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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Nope. Mine aren't transparent on the beta build Speaking of the beta build and Apollo parachutes, @CobaltWolf, the parachute mounts don't disappear when the parachutes are fired when you have Apollo parachutes on White Paint instead of Bare Metal, IDK if it's been reported yet, though.
  2. I like this one the most. - Apollo 9 capsule - Jeb lying down in a Lunar Descent Engine - Propped up on a RL-10 - STS 110 tire Got a Bell X-1 1:1 scale model, Saturn 1B model, Apollo 9 CM, some scale models of rockets, Gemini 1:1 scale model, Mercury 1:1 scale model, RL-10, and the Apollo Lunar Descent Engine which Jeb is taking a nap in. Oh yeah, the SR-71 is the real thing.
  3. Awesome! I might make some ModuleManager configs for different sized ones because I love the Apollo gray.
  4. I really love the flat 2. to 1.875m, 1.5m, 1.25m, or 0.9375m adapter in the dev release. Is it possible to get versions of that for multiple sizes? Such as 1.5 to 1.25 and 0.9375 to 0.625.
  5. @Pak Progress looks absolutely amazing! I made my Saturn Shuttle a sane vehicle that works nicely, here are some pics! In the VAB On the pad at midday. Liftoff! Stage separation, sorry about the Skype notification. Roll went out of control and I had to abort. Flatspinning at 11 km. Safe splashdown!
  6. Of course I make a typo... I'll get to fixing that. EDIT: Fixed it.
  7. I have remade this in the correct format for this.
  8. I made an ugly space station. Docked my favorite spacecraft to it as well. I can't wait for Skylab so I can put that on this.
  9. I don't have Squad (saving up for a GTX 1070), but @ZooNamedGames has it. I got Counter-Strike: Source, Half Life 1: Source, and Left 4 Dead 1 for $5, so that's nice. +1 to this. Casual is horrible, it's terrifying, and for the love of God stay away from it. CS:S is much better if you want to do 'casual'. (pinging @TheSaint, and CS:CZ Deleted Scenes is also a good singleplayer game)
  10. Oh not much, just used something that may or may not go against all rules of sanity. You'll see why at the end. Left is @KasperVld Kerman (OK, in-game Kasper Kerman), and right is Jebediah Kerman. Bill, Bob, Val, and Kathdia Kerman are in the shuttle cockpit. Pretty shot during timewarp. Just the de-orbit burn. I didn't strand anyone! Just a little toasty! Oh hello there, KSC! Aww, undershot KSC. Still on the same continent, so that counts! Uhh.... And it doesn't look half bad! Now what's the payload capacity of this, I flew it empty... Guess it's just as useless as the real Shuttle!
  11. Ooh! I like this screenshot, it'd be awesome if you did it!
  12. And this is stopping him how? Oh yeah he also has a subreddit. r/CloudAero
  13. Shuttle. Only watched one launch and that was Atlantis's final one. Only really gotten into space as of last year.
  14. I think I burned the Battlefield 3 HUD into a TV because I played it so much. I don't know the exact TV but it was 720i resolution.
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