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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Just now, 123nick said:

    oh! well, for the highest launched, it seemed too have had the hardest fall :P unless someone elses split into 3 parts, or more.

    One landed in the roof, in two pieces. It sepersted in the air. Another one lost three of its fins on landing but was otherwise fine. The worst one, whenever the engine did the little retro poof to deploy the parachute, the parachute cord separated from the nose cone and the rocket itself. It landed hard behind the school, and wasn't recovered. :P

  2. 3 minutes ago, 123nick said:

    its a model rocket! it came back in 1 piece too :D .

    Heh... That one in the video was the one the teacher made. My groups went the highest out of all of the ones launched that day, and our parachute came out no problem, but we landed kinda hard. A piece of one of the fins came off completely. 

    So no, MY rocket came down in 2. :P

  3. Ahhhh!!

    Oh, Beale, can we keep him?? Please?? He's so adorable! He looks like a character from an N64 game!:D

    I just not got to a working computer to test the new Black Arrow. Yes, it does flip, and is practically unusable, blah blah blah, but you already know that.

    What I'm worried about is that I don't have any engine FX for the first and second stage. Is that supposed to happen?

  4. 31 minutes ago, LeoBlueSpikes said:

    Is it compatible with realism overhaul?

    No sir, but if someone wants to make configs I'll include them with the download. The parts are all modeled at real scale, so there wouldn't be any concern with size. Just delete the rescale value in the cfg. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

    I don't think the Centaur needs a core? I don't think it ever flew with that sort of independent control. 


    1 hour ago, davidy12 said:


    @CobaltWolf:I beg to differ.


    Also, it had I believe attitude control thrusters (not shown in the diagram) to either re-ignite/orientate the spacecraft. 

    Just modify the fairing ;) and add thrusters at the bottom of the stage


    54 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Find me sources and it will probably happen. Inon/Centaur is getting redone anyways. Probably going to two or three variants of the tankage - white painted for Atlas-Centaur and Atlas V, metal for Titan, orange for Atlas 2 / 3. Maybe. 

    Though it might make @VenomousRequiem sad since she modeled the RL-10...

    I also beg to differ. I know the modern Centaur V(Atlas V second stage) has its own guidance. Most rockets do, don't they? 

    And he is right(at least for Centaur V), it does have a very unique set of RCS thrusters. There was a very in depth discussion about Centaur V's RCS thrusters over in the Real Scale Boosters thread. 



    1 minute ago, OTmikhail said:

    I really liked Agena at 1.25m. Now it just seems like it might be a slightly better Able/Ablestar..... Guess I have to play with it first, but I liked it the way it was. In any case I love this mod and keep up the great work.

    Don't worry, fam, TweakScale will always be here for you. 

  7. 6 hours ago, davidy12 said:

    @VenomousRequiem: What the hell is that thing??? :D 


    2 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Looks kinda like Zenit to me... this is the first I'm hearing of it, I'm pretty much as clueless as y'all.

    It's loosely based off of the Dnepr first stage. If you've ever seen one launch, you'll know that there's an SRB that carries it out of the silo, and then gets shot off to the side.. I don't really see a point in adding that as there's no silos in KSP. 

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