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  1. Yes, that appears to have fixed the problem. About 130 (?) new or updated mods appeared in my mod list between May 15 and July 20.
  2. A few months ago I fired up KSP 1 after not playing for awhile. Did the CKAN update and got all my mods up to date. But the last few times I tried doing updates there were never any newly compatible mods or updated mods. But did not think much about it. (I am sure a lot of focus is on KSP2) But today when I ran CKAN again and there were still no newly compatible mods or updated mods. So I took a look, According to my CKAN the last date that a mod was added or updated was May 15. https://ibb.co/2WWbjn0 Does that sound right? I do think its connecting somewhere, as it has sometimes given me a pop up that says "xxxx mod has had a metadata update you should reinstall it. Would you like to reinstall it now?" EDIT: I thought maybe its not downloading the latest "CKAN-meta-master.tar.gz" but cant find where the latest version is on my computer.
  3. Recently installed KSP Community fixes, and reading the description it seems it fixes many of the things in this mod also? Is there going to be conflicts? Do I only need one or the other? or Are they actually fixing different things?
  4. Hmm, a few years ago there was a mod about ship sound effects (rattles, bumps, buffeting like from reentry) and the name I think was "ensouensou" are you the same person and is this a continuation of that mod? Really enjoyed that mod. (I can see the old mod in CKAN, I think linuxgurugamer took it over, to maintain it.)
  5. What is Kerbal Witchery? What "Witchery" is being removed? Personally I would love to see the first post descriptions be expanded to more than <10 words of each mod.
  6. Found it. It was New Horizons mod. It looks like @GregroxMun was the last one working on it. (had it working in KSP1.7.3 but due to Kopernicus bug would not run in KSP1.8) Probably have to check with him if he ever got it worked out.
  7. Yes there is a planet pack that had Kerbin moved to become a moon of another planet. (Jool sized planet IIRC) But it was several years ago, and I dont recall the name, I do remember seeing a YouTuber playing with it. for just the reason you mention.
  8. I recall a planet pack, (Don't remember the name) where Kerbin had been changed to be a Moon of a Jool type planet. If I remember right it made getting into your first orbits of other bodies a bit difficult because of the limited tech/dV as you started your career. Edit: it was probably 3-4 years ago.
  9. Was watching a YouTuber play KSP and saw a couple of mods and wondered what they were? I am asking about the red button here... It opens a "Flight Computer pop up" from Remote Tech, so you can program in maneuvers and actions ahead of time for when you don't have comms to a probe. AFAIK only RT mod has this. (I supposed MechJeb may have something like it too, but I don't use MJ) Question: Are there any other mods that have this feature? NEXT: What mod puts the little "bubble" naming the mod that the part comes from under the cursor? (in this image "Squad") Thanks, BlackHat
  10. Yes that's it. I could only see the newest one, and when I tried clicking the "releases" button it still only showed the latest one. (But works now, so probably operator error, or bad mouse click.) Thanks.
  11. Recently noticed the 1.30.4 release, so I downloaded the ckan.exe, and like usually, dropped in it KSP (replacing the old version) and ran it. But all I get is the CMD window popup and a blinking underscore on the CMD window. Nothing else happens. I have to do an End Task in the task window to close it. So I tried to find older versions on CKAN github to roll back to the old version I had. I cant seem to locate old versions are they there somewhere?
  12. Dont know how I missed this... One thing I have always enjoyed when playing "Factorio" was the "Moon Tracks mod" which was a music pack made from the soundtrack from the movie "Moon (2009)" and I always wanted to add it to KSP so I could hear those also when playing KSP. Recently I saw KottabosGames KSP mod Preview for KSP Original Score Project and realized I can, with this program.
  13. Cached mod list..... I currently have 548 mods "cached" in my CKAN/downloads folder. But the CKAN program only shows 175 mods cached. It only shows the latest version of a mod, if multiple versions have been downloaded. (for instance I have 7 versions of RLAReborn downloaded. version .3, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10) So if I want to start pruning down my downloaded files by deleting the older versions, its a bit hard to see what I have (Due to Windows sucky search filter/sorting options, but that is exacerbated by CKAN appending a serial number to the beginning of the file names so they cant be sorted alphabetically.) Can we get some way of indicating in CKAN what other versions we have besides the newest, in the CKAN/downloaded folder?
  14. Tried looking for: But got 404 errors. I would assume bad links
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