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Everything posted by SaturnianBlue

  1. 13 rep left to my last dark green rank, here's Voyager recreation Part 2! Edit: 8 left! now 3...
  2. I'm going for a capture, the relative speed of the asteroid is actually kinda low, which is why I have enough Delta V for capture.
  3. Alright! I've been trying to work towards this in the past few entries, what do you think?
  4. Heh, he's also a bit of this type... Here's a five pager entry. The KSC is now approaching the Asteroid, and fast. Will they succeed?
  5. Series 4: Interception is up! The guys at the KSC prepare for their ignition to slow the craft down... Also, we've passed 3000 views!
  6. So I've tried to make dialogue and plot a bit simpler in my Interlude end, but is there any tips like say, how frequent I should post these and such? It's sort of dull to do these without much feedback. How many pages should be per entry? Also, I've been trying to do a career mode graphic novel for a while more or less somewhat in parallel with real life, how could I make it interesting? (Of course, I'm going to draw more of its scenes, add more plot, as this covers a whole space program.)
  7. Or Helios, the Sun probe. In any case, it's something to consider, though I have a feeling that it would again take a long time...
  8. Here's a version of this replica, but with no HullCams, and no Procedural Fairings, as It's only the probe. Download
  9. All right, school has started, but The Asteroid Sentinels will continue on, though some delays might happen, but anyway, let's get on with it!
  10. Sunrise at Jool for Voyager 1, listened to Also Sprach Zarathustra for this moment.
  11. Of course, portals don't really make sense of being artificial, and they are "natural". Both Wernhers seems confused after all, of what happened.
  12. Thank you, Stock is always fun and more reliable, but mods definitely help improve the detail of crafts!
  13. Yep, Infernal robotics is really handy for a replica, especially voyager! I also use procedural parts because of its size scalability to the millimeter, and it's broad range of textures..
  14. Ironically for me, the part count Is higher than my stock replicas because I am able to invest so much detail into nooks and crannies.
  15. Alright, sorry for the delay, but here's a SIX page Interlude entry for today, this time with my own hand at drawing Wernher and Linus. So what do you think? Do you like the new drawings? Do you enjoy the whole portal thing?
  16. So Kuzzter, I managed to implement a lot of your suggestions, what do you think of my Graphic Novel for now?
  17. Voyager 1 and 2 are possibly the most prolific missions ever launched, becoming the farthest probes ever launched, and becoming the first to image the Jupiter and Saturn in great detail, the first to fly past Uranus/Neptune (Voyager 2), and the first to reach interstellar Space (Voyager 1). The Titan IIIE Centaur is included, with a detailed replica of things from the Centaur's Ullage Motors to blast ports on the first to second stage interstage. I've worked on this replica for over a week, about the same as Pioneer 10/11. The Voyager spacecraft translates far better than the Pioneer 10/11 replica, the forward and backward is very stable, though other translations aren't as reliable, due to the uneven shape of Voyager. Notes: The overheat bug does happen to affect this craft. Sometimes the parts around the Centaur may overheat, though starting from a quick save mid flight seems to fix issues. Some parts will overheat after about 40 minutes sometimes in 1-100X warp. Besides this (hopefully fixed in 1.1), it is mostly well, but KJR is needed to keep it from going wobbly between first stage and second stage after SRB separation. Mods: Procedural Parts, Procedural Fairings, Tweakscale, Hullcam, Infernal Robotics, Dmagic Orbital Science, KJR (Not really required, but if you want this to get into orbit without being a 30 meter tall noodle, I recommend it), Kerbpaint (Optional, but gives custom paint jobs for a more accurate Voyager), FreedomTek texture pack (More Procedural Parts textures) Action groups 1 and 2 control the RTG boom, 3 and 4 control Instrumentation boom. 5 and 6 control the scan platform 9 controls the deployment of Dmagic Instruments 0 Shut Down of First stage engines Download (Original Craft, flown in my recreation) KVV pictures: Spacecraft Launch recreation/ Real Life Images explaining the spacecraft/Rocket: Plans: Less parts version, Less mods version, and maybe more. Thanks for visiting, leave some rep if you enjoyed
  18. 7/10 Seen you a lot around all parts of the forums
  19. I'm between a few mods and a lot, I use about 8 part mods in general, with maybe 10 utility mods, and EVE low res, Planetshine, DOE, OPM, and a few other mods. I'd love to use AVP, but my game with these mods starts at 1.8 GB anyway, so I don't really. I've tried to set up my modded replica based career for a while, but I start at 2.6 GB with all of its mods, but I guess it can go to 2.4 of I remove some mods not currently used, but in the future I'll have problems anyway...
  20. Maybe try and build some Comsat payloads, and try your hand at a SYLDA Maybe Bepicolombo, Though all those gravity assists might be hard.
  21. 48 rep till 400, have some Voyager/Titan 3E replica eye candy
  22. Here's my high detail Voyager 1/2 and Titan IIIE replica, which is the fruit of my labor the past ~10 days. I used Procedural Parts, Tweakscale, Kerbpaint, Procedural Fairings, Infernal Robotics, Dmagic Orbital Science, and Hullcam VDS as mods. Also, here's the recreation of the launch, with juicy bits of info about the probe, and some images about the mission for the first half.
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