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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. 1 minute ago, Pappystein said:

    That is probably the Titan IVB SRMU.   ATK Purchased Hercules Aerospace in 1995 half way through he SRMU production run.   And no, I have not seen a SRMU model yet for KSP (I am currently re-using FASA's UA-1207 "Titan White SRB" model for the SRMU in my personal configs.)   Crap tons more fuel than the UA-12xx series, Much lower overall weight (Carbon Fiber instead of metal.)




    There's some pretty nice Titan parts, including the SRMU in BDB!

  2. 11 minutes ago, NecroBones said:

    Yeah, I had no idea anyone else was working on it until I was tagged in that.


    I've had some time to get back to some modeling, so I did a couple of things so far this week. I split out the Centaur's RCS thrusters and spheres to separate models (so they can be separately repositioned when squishing the tank with MM patches). I also went back to the Delta IV DCSSs and split the equipment platforms out as well, so those.


    Also started on the Ariane V a little bit (I still have a lot more detailing to do at the bottom, but I want to fit it to the engine, so the engine needs to come first):




    Every single mod I've seen fails to add the upper stage for the Ariane 5... Please don't be another one of those guys. :P

    Looks nice though, yo. Do you need any help with modeling? I'd love to contribute!

  3. Here, I gathered some reference for you for the various different stages!

    ~Long post warning~


    Third stage engine.


    Second stage engine.


    First stage engine. Don't forget the spoilers...


    I had no idea they were assembled like that... the main engines are pretty much just boosters.


    The third stage engine again, but without the... fabric... shroud... thing...


    And probably the most notable part of the Proton rocket:


    The failure rate! :P

  4. 2 hours ago, hraban said:

    If Beale decides that Ariane 5 would rebuild in 2.5m Ø i can supply the upper stages. EPS / ESC-A and ESC-B are already built and will need "only" textures. ATV and CTV are already in Mod Contares. Only the original solar panels have yet to come.

    2.5m seems a little small, no? That's only 50% of the real one! It's nice to have it a little OP than way too small.. 

  5. If you re-make the CLV you'd better include the ATV config upper stage. :P

    Update: Look what I did! 

    I made an awesome direct-descent lander with some of the new TKS/Salyut parts! This is actually the first time I've bothered landing people on another celestial body in x3 scale KSP... it's a lot harder than stock.

    Tbh I was desperate to use the new course correction engine. I don't know why, but I love it. It'll see many uses. :P

  6. 56 minutes ago, Foxxonius Augustus said:

    I shall add mine to make 4. I will just point out that I for one have used the third stage tank extensively in service modules for orbiters, as we as in fuel depots both on the ground and in orbit. The same go's for (to a much lesser extent) the second stage tank.

    Oh, pfft, how could I be so absent minded. I use the third stage tank for a few things myself. I never really play the game in game modes where losing a particular part will destroy the entire save, so I guess it just doesn't matter to me. But that seems self centred, no? So I'm just going to let everyone else the proportions, but my statement about the first stage engine remains the same! 

    Update: HooooOOOooooOOOoOo buddy. I just realized the exsistance of the "unflown" section of the Russian rockets on Andegraf.... Good god... We need some of THAT.

  7. I say fix the proportions on the current proton. It's not like it'll break many saves. Who keeps an expandable rocket floating around anyways? 

    The most notable thing I think that needs to be changed is the position of the engines on the first stage. They need to be scooted in towards the centre. And then the little spoiler things around the first stage engines taper inward irl, yours taper outward. 

    Just my 2 cents. :3 

  8. 5 hours ago, _Augustus_ said:

    Also, RD-0146 and RD-191 would be good.



    Yes! We'd just need a RD-0124 and we'd have a whole Angara! Plus those engines would be hella to have in a stock-alike feel...

    1 hour ago, DennyTX said:

    yup, i have this one too.

    marmoset rendering.


    Ow... My heart... I'm conflicted between staying with my girlfriend or marrying you. :P

    Kidding, of course, but good god that's pretty!

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