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Everything posted by dan1ell1ma

  1. Do you think it's possible for @Nertea to update both parts? That would be great.
  2. Hello, @linuxgurugamer can you adopt this mod?
  3. Existe uma forma de ocultar os botões no menu flutuante na construção?
  4. I'm very excited to say goodbye to Kraken! Thousand parts ships here we go!
  5. E aí Lisias, beleza! Mano, vc planeja dar suporte ao universal storage II? Acontece que quando vc carrega as naves ele reseta as quantidades dos combustíveis ou eletricidade.
  6. Lisias, você é brasileiro? Vi que fez a tradução do mod parking breaks. Fala aí mano! De onde é?
  7. Hello! I installed the beta verison, and solved the problem of part size misbehavior. Now the lauch button dont works anymore. When inside VAB, i click to launch but the game backs to KSC.
  8. Hello! When i increase the size of a MK2 Drone Core (with restock model) the price decreases .
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