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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. The problem with this is that RO depends on mods that the authors have licensed in a way that disallows redistribution.
  2. Thanks! I'll give it a try, thanks. In other news, I've tried my hand at Porkjet's concept for the Spark engine:
  3. Wow, that looks amazing! Are you sure that I can use it? I probably won't be able to do it justice with my textures.
  4. It's choose your own caption time! 1) My rockets keep flipping, what should I do? 2) My new job flipping houses is going very well.
  5. Try adding struts connecting all of those heatshields.
  6. Have you tried completely lowercase? "rocket science" and "monkey"
  7. Right now I'm working from this, which shows the nozzle more flared. I think it might be a trick of the perspective though. Here's what it looks like less flared:
  8. Locked for reaction image... wait, that appears not to be a rule anymore.
  9. Ignition by John D. Clark is a great book on rocket propellant, it's hard to get a copy though, I read mine via interlibrary loan. How To Build Your Own Spaceship by Piers Bizony is a tongue-in-cheek overview of rocketry. Modern Design For Engineering Of Liquid Propellent Rocket Engines is a formal and dry book on engineering rocket engines. Flight by Chris Kraft is about the early days of mission control.
  10. http://www.spacex.com/news/2017/02/27/spacex-send-privately-crewed-dragon-spacecraft-beyond-moon-next-year
  11. Alright, got it. It will probably be the flight model then.
  12. It's 10:45 PST right now. Elon posted that at 4:45 pm PST on the 26th, so the announcement would be at 9:00 pm UTC on the 27th: http://bit.ly/2mwG7Rs
  13. I've gotten started on modelling that NERVA, but I need some help. What version of the NERVA should I make? There appear to be three versions I can find.
  14. You re-root the craft to a control point that is facing in a normal direction. Re-root is a editor gizmo, I think it's the last one.
  15. Post count. I don't know the thresholds, but its definitely post count.
  16. Honestly, this seems like a bad idea to me. The first launch will just be a shakedown whether its crewed or not, and it will be more dangerous than later missions because (correct me if I'm wrong) it will be the first time all of the SLS components have flown together. Maybe they'll do a unmanned abort test first, but then it wouldn't really be the first flight.
  17. It appears that changing the nature of spacetime hatches kraken eggs. That's no surprise to hyperedit users.
  18. F4U corsair all the way. One of them once was able to successfully kill another plane by chopping off it's tail with their propeller.
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