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Everything posted by MacLuky

  1. Just teasing this here. Three chapters have been written, game play is lagging the storyline now. That is new ;-)
  2. That sounds interesting, I was so frustrated by the toolchain that I gave up on it A thumbs up for all the great work, I really love it that you picked up the mod and took it further On my wish list was also the Mk2 Lander can...
  3. Great work, feel free to share and I'll add that, or if you want, I don't mind if someone adopts the mod. For the light we need to go back to unity and my setup is broken, so i won't be able to fix that.
  4. The Kraken ate the nosecone, but thanks for the update. I am toying with some stories, one of them has the T'Kerman coming to the rescue but it needs some kind of warp drive to make sense and I am not sure it fits the design. I was also swamped with work and had little time for KSP. Building the ships of the Darks Grand Protectorate takes waaayyyy too long
  5. @jurasic_kerbal it will come over time. Its mostly mods and some scaled up parts, the early rockets are more tricky when you dont have the delta-v. Thanks for all the thumbs up. I've slowed down a bit, but thats because i need to weave a few new threads at browse kerbalx for some inspiration. Looking for some babylon5 earth alliance style battle cruisers, feel free to submit ;-)
  6. Chapter 154. The High Council of the Romilians And a great ship named after our famous patch maker:
  7. Chapter 153. The Standoff Based on Babylon 5 ;-) well sort of
  8. Chapter 152. Semper Paratus in which the Nathan Kell finally arrives at Jool
  9. Ah there's a few inspiring one, a bit of star gate, a bit of star trek, who knows, but definitely an inspiration Chapter 151. Struggles of an Interplanetary cruiseliner
  10. Thanks for asking, there are a couple of more reports in my sig, but this one is turning out to become quite the epos
  11. Thanks! and indeed, well there is only so much you can do with just color and blue is my favourite. I gave the textures to my daughter and she figured it out, quite proud of her. Character wise they will be closer to Vulcans though, the ones that blew up the station will be an Andorian/Klingon hybrid.
  12. Wauw, very nice! I always screw up those. This will be very helpful with ion/nerv burns
  13. Chapter: 150. Making Friends is more written than usually, I hope it provides a bit of backstory. My kids had me setup a minecraft server and I fear this is eating in my KSP time, that and the fact that I struggle with bdarmory has slowed down the mission reports. I have a nice X-33 thanks to @Angel-125 in about 4 chapters or so, so stay tuned ;-)
  14. patience grasshopper ;-) I plan on creating one for each system and then integrate them. I think if you go to the blog, there might be a higher res in wordpress Also, I want to double check the numbers, and need to figure out the landing/ascending dv
  15. Just a heads up that my team can proudly present the first part of the DV map: Expect some updates as the mission progresses
  16. Chapter 148. The Other Side of the Mirror // add xenon to Jool PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = XenonGas ResourceType = 2 PlanetName = Jool Distribution { PresenceChance = 100 MinAbundance = 0.005 MaxAbundance = 1 Variance = 5 } } // stock atmo sensor can scan and scoop gasses @PART[sensorAtmosphere] { // Scan for it MODULE { name = ModuleResourceScanner ScannerType = 2 ResourceName = XenonGas RequiresUnlock = false // I haven't touched this } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceScanner ScannerType = 2 ResourceName = Propellium RequiresUnlock = false // I haven't touched this } // scoop it MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 2 Efficiency = 0.75 ResourceName = XenonGas ConverterName = XenonGas Filter StartActionName = Start Xenon filter StopActionName = Stop Xenon filter AutoShutdown = true UseSpecialistBonus = false GeneratesHeat = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 2 Efficiency = 0.75 ResourceName = Propellium ConverterName = Propellium Filter StartActionName = Start Propellium filter StopActionName = Stop Propellium filter AutoShutdown = true UseSpecialistBonus = false GeneratesHeat = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1 } } } I am testing with this, to see if it is overpowered
  17. Could be, I am on 1.8 so I did pick an older release. I'll try a newer one and see what will happen. Thanks for the tip
  18. Hi, my FLIR Ball thingy is totally pink, I read something about forcing openGL but I don;t think I am doing that. I'm on a MacPro, is there some that I missed?
  19. I have two more flapjack derivative designs in the pipeline ;-) one is a light gunboat, but that one doesn't seem to work out another is a resource gatherer that resembles a Nebula Class from Startrek. I like the frame, it is very versatile. ---- And here is Chapter 146. Arrival at Jool
  20. Chapter 145. The Beale Mk3 About a spacecraft that refuses to go in retirement and a big thank you to all of the readers and the kind comments I am getting. This really keeps me going .
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