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Everything posted by Sgt.Shutesie

  1. I don't know if you planned this already, but are you considering pathfinder. Seeing as how no one has made that probe.
  2. I know you aren't interested in having Apollo themed stuff, however. I don't think there is a KSP mod that has a Skylab. Which I think is right up your ally. *cough* Skylab needs a Saturn V *cough*
  3. It launched at the first opening of the 30 minute launch window with no hiccups. I don't know when it is set for arrival.
  4. What's in store for the next update Shadow? Excuse this post. IT was not meant for herr. I must have clicked someone's signature and was redirected.
  5. I know you are still in a paused dev, but when you return are you considering any of the following? V-22 Osprey type engines with 3 modes (Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal) Short Mk3 cargo ramp (C-130 style) C-130 type cockpit C-130 long wings.
  6. Are you considering making a Proton perhaps? I know Tantares has one, but I like the spin you put on your rocket textures.
  7. [quote name='RoketMan']Is it possible to add real plume support? I just think it would be cool to see these boosters with it. You don't have to implement it into the mod if you don't want to.[/QUOTE] There is currently real plume and real chute support. Just get the new update.
  8. Will you be changing the Orion decoupler to add the umbilical as well? Which would include making a small hole in the bottom of the LES.
  9. Someone said that they were making the hab in the stream like 3 weeks or so ago, any news on that.
  10. The shuttle skin is not ablative, that is a horrible option, because then every time you would need to replace the ablative material across the whole thing. It is highly heat resistant material that deflects 95% of heat and then absorbs the last 5% in the interior to protect the aluminum body. I saw a thing that showed all the different materials like what the white was, what the blacks tiles were, etc, but I can't find it.
  11. Well what does it matter? It's going into a part anyway, the mass will still be there. Perhaps we could ask for an official mod that adds those back if people really wanted them. I'm only going to see them in the SPH, so its not vital to my survival.
  12. Are you going to be tweaking/adding additional things to the parachute, for instance real chute. So you don't hit 15 gs when you open the parachutes.
  13. Another question, with the new "KS-25-X 'Vector'." Will they be changing the model on the Mammoth engine to have 4 of them? Or due to the fact that this is the 'X' version, the Mammoth will stay the same? Or perhaps just putting the engines in the 'corners' (There are no corners on circles, but you know what I mean), making it easier to place boosters that wont possibly collide with the engine, after separation.
  14. These are the Lack's Stock Extension, SXT, trucks. If that's the kind of answer you are looking for.
  15. It would have been really sweet if they released it today, on the 15th birthday of a crew on the ISS.
  16. Saw it, thought it was just worth sharing. It's space related, kinda.
  17. I think he is focusing on only the new proposed rockets and the ones being built. Although, he did make some shuttle parts.
  18. I feel like they should have gone the Kerbal way and shoved everyone in there.
  19. Nope, they are based off the SLS, that's why it matches with the Mammoth which is also based on the SLS. From my knowledge, NASA co-oped with Squad to make the ARM update. Which added the SLS based 3.75 tanks as well as the claw, etc.
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