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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 44 minutes ago, Jso said:


    What ever happened to the smokeless plumes for Realplumes? Did Cobalt veto that idea?


    Eh, that involves work... That'd be super sick though.


    Anyways, hooray for scary hybrid spacecrafts!


    Everything is so... ugly... Before my laptop fried I had this awesome visual effects mod, and I loved it more than any other of the EVE configs or whatever you call them, but it was on KerbalStuff and didn't have a linked forum thread or mirror to download. On top of that I can't seem to find any that, A: Work(Maybe I'm installing them wrong?), or B: Don't lag my game to hell. Maybe the fact that I'm on Linux now has something to do with it.

  2. 17 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


    Speaking of the Saturn Multibody. Does anyone know off-hand why those are shown with orange tanks, even though they're (presumably) still kerosene-based? I'm tempted to look into making a few of the other larger Saturn tanks too, but I'd have thought these would also be black-&-white. If I want to add an orange tank, then it'll either need an additional texture, or it'll have to borrow from the STS ET or something. When they're the same color, it's a lot easier to re-use textures. ;)


    Yeah, the F-1a engine of the Saturn Ic and Saturn Multibody are still not cryogenic, so I don't know why it's orange.


  3. 26 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


    Huh, that could be interesting too. Google has turned up some imagery; are any specific stats out there? I'm not sure how detailed they get in that universe.


    I can't find any specifications for the launcher itself; however its made out of parts that exist in the real world, so you can use that for values you need. It's a Castor 120 for the first stage, same with the second, then an ascent Agena D. Same Agena used for the Gemini ATV .

  4. 2 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


    Possibly. I took a quick peek (and I do mean quick) at the Long March family of Chinese rockets, and it looks like there's a lot of variation within the lineup. For something like that, I suspect I'd have to narrow it down to one or two representative configurations and work from that. There's also the Japanese H-IIA, which superficially is reminiscent of the Delta IV, which could be cool. I'm just not sure what I feel like working on right now. Heh. :)


    What about a real scale Carrack from Eyes Turned Skyward? Us over at BDB have the parts to make one, but it's not real scale. :P

  5. 30 minutes ago, Olympic1 said:

    @CobaltWolf If you want I can make a Parts Filter for your mod so that all your parts show up in seperate categories. I just need to know how you want the parts to be filtered.

    Do you just want to have 1 category with all your parts in it, like how it is done with KIS, USI, Infernal Robotics, ... or do you want to have a new category with subcategories which then can be sorted per rocket (Redstone, Delta, Atlas, Titans, ...).

    We already have a custom manufacturer tab, don't we?

  6. 2 hours ago, davidy12 said:

    Okay, I'm still struggling on how to build it...

    Is there a pic of the Juno?


    Does this help? You've just gotta sort through the adapters, yo.

    Though I do feel like 1.7m is an odd size, and we shouldn't have started a completely unheard of rocket size; But Cobalt had his heard set on it, so I decided as long as he's happy I won't complain. :P

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