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Everything posted by dan1ell1ma

  1. hello, its possible make a triangular M-1x1 Structural Panel? With a triangle part we can make nice structural ends and finishing work. Maybe a rectangular one to? Thanks! Incredible work!
  2. Do you know the janitor closet mod?
  3. Take your time dude. A imaginary beer for you.
  4. Hello! Nice mod. I have some questions: 1 - When i rotate the dock, my ship bounces and displace a lot of parts, i think is because the autostruts toggle, but i cant find the smart autostruts options (my advanced TW is on) 2 - Have some option to just dont remove the autostruts? 3 - The mod still compatible with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? The post of genovast is outdated. Thanks!
  5. Yes, the last restock plus. The problem persists. No change. Only a screen without numbers or anything displayed.
  6. I received this on log: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CraftManager.CraftData+<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<filter_craft>b__1 (CraftManager.CraftData craft) [0x00006] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].FindAll (System.Predicate`1[T] match) [0x00013] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at CraftManager.CraftData.filter_craft (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] criteria) [0x00084] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowserBase.filter_craft () [0x0011f] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowserBase.toggle_reverse_sort () [0x0000f] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at KatLib.DryUIBase.button (UnityEngine.Texture texture, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, System.Single button_width, System.Single button_height, KatLib.DryUIBase+ContentNoArgs action) [0x00024] in <7ab22c1efaa442c7974f9c6879f3bfcd>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<draw_main_section>b__1 () [0x00311] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at KatLib.DryUIBase.section (System.Single section_width, System.Single section_height, KatLib.DryUIBase+ContentNoArgs content) [0x00035] in <7ab22c1efaa442c7974f9c6879f3bfcd>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser+<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<draw_main_section>b__0 (System.Single inner_width) [0x0000d] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at KatLib.DryUIBase.v_section (System.Single section_width, System.Single section_height, System.Boolean expand_height, KatLib.DryUIBase+Content content) [0x0003e] in <7ab22c1efaa442c7974f9c6879f3bfcd>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser.draw_main_section (System.Single section_width) [0x00021] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser.<WindowContent>b__12_1 (System.Single inner_width) [0x00035] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at KatLib.DryUIBase.section (System.Single section_width, KatLib.DryUIBase+Content content) [0x00023] in <7ab22c1efaa442c7974f9c6879f3bfcd>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser.<WindowContent>b__12_0 () [0x00037] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at KatLib.DryUIBase.v_section (KatLib.DryUIBase+ContentNoArgs content) [0x00011] in <7ab22c1efaa442c7974f9c6879f3bfcd>:0 at CraftManager.CMBrowser.WindowContent (System.Int32 win_id) [0x00006] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at CraftManager.CMUI.DrawWindow (System.Int32 window_id) [0x00050] in <8b61a4f45bb64fb591febc58234adb97>:0 at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (System.Int32 windowID) [0x00077] in <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0 at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00077] in <fa6f9762ac624af092525d37c9d516c4>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
  7. Hello! Thanks for your support. This is the list of all restock plus that are not a Making History retex. New parts only. Kerbodyne S3-3600 Nosecone Tank (Nertea): A 3.75m fuelled nosecone Kerbodyne S3-1800 Tank (Nertea): A compact size 3.75m tank Oscar-C Fuel Tank (Nertea): A 2x Oscar-B size tank Oscar-D Fuel Tank (Nertea): A 4x Oscar-B size tank Oscar-E Fuel Tank (Nertea): A 8x Oscar-B size tank FL-S1 RCS Fuel Tank (Nertea): 3.75m monopropellant tank Oscar-A Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 0.625m half Oscar-B tank (White and Metallic variants) PRBE-9 Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 0.625m exposed probe-style tank (long) PRBE-4 Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 0.625m exposed probe-style tank Oscar-O Hemispherical Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 0.625m hemispherical fuel tank (White and Metallic variants) FL-T100-R Hemispherical Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 1.25m hemispherical fuel tank (White, Dark, Dark Grey/Orange and Metallic variants) FL-TX220-R Hemispherical Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 1.875m hemispherical fuel tank (White, Dark Grey/Orange and Metallic variants) Rockomax X-200-R Hemispherical Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 2.5m hemispherical fuel tank (White, Orange and Metallic variants) Kerbodyne S3-1800R Hemispherical Liquid Fuel Tank (Nertea): 3.75m hemispherical fuel tank (White and Orange variants)
  8. Hello, nice mod. The spheric tanks of restock + are not suported?
  9. Seeker Directional light. Led stripe lights (sticker). Pulse light. Bigger and smaller sizes. Engine lights.
  10. Hello, the master snap is working? I am following the instructions, but when i hover the cursor over the child part and press "v" nothing happens.
  11. Cant toogle airbrakes via KAL-1000.
  12. When i put the command pod in smaller scale i keep the room to 1 kerbal. i think will be realistic and anticheat a minimal size to keep this room.
  13. Hello, the Alt+f11 key are the same used by Module Manager, can you change. Other problem, whem i change the screen to base, sph or vab the config ui open again. alt f11 dont disable it. Maybe you can make a button, using the tool bar.
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