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Everything posted by garwel

  1. The latest SVE has finally appeared on CKAN, but trying to update it causes an error message: The following inconsistencies were found: SVE-Scatterer-Config depends on StockVisualEnhancements but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP. * SVE-MediumResolution depends on StockVisualEnhancements but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP. * EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements depends on EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-Config but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP. Error! Looks like some of the required mods have wrong metadata. UPDATE: I fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling SVE and all its components (including EVE, Scatterer and their configs).
  2. Crescent Disaster Gene and Wernher sat at the biggest table in the KSC Administration Building, which happened to be in the cafeteria. Opposite them sat members of the Kerbal Investigation Commision on Undesired Deaths of Astronauts (KICUDA). "This was just the second manned flight and you already lost an astonaut", said the Commission head. "Tell us what happened to the Crescent mission. What was the plan?" "The goal was to have a kerbal fly by the Mun and return home. The death of Valentina was unplanned", admitted Gene. He looked upset. Kerbals generally take death lightly. They believe that the entire universe is just a computer game and even if you die, you will resurrect again in another playthrough. But losing an astronaut and a friend was still an unpleasant, perhaps even tragic event. "Ok, let's start from the beginning. How did the launch go?" asked one kerbal at the table. "The launch was nominal... Almost", Gene replied. He continued, "There were some issues with the first stage control and we could not recover the second stage as planned. It was traveling too fast and burned in the atmosphere." "We shouldn't have used these SRBs", interrupted Wernher. His voice was angry. "They are uncontrollable. I said it from the beginning, but I was told they were cheaper!" Gene ignored this comment and continued calmly. "The orbital ejection burn was a little late. Val couldn't take her eyes off Kerbin. We still reached Mun's SOI, but..." He abruptly stopped and looked at the cafeteria's fridge, full of snacks. Gene wanted one. Badly. "What was the problem?" asked the KICUDA head. "Um, yes. Sorry. The first problem was that Crescent arrived ahead of the Mun. We need to eject from Mun's sphere in its retrograde direction for the optimal return trajectory." "But couldn't you correct it?" "We tried. But it required a lot of fuel. And then, we made a navigational mistake." Gene stared at his fingers and tried not to think about snacks. "A mistake?" "Yes. When correcting the trajectory, the ship ended up outside Mun's SOI, but again on the wrong side of it. Her orbit was higher than the Mun's, not lower. Val then had to burn even more fuel to lower the periapsis to Kerbin's atmosphere." "What happened in the reentry?" "The velocity was too high and fuel level too low. Val burned all the fuel to slow the ship down, but was still traveling too fast." "Have you run tests?" "Yes, but only a launch simulation," replied Wernher. "We didn't run reentry sims at such high velocities. It was also considered too expensive." "So, did the ship burn up?" Gene responded after a pause. "It went into the atmosphere three times. In the first reentry it spent all the fuel and lost the last stage. Without propulsion, there was almost nothing Val could do. In the second contact, we lost the thermometer and the main antenna. In the third entry we lost the ship." "Why only the third time?" kept asking the commissioner. "At every reentry the craft lost some speed and some ablative shielding of the command pod. Unfortunately, ablating was happening quicker than decelerating," answered Wernher. "That's it", Gene shrugged. After a pause, a commissioner asked: "So, we'll never be able to come back from the Mun?" "Of course, we will!" shot back Wernher, sounding angry. "Progress cannot stop!" "We need a better ground navigational system," said Gene. "We started upgrading it even before that flight. There will be no manned missions to the Mun until it's finished." "And we'll do testing. More testing!" added Wernher. Gene nodded and added impatiently: "Can I have a snack now?" At this moment, all the kerbals at the table jumped up and rushed for the refrigerator.
  3. I know this, and I'm eagerly waiting for RT 2.0. I also don't mind extra challenges as long as they have a clear logic (such as realism, roleplaying, etc.). In this case, at least in the present state of the mod, you have no incentives to actually use its features (apart from having less "spaghetti", but it's purely an aesthetic one). In fact, you are punished for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing your mod. I see a lot of people here who are happy with it. I just suggest that you go beyond the bare concept of dividing vessels by channels and give some gameplay or roleplay incentives for using this mod's features.
  4. I haven't tried this mod yet, and I'm trying to figure out how I could make use of it. What are the tradeoffs (if any) of setting all my vessels to the same frequency? Or am I limited in any way to choose it? Otherwise why should I actually use different channels? It only increases chances of losing connection. So, my suggestion is to either enforce specific frequencies depending on antenna type or make their parameters vary as they do in real life. For instance, some frequencies may require more energy than the others, travel better in the atmosphere (i.e. have lower occlusion modifier), or there may be a limit to the number of simultaneous vessels on one frequency (which mean that it's too busy).
  5. Got an issue with the Kolonization Monitor: when I clicked it at KSC, there was an NRE and the game froze. The log
  6. Houston, we've got a situation here: A FLOOD! This is my KSC after returning from a flight (second time already). Should fix after a scene change. It's quite amusing, actually, as long as it doesn't happen too often.
  7. You need it if you want to replace the processor (with a more advanced one or if it was burned). Though I'd prefer to have a confirmation dialog or at least a more clear description of what it does.
  8. Just discovered this mod. Too bad it's not listed on CKAN, more people (including myself) would know about it.
  9. Maybe you accidentally ejected the processor (e.g. by pressing the Release button in the UI or something, I've done it myself in the past) and then it was marked as debris by KSP and destroyed?
  10. I always run the x64 version with the Steam dialog, no problems whatsoever.
  11. Foreword I couldn't wait for 1.3 and started a new game where I plan to reach and, hopefully, colonize the entire system. I'm playing a heavily modded (CKAN lists 113 mods) game on very hard difficulty: i.e. hard settings with some additional challenges. I use KCT, CommNet (and RT 2.0 for signal delay when it's out), life support, etc. I never quicksave or revert flights (except maybe if there was a kraken), so it's nearly as realistic as it gets without becoming too tedious. This is not one of the artsy and beautifully written fanfics with a rich story and carefully scripted drama. I enjoy reading those, but I'm too lazy (or let's call it busy) to make one myself. This is going to be just a sort of a glorified what-did-you-do-in-KSP-today thread, which may or may not coincidentally be an interesting reading. I may get bored of it at any moment, decide to start a new game again or anything. Anyway, without further ado... First Things ARGUS opened its doors on day 1 of what they called "the first year of space era". At the press conference, they revealed that the full name of the company was Argus Flying Things Corp.* Gene Kerman explained that this pretty simplistic name (and also slogan) was a necessity because words like "rocketry" or "spaceship" were yet to be invented. The new company's mission was to become the biggest and most successful space program on Kerbin. This was a great challenge, but the creativity of Argus' engineers and courageousness of its astronauts gave grounds for optimism as well as the fact that there were no other space programs on Kerbin. The first missions were very usual and even boring, with occasional fun moments when the rockets went bang. On day 117, Argus managed to launch the first satellite into low Kerbin orbit. A relay satellite was successfully launched some 80 days later. Then an argument arose between Wernher von Kerman and Jebediah Kerman about the nature of the next mission. Wenher wanted a fly-by of the Mun while Jebediah was eager to fly to space himself. After a heated discussion, several broken plates and an intervention of Gene Kerman, it was agreed to do both historical missions simultaneously. Still, the Mun mission was to be launched earlier. First, all the necessary technologies were already in place for it while the engineers were still developing a manned (or kerballed?) pod for Jeb. Second, it would take several weeks to build each craft and the prepare for launch. Mun Visitor, officially designated P004, launched without problems and entered the parking orbit while Argo (the manned ship) was still under construction. The Argo's launch was further delayed a day because the engineers had to fix an issue with its on-board computer systems. While they were working, Mun Visitor left the orbit and went toward the Mun. Finally, on day 232 of year 1, Mun Visitor reached the Mun, provided valuable scientific data and crashed into its surface. At the very same time, Jebediah climbed into the small command pod of Argo, waved his fellow kerbals goodbye and made a speech, apparently, about importance of space exploration or something (Jeb forgot to switch on the microphone and nobody heard what he said, but no one dared to ask). The Argo took off, but the launch was marred with issues. First, the antenna was torn off by the incoming wind. Then the rocket failed to make the correct gravitational turn because its only "Reliant" engine lacked a gimbal and command pod's controls were not strong enough to steer the craft. But Jeb's prowess and coolness allowed him to turn the rocket in the opposite, western instead of eastern, direction, drop the first stage and reach space. The mission control room burst in applause when Jeb reported, over the auxiliary radio transmitter, "Periapsis seven-two kilometers, orbit established, cutting engine". After one orbit, Jebediah was instructed to burn retrograde and lower periapsis to 55 km. The Argo reentered atmosphere and began burning. Something was apparently off because, even after expending all the fuel on the second stage the heat was excessive. Ship's external systems burned one after another: thermometer, the rump antenna, and the solar panel. Fortunately, the parachute and the capsule itself were much more heat-resistant and survived the reentry without a problem. The Argo's command pod opened its chute and slowly descended into the sea near the KSC. Jeb would later brag about his skillful navigation that put the ship "next door" to his living quarters, but the truth is, it was a pure coincidence. Thus ended the day 232 of year 1 of the Space Age. New discoveries await! * The rocket image was created by Freepik
  12. Interestingly, CKAN still lists SVE 1.1.6 as the most recent version. Something wrong with the .version file perhaps?
  13. Thanks! I guess I'll have to remember all this reflection stuff because I don't want to add a new dependency.
  14. @ShotgunNinja Is there a way to access Kerbalism's radiation data (as in getting radiation level at a kerbal's location) from another plugin?
  15. What is the reasoning, in UbM, for putting Stayputnik at the second-level node, after the more advanced OCTO? I would think that you should start with this most basic probe core with no real controls, for both historical and gameplay reasons, and then "learn" to actually steer the rocket. Besides, this is how it works at ETT and it feels right.
  16. There is a penalty of -0.5 HP/day (by default) for being in microgravity, i.e. in (sub)orbital flight or at <0.1 g. So landing on Duna will remove that factor. However, for long missions like that you will want to use a marginal health bonus provided by the Cupola or some MKS parts. You can read in mod's wiki more details about it, but the point is, this bonus allows you to have kerbals' health stabilize at a certain level (depending on the amount of that bonus, measured in %, their max HP, and existing health factors). Some users reported issues with that bonus in unloaded vessels, so it's best to make sure everything works as expected before sending that ship.
  17. I've just updated the pre-release version. It may or may not solve the issue with unloaded vessels (I haven't tested it enough yet). Find it here. UPD: Note that ModuleManager is not compatible with KSP 1.2.9 as of now, so you won't be able to use part modules (and it means no marginal health bonuses or multipliers for you) until it is updated.
  18. Does anyone know how to get SOI and altitude (or at least situation) of an unloaded kerbal? I have the name and the ProtoCrewMember object, but I can't access a corresponding Vessel object (it is destroyed when unloading the vessel/exiting the scene).
  19. Thank you. I have some ideas what can cause the bug and will fix it (if I can) in the next release. It will come out after KSP 1.3.
  20. The code looks technically correct. I'm eagerly waiting for your debug log, so that I can see what was happening inside. I understand you had 2 kerbals on the station, and how much capacity does it have?
  21. Thank you. I've logged these issues and will come back to them as soon as I resume development (i.e. after KSP 1.3 is out). Besides, in the station where you experience the negative spikes, do you have any parts with health modifiers? What are these? UPD: I looked at the log you gave and it looks like you didn't enable Debug Mode in Kerbal Health settings. Can you enable it, reproduce the error again and send me the log please? It will then have much more useful data and help find the bug sooner.
  22. Development is on hold right now until KSP 1.3 is released, but Kerbalism support is planned.
  23. Thanks. At first glance, I don't see anything outstanding here. The problem may be with the Health Monitor window displaying wrong data. I'll see if I can reproduce the error.
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