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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Yeah. I was on @akron's stream and him and @CobaltWolf know how much I hate Skylab currently. I tried to make Skylab with currently existing BDB parts and let's say it didn't work out well.
  2. Just messing around about you saying Linux was bad.
  3. I should be able to be at the launch. If you're under 18 don't think you can show your real face on the forums, so I'd change it back.
  4. How about we simply not argue? It really doesn't matter whatsoever.
  5. Well, if they're in Russia the Counter Strike would help.
  6. Welcome to the Rep Grand Group!

    1. Kerbinchaser


      Same from me. Congrats!

  7. I also found some ancient Skylab orthographic drawings earlier today. Had an Apollo Block 3 prototype sketched as well. Here it is.
  8. Ah, OK. haven't watched any of their recent stuff.
  9. Yeah, that's lots of micromanaging. ARMA is more realistic in that aspect of your sergeants/platoon leaders/etc being competent.
  10. Implying real combat has no micromanaging. "where'd that rail lock for my carry handle go?" "batteries? Oops, forgot those, now my sight is useless" "oh, forgot my MRE heater bag, guess I'm not eating!"
  11. Ah, I remember ElementAnimation. That's what your referencing, right? Testificate News?
  12. Awesome! Can't wait to try it!
  13. Lemme test this edit: KER ORBIT Nothing weird happening for me. On mobile, though.
  14. Awesome! Congrats to everyone who got TOTM!
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