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Everything posted by AlextheBodacious

  1. You can still download it on the store also I think they updated the maritime pack
  2. Trip to the Mun you say? Look no further! If you want standard, rocket-looking yet original rockets, I'm your guy! I use this almost failsafe design to go to the Mun as often as I can. Want pictures? Get this, and so much more, at this great website
  3. This is a Kerbal's best friend for non-space adventures: Kerbal Maps
  4. I have managed to collect a number of computer memory holders, almost entirely flashdrives. One day I decided to look at my wealth of knowledge in my library of useless files, and found something interesting... The entirety of KSP versions 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 were on a drive-- from a backup I had made when they were the newest versions. These were the whole shabang. All my old saves and screenshots (and all other folders) were just sitting there. Then I got an idea: Make a stupid forum post. It sounded better in my head, but it has a reason behind it. I'll be frank: What versions do you have? It's great if you have pictures (You don't need an imgur.com account to upload) What working game versions do you have? Do tell! My files of the game. 1.0.5 added for reference and posterity.
  5. Iconic yet simple is this thing, I'm not good at naming things so I call it the Space Station. It has been run through a large amount of trial and error, And is now under maximum efficiency for cheapest launch, contains no unnecessary parts or poor planning, and does all that it needs to. It typically orbits at about 200Km up, but I suppose you could start it around the Mun. It has a crew capacity of 15 dry, and if you count the service vehicles included it would be about 25 from the KSA's C.R.A.P. orbital vehicle (Crew Recovery Autonomous Pod, take it up with them), the Aeris 4A, a CSM, and the Super-Heavy Lander. It has a fuel bank, a cupola (It's very pretty), an orbital lab, and a hab module. It does have a Sr. port, but that's usually for the refueler that refuels the fuel bank full up with fuel. The solar panels are placed mathematically for maximum efficiency, and it kinda looks like Mir. The station has 3550 units of fuel and 2588 units of monoprop. It currently lacks ISRU capabilities. It wasn't actually built for that. But it's still a great station! Here's the Album
  6. [CENTER][COLOR=#333333][SIZE=1]Hello and welcome to[/SIZE] [SIZE=7]GIMBAL'S ROCKETS AND SPACEPLANES [/SIZE][HR][/HR][HR][/HR] [SIZE=5]We Have a Website[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][URL]https://www.sites.google.com/site/gimbalscrafts/[/URL] [/SIZE] [SIZE=5]Go there, it's got all the craft files ever! [/SIZE] [HR][/HR][SIZE=4]Without further ado, let's get building![/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#333333][SIZE=4][U]Builders:[/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Me [SIZE=4][U]Testers: [/U][SIZE=2]Me [SIZE=4][U]Supporters: [/U][SIZE=2]Me [SIZE=4][U]Administration:[/U][SIZE=2] Me [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER] [/CENTER] [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=#333333][SIZE=5][SIZE=6]DG 4A "Sprint" [SIZE=4] A small aircraft for all your small aircraft needs [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][HR][/HR][SIZE=4]GET IT AT [URL="https://www.sites.google.com/site/gimbalscrafts/craft-repository/spaceplanes/"]https://www.sites.google.com/site/gi...y/spaceplanes/[/URL] OR [URL]http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/dg-4a-sprint[/URL] [SIZE=2] Cruising speed: 177m/s at 2500m [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Crew Capacity: 5 Kerbals [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Range: n/a until later... Ceiling: 15Km [SIZE=2]Cool level:[/SIZE] [/SIZE][SIZE=5][COLOR=#333333][FONT=sans-serif]★★[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#333333][FONT=sans-serif]★[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][COLOR=#333333][FONT=sans-serif][SIZE=5]☆☆[/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR]Lag level [SIZE=2](very little) [/SIZE][SIZE=5][FONT=sans-serif]1.5[/FONT][/SIZE] [LEFT][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/rTeurNO.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/y7NrypR.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/QaSbZgV.png[/IMG][/LEFT] [SIZE=5][SIZE=6][SIZE=4] It's stable at x4 warp, and can do barrel rolls without falling apart. It also flies upsidedown.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=#333333]Teensy weensy update: DG 4B, with twice the fuel capacity, a thermometer and barometer for other observational contracts, and an emergency parachute toggled by Backspace (abort) However it won't be at curse because of reasons. But it's cooler, trust me. At the same site as before.[/COLOR]
  7. Under 50 miles of rock the world [I]IS [/I]​made of macaroni!
  8. Oh, if only! (If you have a spare maybe you could make it true?) The guy under here thinks he's a hotshot, but somehow crashes most of his rockets anyway.
  9. Unless entire threads get deleted at large they will eventually all get locked and the forums will be a grave yard of locked threads. It will happen near the end of KSP, but it would still be kinda cool to look at.
  10. They just don't load. it's that little icon with the green hill and a white bar on the corner
  11. you're not making it as better as you'd think... (at least keep rocket builders!)
  12. Can the mod Stock Clamshell Fairings be integrated with the game? ([URL]https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/878/Stock%20Clamshell%20Fairings[/URL]) It allows you to (obviously) choose between the all-in-one old KW style FAR faings and the new, more "confetti-eque" ones. I know this has probably been said before, so unless you're providing a link to that understand that I already get it.
  13. Well I haven't tried it yet, but... (payload 670 tonnes) Edit: I have tried it, it does a direct mission to jool, and stops without an aerobrake. It deserves to be on the leaderboard. Its stages follow the entire first row being burned, then detached, and then it's already in orbit, so the first 6 on the 2nd stage burn, giving it a direct approach to Jool. The central motor burns half-way, waits, and at Jool burns to slow. It took me a tad over escape, so I used a little on the final stage, and then the rest to put it in the desired orbit of 70 million kilometers. It was lifting a full 14400 tank all the way. I detached the final stage 1/3 fuel remaining.
  14. I downloaded it, made a new game, built 3 rockets, the 3rd got me to orbit. I decided to take a picture (like anyone) and ended up with a series. So I stiched them together, and present: A Kerbal Photo Mosiac: Daytime in the West (Just where my craft passed over) What? You don't like it? I'd love to see your mosiacs.
  15. This looks good, I'll save this comment for later. Minor edit: The guy above me shows his guy getting out, don't you need a facility upgrade for that?
  16. This look good, give me a sec... Ok, it's done. It goes like this: (I got scared and only went to 65,000 at SMA.) Do I get a prize?
  17. Linlo 2: Impactor The flyby was not enough. Research and Develpoment needed hard evidence on Tylo. How big was it? Was it a scientifically worthy site? Why didn't they already know? So they sent a "lander," the Linlo 2, to check it out. I used quotes because it's less falling with style and more dead. But it gave a good amount of science and info, which was all it needed. I decided for this one not to have screenshots but to try my hand at a movie instead. I present: the Tylo Impactor.<font size="2">
  18. Does it count if it's just rotation on the upper stages? Because if so I've been winning for years.
  19. Linlo 1: SSTO KERBIN Now that the Jool system has been explored, it's time to start colonizing We begin with the SSTO KERBIN, a decent spaceplane with OK guidance systems, and a cargo bay. It carries 6 kerbals and an amount of satellite space. It can get to orbit and back without any help at all. It's like a toddler of SSTO's. Well, I could go on all day, but let's look at pretty pictures of it instead. The Linlo SSTO KERBIN model B, rolling down the runway. (it later exploded mid-flight) The Linlo SSTO KERBIN model B, in orbit. It was the only SSTO to function properly.
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