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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Are you using DTL? I have the same problem, and I have a creeping suspicion that DTL is causing it. The NK-33 is still there for me, but in two versions, one with messed up textures.
  2. Our next launch is with this ten-ton booster, credit goes to @Joco223 for the design: https://mega.nz/#!JQ8nFDQZ!Deo2Sx5doevaBi76gOJACGgRv9LJAjfVATaeorueL2w @agent 902, if you would PM me with your google contact info, I can add you to the list of people who can edit our scheduling stuff. We have a spreadsheet which you can add the times when you're available to: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a_1wJ__kjNWw0SzEcl3PE8eTo2Cdx6PawNl4hYD8V_A/edit?usp=sharing A document for scheduling: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MeILK2O7hGEbyy6bebOBoHsSdS4OY_daliZnI_n65tQ/edit?usp=sharing And a calendar for scheduling: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=v90sormganhcnc2eri37iujg80%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles If you prefer, you can also just PM me with when you're available. Stuff like your timezone, etc. Also, will a launch on February 20, 2016, 14:00-16:00 EST, or 19:00-21:00 UTC work for you? I suggest worldtimebuddy.com to convert from UTC to local time.
  3. Has anyone done any experiments about how realistic physics are while lucid dreaming? I imagine that it would be only what you know from experience, so, most KSP players would dream realistic orbital mechanics, but not, say, n-body physics and orbit degedration.
  4. Exactly what Dman979 said, the reason for the rush is because that we want to "launch early, launch often" because more launches attract more people. And if we can't get it ready in time, we'll at least know how long it takes to get ready.
  5. The planned launch date is Febuary 20th, 19:00 and 21:00 UTC, 14:00 to 16:00 EST. I suggest CKAN for getting mods installed in RO/RSS.
  6. I've heard of it, and it sounds like fun. However, I've never seriously tried to get it to happen.
  7. Let me see, I tried to record it, but it didn't work, so I don't have many screenshots: It ended up docked exactly opposite the Alloute.
  8. @ZooNamedGames What is our target orbit for the cubesat? What is the cubesat's name? What other info will be needed for preparation, such as multi-player server info? What needs to be done pre-launch so that I can make a checklist? Okay, so I need a Go/No go on the launch time (19:00 and 21:00 UTC) from: @Dman979 @Mods_o_joy @MysteriousSteve @CliftonM @Gaarst Also-what position actually will be flying the LV?
  9. I can do it whenever you can send me the LV and satellite DLs. Here's the updated calendar with the date on it: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=v90sormganhcnc2eri37iujg80%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles
  10. It's been launched. Here's the persistent: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B80Gy-dK3DlfT2xtNUlRZDhXSU0/view?usp=sharing And here's the quicksave: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B80Gy-dK3DlfcGg1dHdZLUdpN0k/view?usp=sharing
  11. Monobrow? Yes, yes, I think there's a spot for that... Yes! There's someone looking for a Lord Business-style villain, I think you'd fit in perfectly!
  12. First I build an SSTO with too low TWR. Then I make it more powerful. Then I run out of fuel on the way to orbit. Then I add more fuel. This continues in an upwards spiral until I stop on the SSTO.
  13. I think I can make that, if I can have the LV and payload DLs. For a tentative launch date: the 20th, between 19:00 and 21:00 UTC?
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