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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Banned for confusing parawings with parachutes.
  2. A sticky is a post that has been "stuck" to the top of a forum, so that stays visible, even without activity. They have circular green icons with pushpins in them right beside the thread title.
  3. Here's what I suggest: We schedule 2 hours, and timewarp between all burns. Here's how it might beak down: 30 minutes of pre-launch prep 10 minutes of proper countdown 15 minutes to LEO Timewarp 15 minutes for GTO burn (countdown, prep) Timewarp 15 minutes for GEO insertion burn 15 minutes for spacecraft deploy 15 minutes of buffer.
  4. Here's where most of what I know about NERVAs came from: https://blogs.nasa.gov/J2X/2014/06/30/inside-the-leo-doghouse-nuclear-thermal-engines/ "Also, in addition to this, the hydrogen working fluid that we push through the reactor, it too picks up some level of radiation. No, not a lot. But under modern safety restrictions, all of that hydrogen would have to be captured and scrubbed clean before release."
  5. I'm enrolled in that! I'm Mad_Rocket_Scientist over there.
  6. One other reason is that safely testing NERVAs is tricky and expensive, since you need to capture the exhaust.
  7. I'll PM the AMRSD members. I'm afraid I won't be able to, sorry. Also, whenever I try to talk on #RSPofficial, I get a message saying that I'm not voiced.
  8. For now, since we don't have enough members for a launch, just the parts of your schedule that are mostly the same every week. When we get more members, I'll suggest a couple of launch dates and poll people on whether they can do them.
  9. Well, telling the truth didn't work perfectly last time, and, as people say, lying makes a better story, so... LIE! I'm sure Bill can make something up.
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