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Everything posted by TaintedLion

  1. I did, I just had to go through the Volumetrics files and rename all the references to Jool to Jool2
  2. I don't think the Clementine engine gimbal is working. The plume moves but the engine itself doesn't and I'm not getting any torque from it.
  3. @Pappystein i assume you wrote the hypergolic patch, is there any way to make it so that all fuel tanks (even those outside of bdb) can use hypergolic fuels? and be able to add other mods engines too, i just wanted to add hypergolics to benjee's shuttle and orion parts
  4. modded tanks/engines don't seem to be working i tried bdb atlas v, tanks still use lf/ox instead of kerosene/lox and the engines won't switch
  5. will this mod work with any mod that adds fuel/engines? or just the supported ones?
  6. will a patch for earthhomeworld version of ksrss be available?
  7. Does this new patch also fix the ocean issue I've been having?
  8. Definitely not fixed. It's fine up until about 70km where the ocean disappears, then at about 140km it comes back. https://imgur.com/a/pUuOQbl
  9. i don't know if this is the mod that's causing it but oceans disappear up to a certain height, you can still see the seabed
  10. I found this patch for Scatterer, but I don't know if it would do volumetrics.
  11. Are there any patches that add Parallax 2.0 and/or Blackrack's volumetric clouds to JNSQ?
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v2uk827vmv65z5gndgzbw/KSP.log?rlkey=56xaa8x3ux85tso2iwcuadhel&dl=0 All I'm saying is that this problem didn't happen until after I got the latest update to this mod.
  13. My attachment nodes are moving apart immediately when I place them after installing this update.
  14. Is there a config to use this on 2.5x scale stock system? I tried installing this and it just freezes on load.
  15. Is there any solution to the engine switch problem?
  16. not entirely sure if the bluesmurff config is working i can't get anything into low earth orbit at all, they always fall quite short i do have the skyhawk mod with the extra fuels, but considering that just converts the base fuels, idk
  17. I'm using the devbranch, all I see are the old CM IVAs. I have the new LM IVAs, but the new CM ones (if they're there) aren't in my game.
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