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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Apocalypse isn't happening. If it was truly the end, nothing would be normal. Which would mean I would talk to people. I don't.
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/legoclone09
  3. I got bored and made something. The best part is that it works.
  4. It's part of the joke, that's from r/photoshopbattles. My clipboard is empty.
  5. Wow. I have a fuel tank (1.875m, 6m long) that has 1k tris. I need to be more efficient.
  6. Congratulations everyone!
  7. Will 1.11 have Andesite stairs and slabs and such? I've been waiting for that for so long.
  8. 7/10 Don't see you much, but hello!
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