I'd donate but am saving up for a PC rebuild. Is your RAM DDR3 or 4? If it's 3 I can send you 8GB later this year, one of my friends is buying my soon-to-be-replaced mobo and processor, but not my RAM.
My brother got it, he likes it. I watched Robbaz's first video on it, looks funny but don't have money right now.
Well, I have more important things to buy. Like new computer parts.
No roleplaying, that's our one rule (besides keeping it SFW).
By the way my house is the little thing to the right of @YoetoJoe's house. Oak planks and logs.
I know. @SparkyFox said in the Discord that we will reset the server in a while. I think we'll do a full reset with a "1.0" of the server with a premade spawn and such, with plugins.