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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. I accepted last weekend a contract to catch a fresh untouched newly discovered E size Asteroid in solar orbit near Kerbin, and bring it to Jools orbit. -Cool... Price tag completion: 4 million and some more Kerbucks. -Goooood... I went there and grabbed a around 2500 ton chunk and draw a maneuver. -Easy... Burntime with 6 stock LV-Ns: 4 hours and some minutes. -Abort Mission... Mission failure: 1 and a half million Kerbucks. -"insert swear words of favourite choice".
  2. @gary.townsend I like this design decision that Konstruction ports don`t connect to stock. First i wondered about it too...
  3. Squad might ask again, why not? I`m pretty sure they agree.
  4. It works, i have a station around Kerbin with two pilots in a big lander can, the smallest relay antenna attached to control a unmanned rcs tug even if the only connection is the station. Make sure to use the proper probecores for such tasks.
  5. Mikki


    (Transl) Rechts klick auf KSP in Bibliothek, ganz unten auf Eigenschaften klicken, dann im Fenster auf betas und letzten prerelease oder 1.1.3 wählen. My english is worse.
  6. @Lorule, there is a nice in game wiki just in case you overlooked it. KSP has grown rather complex, amazing amount of things to discover. And hello to the forums!
  7. Having the Krickets chirp at night is very calming.
  8. Yess.... one of us! Hello!
  9. I am sure the empty round-8 fueltank with a commandseat in it works nicely as rubberboat, same for commandseat with parachute attached, makes excellent ejectionseat with two sepratrons.
  10. I just tested the "compress" feature in orbit and it seems that all parts with very low mass <0.01ton get shifted around 1 meter, after leaving the scene or even reloading after restarting the game some of the mentioned parts disappear completly. Fuellines and struts disappear, Rcs thrusters, small sience stuff and even the puff engine (0.09ton) stay shifted after reloading the scene. Usually they move towards the rootpart in front, no matter which port is actvated for compression. Edit: Not all low mass parts behave like this, for example the "surface scanner module" (0.005ton) stays on place after compressing. Easy to replicate, put a ship in orbit and compress. For anything else it just works fine, great work!
  11. I have quite a big thing going on with 1.2, Konstruction, KIS and KAS... To make use of a RCS tug i had to attach a small relay antenna to the big yellow Orbital Rig and put two pilots into the lander can, and finally i could attach the KIS container by remote probe control... Now its getting rather good with KSP
  12. After breakfast i made this (legitly launched with stockparts): The expression on this Kerbals face says anything KSP 1.2 Physics are in my opinion ready to go big like never before Would be cool to have a structural only option for the Girders... but it looks like the parts have no impact on CPU or framerate at all.
  13. Same here, Konstruction + one or both CRP and MM cause a exception, Konstruktion + PreKIS + PreKAS run nicely. Build 1576
  14. I guess there are some weight limitations... I tried to grab this rather large (empty) plane with two grabbers, anything works nicely and flush but i think i need some more of them ... excellent mod, i tested the magnetic crane too, works perfect with "normal" loads
  15. Rumour has it Kerbals nibble secretly SRB fuel and sip liquid fuel... don`t worry!
  16. @DONUTS Hello DONUTS, your Avatar looks like he just had a freak snackbaking accident, i really think you`re in the right place with us. We are literally the biggest crash and fail compilation forum of game history. May the boost be with you.
  17. Mr. Palmer, YOU ROCK, i am gonna spend some beer, or flowers, or both, for you, your friends and your better half. Period. Edit: Cheers!
  18. Oh my god i hardly laughed! (EDIT: i meant "I laughed hardly", thanks Mr. Kuzzter) This is so [redacted] fun to read, great! The tension between the *SKRRRRT* and our beloved Kerbfleetmembers grows more and more... Awesome! Well worth the wait, take it easy, RL first...
  19. (1.2 pre) This morning while breakfast i condensed all my nutty knowledge about KSP gamefizzics and soon after that i started slapping together the most utterly insane SSTO in my life, main goal was to deliver a 199ton 3.75meter size tank to a reasonable orbit around Kerbin, say, 100x100km. Things went pretty well and so at around 10000m altitude and around 1100m/s orbit speed i thought it was about time to pitch a little bit more up not burn the whole thing while ascending. I slightly touched the S key and watched how my lovely enginebells left the rest of my magnificient mega fuselage without any comment, not even a short "goodbye". I wasn`t very happy anymore.
  20. Worst thing was Valentina not showing up, had some bad glitches until she decided to stay seriously with the guys. 1.0 was far more worse than anything, had to doctor the savefile quite a bit. As said above. grounding all vessels, annihilating any craft in space, redoing most of the craft was doable.
  21. I have a ongoing savegame since 0.9, before any major update i ground all vessels and put my Kerbals to a nap in the kerbonaut center. My Kerbals have grown on to my heart. Sometimes i retire some male Kerbals in favour of new females, target ratio 50/50. I tend to play stock the longer the more.
  22. This is by far the most utterly nuts Eeloo touchdown i`ve ever seen. I could not believe my eyes! And by far the most epic Kerbin return, Jeb`s face looked well done sunburned and quite cheesy after all that time! Amazing journey, amazing microvessels!
  23. *pheww* glad to see it`s not ...well, you know. I was afraid to google-foo this term. Yes.
  24. .. Hi there, it`s not a silo but a ICBM fits nicely on it: (Shameless plug) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/146294-kemaz-mobile-launcher-vals-dad-icbm-vehicle/
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