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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. I can image females as first colonists, i live in a country where women can take the same career in military as men for example. Still, very few women are inclined to torture themself mindlessly in certain critical situations, and public opinion about dead men is far more relaxed than about dead women. Have you done army service allready? If so, you might get the idea why.
  2. There is no flat area in equator region, sadly. But in a earlyer mission i spotted a rather large even plane on the southern icecap, between 80°- 70° lattitude, i am tempted to land your Dunasoar there this weekend... you should be able to spot the place from map view if you have a vessel on the surface somewhere. Its the only flat place i know large nough to land nicely. I will mark the spot when i get there on screenshot... Cheers!
  3. Would be really cool if squad could release a major duststorm on Duna and "excavate" some rather large ancient "saltpans" or "lavafields", clearly, those expanses of ground could be rather even and suitable for some exotic Duna capable stock propeller plane miracles like this one for example: @_Rades Dunasoar I really think a great part of KSP players would appreciate this ... natural desaster...
  4. He, this idea is many years old. "Harnessing a current from a cable around the equator". If this works...
  5. ... and both dockingports must be "Konstruction" ports...
  6. I just gave you a "up", greetings! Its well done and informative, nevermind the voting thingy...
  7. Part 5 Another reconflight of Dunasoar, logisticshub extension, colony drop preparation. Kerbals continue to party. Summer joins Leathy in the truck while Valentina, Dotty and Juli take off for a short hop towards the high mountainrange at the north edge of the grand bassin... Valentina has simulated some landing techniques with Dunasoar, now she is pretty confident about what she is doing, this airplane is the most delicate construction she ever flew, definetly. Juli reduced the brakeforce on the front landinggear to 25% each and gave Valentina advice to perform a slightly powered touchdown at around 40m/s for highest safety. This worked out excellently, DBP management is glad all Kerbals are still alive and partying. Dunasoar near the mountains, final approach: Summer observes the end of a eclipse, the moonshadow moving westwards: Some impressions of the flight, during the eclipse: At the same time in orbit, the logisticshub gets extended, more Kerbals join the party and some spare parts in a giant KIS container and a crewvehicle where attached. The USI ranger modules are moved to a lower orbit, a major landfall is in sight, Kerbals are thinking about in which one the first Duna-party should happen, probably in a expandable greenhousesection, we will see... Multiple boomboxes have now been installed in the logisticshub, music is playing at max volume and Kerbals are floating through the new station in chaotic manner, missioncontrol gave up any intension organizing the crowd, hoping for a glimpse of reason in the expedition crews heads. Newest partygame is golf, from one end of the station to another. Actual leader: Jebediah Kerman, hole in one. Partydrink of the day: bubbly on the rocks. Images from logisticshub extension, and a sitrep from map view: Mission is looking very good by now, some things to think about: - More Kerbals, more party - More party, more fun - More fun is good for morale - Dunasoar flies and lands excellent @_Rade - Dunatruck is a excellent vehicle - Logisticshub has more than 400 parts, still running smooth, excellent - Bubblyzine in ample supply - Golfclubs are a much desired object for Kerbals - Ikebug is alive, no strange sightings @Kerbart
  8. We use to melt steel with jet fuel aswell. But back on the topic, some americans landed once on the moon. Good guys.
  9. Sorry, it reminds of "uncle sam". But it isn`t that delusional, advertising (merchandising) is a strange and unlogic business. What is the pointed (targeted...) age of possible Mars visitors, colonists, tourists, whatever? "Are you ready?" might be more appropriate.
  10. @The Dunatian...which way, humanity? Moon - mars - asteroidbelt, in this order. Funding on earth and worldwide consensus about the needed ressources to make this happen should be a major task for this and next generations, if publicity can be gained and workforce directed to this goal, then it will happen. This would lead to a worldwide change in economy, if its done, with unseen efforts in industry, science and global organization. Make colonisation of the solarsystem a matter in schoolbooks for every child worldwide... Guess what happens fifty years after that. (And shut down Hollywood btw) - Bang - People walk on mars. (Not anything in filmindustry is rubbish, but counterproductive.)
  11. Part four Horseshoethrowing, Dunasoar descent and reconflight, Ikebug deploy, Drobpod preparations in orbit Bobby Kerman to crew: "Ready?" Crew: "Yeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!" Valentina, Summer, Juli and Dotty Kerman gathered most points in the horseshoelottery, so they where chosen to fly the Dunasoar, good choice, the plane is very complicated and fragile, DBP missioncontrol is reliefed the chances for desas success have risen significantly having females in charge. Bill Kerman attached a auxiliary KIS fuelline over the failed section of the hub, so Dunasoar has been fueled up a bit, although fuellevels don`t show any change . Bill found moar bottles of fresh bubbly, he grabbed them all. Descent and decoupling boosters was successfull, Valentina ripped off a small antenna but this isn`t a serious problem, another one is still working at the tailelevon. She went for a first safe-procedure landing without engaging the RTG engines, wise decision, the plane has excellent gliding properties, it has shown that no propulsion is needed for a safe touchdown at lowest elevations. Flag was planted and the mandatory bottle bubbly guzz depleted. Bill Kerman fixing the fuelflow: Dunasoar descent: Valentina and the girls over Duna in a wonderfull stockplane: And while the Kerbals have a fun, other important things happen further up, Ikebug is on his mission to Ike, details of its secret task are unknown untill now, only @Kerbart knows the true capabilitys of this perfect piece of state-of-the-art rover delivery system. Temperature readings of the landingszone have successfully been submitted, science points are pocketed. DBP managers are glad that at least one missionmember is guaranteed ready for duty and operates as intended. Thanks Kerbart! Ikebugs primary objective: loitering around and defending the box. Landing Ikebug in his box: Back on Duna, Valentina landed the Dunasoar, Bobby calls her on the comm: "Valentina, do you copy?" "Yes Bobby, loud and clear, what`s the matter?" "Hurry get out, watch northwest, 20 degrees, incoming, moving northeast rapidly... what do you see?" "Okay, i`m allready out on the wing, checking the structure... hold on... ..." "...Val?" "...Bobby, what is that?" "I ask you..." "...What???" "Don`t tell me you can see that by naked eye..." "Is that a pusher on crashcourse? Which one? Please, not the big one, it`s our hometicket!... Bobby!... Bobby?" "Calm down Valentina, i ask you what you see..." Bobby clicks on the screen in front of him, enlarging the IR image from the aft surveillance camera: "...i send you a picture, well, two pics. Make sure your butt is thightly strapped to the seat..." A rather secret conversation begins between Valentina and Bobby: Bobby and Enemy listened carefull to Valentinas words. Enemy Kerman to Bobby: Shortly after this meeting Bobby gave a brief announcement to the crew: "Hi all, we proceed as planned, back to work." Leathy Kerman dettaches the Truck-entrypod from the transfervessel, the rest of the crew will deliver the LFO tank to the logisticshub and release the nuclearpusher to a lower parkingorbit... target area is Valentinas landingsite at the western edge of the grand bassin, Valentina and the girls need support... Truckpod powered landing near Dunasoar: Valentina and Leathy meet in a dense duststorm, a bottle bubbly is likely to be opened... Leathy has spare parts for the Dunasoar, a upgrade is to be evaluated with Juli, depends on her opinion finally. "...Any other news?" asked Val while she embarked the truck. "...Something unexpected is going on, i told the guys `Don`t mess it up, i look at you, Jebediah and Enemy`..." "...You know about it..." Leathy cheers.
  12. First colonists might be mid-age male humans (maybe female too, nothing about, but unlikely) which are ready to face sudden and ugly death, until then prepare as much as possible for the next row of ... mid-age humans. This is more likely a "Your names will enter human history" thing for the first humans on mars, no funny business. Must be done sometime, in my opinion. 50 years, maybe ten by now It might take a thousand lives before a outpost is worth called "colony".
  13. I have serious trouble with mouseclickspeed since a week, maybe a windows 10 issue, i hope they fix it soon...
  14. Hey carl, your worrys are not really true. You can make precice encounters and dip down to 26500 meters at Duna for example and bleed off up to 1000dV in the first dip. And it can be done safe. Its mere fun and a proven method in RL spacecraftmaneuvering. And proven by me in KSP!
  15. Oh man... Thank you. Looks like it solved itself by now but it does happen frequently... will try your advise!
  16. Thank you, but my floaties are allready here! Take a look! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154699-dbp-duna-bothering-program/
  17. How you guys make jetplanes work on Duna? You mean Laythe, no?
  18. Hi all, i stumbled over an annoying issue while editing my current missionreport: It looks like the editingmenu is not available as a whole after the original post, all the textformating options to the right are gone. Is there a workaround? I want to use "center" and "align left" options in my thread. Would be glad if someone knows about this.
  19. @panzerknoef Fun machines, SQUAD is no fan of mediafire, rather share your craftfiles with dropbox! Imguralbums must be linked to imgur, software issue...
  20. Part three Landingsite reconnaissence, logisticshub construction and Dunasoar salvage Logisticshub reassembly, first steps: ...Missioncontrol and some more serious Kerbonauts assemble the logisticshub, the nuclear pushers have been dettached and their orbits lowered for a few kilometers... M.I.A. Commander Bobby Kerman had a good nap at the rear end of the largest nuclear pusher, though he wondered how hot it could get inside @RoverDudes minibarbeque minipod... I`m pretty sure he won`t forget where he`s got that sunburn from. @Nertea might be interested to merchandise his engines aswell to wellness-studios. Bobby Kerman looks well done, he will return to the orbital logisticshub by the next occasion, i guess he needs a bottle bubblyzine... Dunasoar was able to intercept the logisticshub with only a bucket full of propellent left, the plane got tugged to a dockingport, the most annoying docking maneuver untill now... but at last it snapped. DBP management is waiting for Commander Bobby Kermans return, to make sure anything on board the lunatic logisticshub stays in shape and order... Partynoises from the commandmodule resonate violently throughout the whole vessel, and engineers at the KSC worry about the structural integrity. Dunasoar salvage: And last but not least, Commander Bobby Kerman docked to the logisticshub... Bobby immediatly began to review the surfacedata, preparing crewmembers and the Dunasoar service engineers (hi @_Rade ), for descent to Dunas beautyfull wastelands... He marked some points of interests on the charts, viable for a safe Dunasoar landing and takeoff. Tensions are getting higher in the partydepartment... and the music louder and louder. Pilot of this mission will be ruled out by horseshoethrowing in the danceroom, empty bottles are in ample supply. Things went quite well, but several things are not that good: -Duna has lots of duststorms, limited visuals from orbit -Kerbals dislike the idea to work -Bobby Kerman has lost significant amounts of his cognitive biomass in his topmost limb, due to excess radiation exposure while napping -No one knows this -Dunasoar refuses to be refueled, fuelflows checked, cause still unknown -More KIS crates with "Debby Kerman" written on them have been discovered, party is unlikely to stop in foreseeable time -Bubblyzine bottles float in space around the logistics hub, untreated Kesslersyndrome The rest of the mission looks fine
  21. I just finished part two of my missionreport: DUNA BOTHERING PROGRAM Now a shameless plug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154699-dbp-duna-bothering-program/&do=findComment&comment=2918927 Have fun!
  22. @Yatsykon Hi there, i took a bit time and grabbed your cool miniplane for testflight, well, Jebediah gets payd for this kind of work actually... Jeb says: "Excellent plane, looping, barrelroll, nicely gliding, perfect landing, 10/10. Careerproof. Canopy silences fannoise sufficiently." . Big fun to fly around KSC and buzz the buildings, relaxing speed for busy Kerbonauts! Cheers!
  23. Hallo da, sorry i`m in a hurry but i just have seen your dV map is slightly outdated, Duna for example is actually 1200 dV finally.... welcome to the forums!
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