshots, etc.) to help diagnose and fix this? For the short term, I think I'll remap it to a button I don't use in EVA.
  13. I think I found a bug. The config screen shows the hot-key as a chord (ctrl-alt-f if I recall) but when I'm in EVA, pressing F alone makes the Final Frontier screen come up. When I am outside of EVA, pressing F does not bring up that screen.
  14. Nevermind. Think I found it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/58235-105-modular-fuel-tanks-v561/&page=3#comment-893966
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