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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. I sent Jeb to Duna and he will arrive sometime next year. Oops, I meant, Mars. I guess Real Life has RSS installed. Actually... I have not attempted interplanetary transfers yet, but NASA will do it for me You can add your name to the InSight mission to be sent to Mars on a data chip until 8 September 2015. http://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/insight/
  2. It's not everyday I get a craft named with uncanny resemblance to my username here so I'll look forward to test flying it and using this as my wallpaper :3
  3. From now till September 8, you can visit the NASA Insight webpage to submit your name to be flown aboard the spacecraft as data aboard a microchip. So far over 70k names have been registered. Note you don't have to submit a real name, so I'd love to see someone post the boarding pass with a famous Kerbal's name on it! Check out the Send Your Name page here: http://mars.nasa.gov/participate/send-your-name/insight/
  4. I went to bed after working on a kerbal kar cinematic last night and posted a work in progress screenshot before the sheep jumping over the fence transported me to slumberland. When I awoke I saw this! This community never ceases to amaze Edit: Totally hijacked a PC to fix the mobile links which were broken.
  5. Ah no worries then, I do have KAS on my career install, so I'll just copy it over to my messing around directory Kerbal Kars cinematic about 30% complete; here's a pic of a fishing boat transporting a KerbalWagen Mk.1 GTE
  6. To compensate for a generous increase in ride height I would recommend a generous application of rake angle and camber to the suspension, that way body pitch and roll can be better controlled without need for active stability control measures. It will then look more like a Mad Max vehicle than a Baja Bug but so long as it works, the KerbalWagen need not be constrained by the rules of real world ground vehicle design Btw, there is a non-stock part on your Baja craft file and I haven't figured out what it is yet. Might need to go through it with a text editor later to see if I can temporarily stockify it.
  7. My new economy car for the Kerbal masses strangely pulls to one side under acceleration despite the wheel alignment being milimeter perfect, probably due to assymetrical mass distribution in the engine bay. What did I do? I simply made the world's first three wheel drive car to eliminate torque steer. Jeremy Clarkson would be amused. We all know KSP is less than perfect in its physics simulation and hard to diagnose oddities sometimes, but the amazing thing is what you can do to work around the issues
  8. With about 20% of the scenes re-enacted in KSP, I now have to badge the car as a fictional "Morris '54 GTO"
  9. To be fair I believe a real Baja Bug can be flipped over quite easily if careless, so it all adds to the fun In the meantime I'm prepping a Mk1 GTE for cinematic use, rigged with hidden cameras (oh my...) and the usual interior accourtements including the patented Keinz Shifter! The car is now badged as a fictional "Morris GTO 54" to suit the soundtrack that pretty much writes the script for the video
  10. Love the Baja Bug version! I was meaning to relocate the FCs and other equipment to the rear as well, and raise the body a bit so it resembles more of the Volkswagen Beetle. Using the battery terminal as the grille is just brilliant. Feel free to post up a .craft once it's ready. I'll be more than happy to feature any new vehicles in a upcoming cinematic. ps: If anyone else is interested to join the KerbalWagen project, I'm hoping for a Type 2 VW Bus next!
  11. I kind of like to hire everyone with maximum stupidity levels
  12. Hi I don't know when my bar became light green but I had been lurking for years and only awoken to unleash kitten mayhem in February or so this year :3
  13. The KerbalWagen is a low cost economy car marketed towards bringing mobility to the masses.
  14. I think I might have bitten off too much than I can chew when I started having multiple KSP installations. One stock, one near stock sandbox and the "flagship" modded career with life support and AntennaRange. Last week I attempted to continue progressing either my career game or develop some craft designs I worked on last week, but couldn't get into either so messed with a fellow forumer's land vehicle and fine tuned it a bit. There days I seem to function much better when I have the opportunity to collaborate on a craft design and either make it perform beyond expectations, or develop it further into different functional variants. I might also have learned a few new aesthetic tricks along the way. In any case I was penning down my thoughts not only just to persuade myself to get my lazy behind in gear but wondering if anyone had the same sense of "so much to do but not wanting to" and how you extricated yourself from the period of inactivity before the people in the administration building came calling for meetings
  15. Well, kerbals are also green. Do they photosynthesise? If so, that could explain vastly decreased support requirements provided they have sunlight. They also have a ridiculous high radiation tolerance and extremely high body density. Curious. Are they even carbon based lifeforms?
  16. I'm actually running B9 Procedural Wings on stock aero and they work perfect. Have not tried B9 itself yet though.
  17. Its the large fuel cell! There is a control panel on one side which neatly acts as a center console of the interior once it's poked slightly into the cabin.
  18. Well, being an avid petrolhead, my Kerbal canon can be summed up very nicely in my KerbalWagen thread, where I propose a low cost economy car be marketed and sold to the masses, while making a joke that existing vehicles in my space program are the size of lifted bro trucks carrying just one or two persons. Ahh the endless debate between good ol American iron vs Euro subcompacts replicated in KSP in the span of one weekend collaborating on the F-150 Replica project and making a joke mini car beside it
  19. The hardest thing to do in KSP is to stop the addiction. Looking up transfer windows and dV calculations at work is kind of over the top, don't you think? Still, it keeps the mind alive and healthy where real life simply kills brain cells so I am not complaining
  20. Best selling truck on Earth, Mars and now the Galaxy. Engineered for modern space exploration, this robust special-edition all-environment fuel cell vehicle uniquely showcases historical 20th Century Earth heavy duty design, bringing back fond memories of big hair, rock music and 8-track tapes. Test drive the all-new K-150S3 today at our friendly dealers today. * Vehicle shown with options. Ps. Fantastic renders! I loved how the truck turned out, and the monolithic front fascia certainly looks distinctive when everything's lit up!
  21. I am quite comfortable with playing with space stations that I decided to make of very simple low tech space stations a while ago, just to illustrate how painless and completely safe (good for investors!) station building is.I was entertained when things went wrong though. Like, gazing at pretty points of lights in orbit when I installed Distant Object Enhancement and missing the cue for a sub-orbital interception solution then scrambling to prevent a new station module from falling back down to Kerbin. I just ordered up a tanker to launch next orbit to make up for the pre-transmunar injection fuel deficit. The second time my rocket started to vibrate during ascent. I wondered if KSP started to model pogo oscillation effects? Actually, no, it's because I had this really, really bright (NOT!) idea to put spherical monopropellant tanks onto docking ports joining a station module to a pre-attached mini research module. By the time the Krouton-K rocket jettisoned its second stage, the vibrations were a constant 3.0Gs at a rate of 5Hz or so, causing me to call the flight "back to the studio!"
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